Council - Thursday, 22nd June, 2017 7.00 pm - Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Farnborough

Contact: Jill Shuttleworth, Democratic Services Manager  01252 398822

No. Item


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 222 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held on 23rd May, 2017 (copy Minutes attached).


It was MOVED by Cr. Barbara Hurst; SECONDED by Cr. G.B. Lyon and


            RESOLVED:  That, the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council         held on 23rd May, 2017 (copy having been circulated previously) be         taken as read, approved and signed as a correct record of the            proceedings.





(1)          The Mayor invited Honorary Alderman Mr. Colin Balchin, J.P. to step forward to present to the Council four framed photographs of streets in Aldershot which had been taken over 100 years ago.


(2)          The Mayor advised Members that the first event she had attended as Mayor had been at the invitation of the Buddhist Community Centre UK.  This had been a “Life Long Empowerment: and “Dharma Talk Programme” on 27th May in the presence of His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa Ogyen Tinley Dorje – the spiritual leader of the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.


(3)          On 28th May the Mayor and Mayoress had attended the annual Gurkha Cup football tournament at the sports ground on Queen’s Avenue.  The Mayor advised Members that the Tamu Dhee Association UK had presented her with a cheque for £500 for the Mayor’s charities.


(4)          The Mayor reported that she had attended the annual Farnborough Donkey Derby on 29th May, which had been organised by local Rotarians at King George V playing fields.  The event had been well supported and had raised a considerable amount of money for local charities.


(5)          The Mayor had had the honour of attending a Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace on 1st June and had been accompanied by her sister, Zoona, and the Leader of the Council and his partner, Liz Stovell.


(6)          On 3rd June, the Mayor advised Members that she had attended the Rushmoor ‘Get Involved’ Fair in Union Street, Aldershot.  This was an event which had been supported by 31 voluntary organisations and had been organised to give local people the opportunity to find out what these local charities, community groups and clubs did.  The other purpose of the event was to show people how they could get involved in volunteering and support local organisations who played an important part in the local community.  The event had been a great success.


(7)          The Mayor stated that she had been proud to attend the Victoria Day event in Aldershot town centre on 10th June.  More than 500 people from community groups, schools and businesses had taken part in the grand parade.  The Mayor thanked those at the Council who had organised the event with the help of the Aldershot Community Together group which comprised volunteers and residents who all helped to make the event a very successful one. 


(8)          The Mayor had attended a Kids Out event on 14th June which had been held at the Army Rugby Club in Aldershot.   Rotary volunteers from Rushmoor and surrounding areas had made the day a great success for over 500 local disabled and disadvantaged children.   The Mayor said that it had been a privilege to be at the event and to be able to witness so many caring people bringing fun and happiness into the lives of disabled and disadvantaged children from the area.


(9)          On 18th June, the Mayor had had the honour of attending a memorable drumhead service at the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.



The Mayor to present the Rushmoor Community Award 2017 to Mr. Michael Mills and Mrs. Caroline Mills in recognition of their contribution to the community and involvement in Scouting, the Aldershot Branch of the Royal British Legion and the Aldershot Branch of the Royal Navy Association.


The Rushmoor Community Award recognised local people who had in some way made a significant contribution to the community.  The Mayor reported that, in 2017, the Council had agreed to present the Award to two people: Mr. Mick Mills and Mrs. Caroline Mills in recognition of their significant and admirable fundraising and volunteering activities over many years.


The Mayor advised Members that both Mr. and Mrs. Mills had given an incredible amount of time to the community over recent years.  Their roles in Scouting had seen them: running weekly meetings for Cubs; organising summer camps and weekend camps for the Cubs; and being involved with District Scouting events such as Cubs 100 Camp.  Mr. and Mrs. Mills also organised and ran fundraising events for the Scout Group which raised over £2,000 per year, which was vital to the running of the Scout Group.  It was considered that, without the efforts of Mick and Caroline the 2nd Aldershot Scout Group would not be as successful as it was.


Mr. and Mrs. Mills were also very much involved with the Aldershot Branch of the Royal British Legion; Mick was the Secretary of the Branch and Caroline was the Poppy Appeal Organiser for Aldershot.  Since becoming Poppy Appeal Organiser for Aldershot, Caroline had increased the amount raised each year with the assistance of a team of volunteers and the full support of Mick.   Over £221,000 had been raised since she had taken over the role of Poppy Appeal Organiser.


Caroline and Mick also organised bi-monthly coffee mornings for the members of the Aldershot Branch, giving them the opportunity to meet up as well as a weekend away for the members during the year.   Mick and Caroline were also key members of the committee that arranged the Service of Remembrance in the Municipal Gardens in Aldershot.  This was a very well attended service attended by all sectors of the community, including war veterans and local youth organisations as well as representatives of all areas of the local community.  Attendance at this event had grown considerably over recent years.  Mick had also built links with Aldershot Town Football Club with whom he had arranged a number of events around the Poppy Appeal, including standard bearers being on the pitch to mark two minutes’ silence.


Mick and Caroline were also involved in organising social fundraising events for the Royal Naval Association.   Mick had also been a school governor and Caroline had been involved with the Parents’ and Teachers’ Association at Newport School (now Alderwood School).


It was evident that Mick and Caroline supported all areas of the local community – young, old and in-between.  They were both very generous with their time and help, not only with raising vitally important funds for local charities, but also in passing on their skills and knowledge to the youngsters and adults alike, which would help to provide a brighter future for Rushmoor.  They were able to engage with all areas of the local community and it was felt that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.



To receive any questions by Members submitted in pursuance of Standing Order 8 (3).


The Mayor reported that two questions had been submitted in pursuance of Standing Order 8(3).


The first question had been submitted by Cr. J. Canty and related to what reassurance could be given to residents of the actions being taken by the Council to ensure the safety and integrity of multi-storey buildings across the Borough and what steps would be taken to maintain the highest standards of fire protection in those buildings following the recent tragedy at Grenfell House in London.


In response, the Health and Housing Portfolio Holder (Cr. Barbara Hurst) stated that, since the tragic events the previous week, she had been working with officers to ensure that the Council’s response was effective, timely and sensitive to the situation.  The Council had responded proactively and in response to instructions from the Department of Communities and Local Government to ensure that multi-storey buildings met the necessary standards of health and safety.  The Council’s focus so far had been on residential blocks to ensure regulatory safety standards were adhered to and the Council was working with Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service, the Homes and Communities Agency, registered providers of social housing and Hampshire County Council.


On 14th June, officers had taken immediate action to contact each registered provider operating in the Borough, requesting details of their flatted developments and copies of fire risk assessments.  The Council had received a positive response to that request and registered providers had confirmed that they had taken action to ensure their properties and residents were safe.  The Council had compiled a database to record responses.


On 19th June, officers had submitted the formal response required by the Department of Communities and Local Government, providing details of all blocks of flats in excess of six storeys or 18 metres high.  The Council had identified five blocks that matched the definition and had arranged joint inspections with the landlord and the Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service.  Fire safety inspection, advice and guidance fell within the remit of the Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service and it was guiding the Council in respect of its role and any action it might need to take.  The Council would be carrying out joint risk assessments on all four and five storey flatted developments. 


In addition, the Homes and Communities Agency had advised the Council that it had written to all registered providers to remind them of the obligation to comply with part 1.2b of the Regulators Home Standard (Health and Safety).  This was a follow-up to the Department of Communities and Local Government instruction and had insisted on an immediate email response on any potential non-compliance. 


Cr. Hurst also advised that Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service was working with all high-rise building owners and landlords to ensure all of these structures were inspected and that residents felt safe in their homes.   Cr. Hurst had been working with officers to ensure that the Council could provide all the support and advice it could.  The Council recognised that it needed to maintain  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.



To receive a Report (copy attached – Annex 1), with proposals to vary the 2017/18 Capital Programme to reflect two projects that have been agreed by the Cabinet. The Leader of the Council (Cllr. D.E. Clifford) will introduce this item.


The Leader of the Council (Cr. D.E. Clifford) introduced the Report of the Cabinet, which recommended the approval of a variation of £1.8 million to the 2017/18 Budget. 


It was MOVED by Cr. D.E. Clifford; SECONDED by Cr. P.G. Taylor – that approval be given to the variation of £1.8 million to the 2017/18 Budget.. 


There voted FOR: 21; AGAINST: 0 the Recommendation was DECLARED CARRIED. 



To receive any questions by Members to Cabinet Members submitted in accordance with the Procedure Note.


The Mayor reported that five questions had been submitted for response by the Cabinet.


(1)          Cr. M.J. Roberts asked a question of the Health and Housing Portfolio Holder regarding the Council’s initial assessment of the need for additional fire prevention measures for blocks of four storeys and over in the Borough.


In response, Cr. Hurst stated that joint inspections had been carried out on two out of the four blocks of flats which had been identified as high risk under the definition provided by the Department of Communities and Local Government (i.e. blocks of flats in excess of five storeys or 18 metres).  The remaining had been scheduled for the following week.  The Council had decided that all four and five storey residential blocks would be prioritised, using the risk assessment information provided by the Borough’s registered providers.  Programmed inspections would be made, the timing of which was dependent on the workload of the fire authority.


Fire safety inspection, advice and education fell within the remit of the Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service and the Council would be guided by them in respect of the Council’s role.  It exemplified the strength of the Council’s partnership with the Service and the good track record of the joint response to issues.


(2)          Cr. A.H. Crawford asked a question of the Health and Housing Portfolio Holder regarding the results of fire risk assessments and any recommendations of Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service with respect to the blocks of offices which had been converted to residential flats in the Borough and how this information was being communicated to residents concerned, such as at Alexander House and Stafford House in Station Road, Aldershot.


In response, Cr. Hurst confirmed that fire risk assessments had been carried out at both Alexander House and Stafford House in April 2017.  The landlord, Accent Housing, had provided copies of these to the Council.  Whilst the risks identified in those inspections had been minimal, officers (including housing and building control officers), the fire officer and a representative of the Accent Group had carried out a joint inspection earlier that day.


Cr. Hurst reported that both the buildings were safe and did not pose any immediate fire risk to residents and this had been confirmed by Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service.  There were some minor issues around fire safety signage and this was being addressed.


Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service had advised the Leader of the Council that Rushmoor had been the first local authority in Hampshire to request a joint inspection.  The Service had been impressed with the speed with which Rushmoor had initiated and responded to the request to carry out these assessments.


In response to a supplementary question about advising residents, Cr. Hurst confirmed that when the report was published, it would be communicated to the residents of the buildings concerned.


(3)          Cr. Jennifer Evans asked a question of the Health and Housing Portfolio Holder regarding when the next emergency planning exercise would be carried out in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.



To receive and ask questions on the Reports of the following Meetings (copy reports attached):



2nd May, 2017


30th May, 2017






Development Management

26th, April 2017

Development Management

24th May, 2017

Licensing and General Purposes

25th May, 2017





(1)         Cabinet


It was MOVED by Cr. D.E. Clifford; SECONDED by Cr. M.J. Tennant and


RESOLVED: That the Reports of the Meetings of the Cabinet held on 2nd and 30th May, 2017 be received.


(2)         Development Management Committee


It was MOVED by Cr. B.A. Thomas; SECONDED by Cr. J.H. Marsh and


RESOLVED: That the Reports of the Meetings of the Development Management Committee held on 26th April and 24th May, 2017 be received.


(3)          Licensing and General Purposes Committee


   It was MOVED by Cr. A. Jackman; SECONDED by Cr. J.E. Woolley  and


RESOLVED: That the Report of the Meeting of the Licensing and General Purposes Committee held on 25th May, be received.



To note the Reports of the following meetings of the Policy and Review Panels (copy reports attached):



6th April, 2017

Borough Services

10th April, 2017


11th April 2017

Leisure and Youth

5th June, 2017


6th June, 2017



RESOLVED: That the Reports of the undermentioned meetings of the Policy and Review Panels be received:










6th April, 2017



Borough Services


10th April, 2017





11th April, 2017



Leisure and Youth


5th June, 2017






6th June, 2017