Agenda item


The Mayor to present the Rushmoor Community Award 2017 to Mr. Michael Mills and Mrs. Caroline Mills in recognition of their contribution to the community and involvement in Scouting, the Aldershot Branch of the Royal British Legion and the Aldershot Branch of the Royal Navy Association.


The Rushmoor Community Award recognised local people who had in some way made a significant contribution to the community.  The Mayor reported that, in 2017, the Council had agreed to present the Award to two people: Mr. Mick Mills and Mrs. Caroline Mills in recognition of their significant and admirable fundraising and volunteering activities over many years.


The Mayor advised Members that both Mr. and Mrs. Mills had given an incredible amount of time to the community over recent years.  Their roles in Scouting had seen them: running weekly meetings for Cubs; organising summer camps and weekend camps for the Cubs; and being involved with District Scouting events such as Cubs 100 Camp.  Mr. and Mrs. Mills also organised and ran fundraising events for the Scout Group which raised over £2,000 per year, which was vital to the running of the Scout Group.  It was considered that, without the efforts of Mick and Caroline the 2nd Aldershot Scout Group would not be as successful as it was.


Mr. and Mrs. Mills were also very much involved with the Aldershot Branch of the Royal British Legion; Mick was the Secretary of the Branch and Caroline was the Poppy Appeal Organiser for Aldershot.  Since becoming Poppy Appeal Organiser for Aldershot, Caroline had increased the amount raised each year with the assistance of a team of volunteers and the full support of Mick.   Over £221,000 had been raised since she had taken over the role of Poppy Appeal Organiser.


Caroline and Mick also organised bi-monthly coffee mornings for the members of the Aldershot Branch, giving them the opportunity to meet up as well as a weekend away for the members during the year.   Mick and Caroline were also key members of the committee that arranged the Service of Remembrance in the Municipal Gardens in Aldershot.  This was a very well attended service attended by all sectors of the community, including war veterans and local youth organisations as well as representatives of all areas of the local community.  Attendance at this event had grown considerably over recent years.  Mick had also built links with Aldershot Town Football Club with whom he had arranged a number of events around the Poppy Appeal, including standard bearers being on the pitch to mark two minutes’ silence.


Mick and Caroline were also involved in organising social fundraising events for the Royal Naval Association.   Mick had also been a school governor and Caroline had been involved with the Parents’ and Teachers’ Association at Newport School (now Alderwood School).


It was evident that Mick and Caroline supported all areas of the local community – young, old and in-between.  They were both very generous with their time and help, not only with raising vitally important funds for local charities, but also in passing on their skills and knowledge to the youngsters and adults alike, which would help to provide a brighter future for Rushmoor.  They were able to engage with all areas of the local community and it was felt that they were a huge asset to the Borough and very worthy winners of the Rushmoor Community Award for 2017.


The Mayor then presented Mr. and Mrs. Mills with their Awards and certificates.    In thanking the Council for the Awards, Mr. Mills said that it was nice to be recognised for the volunteer work and awards like this were very motivational to those who gave up their time for others.  However, as was taught to the pair of them during their time in the Royal Navy, it was teamwork that enabled major tasks to be achieved effectively.  He paid tribute to the wonderful teams of people who worked with them on the charity work.  All the Scout leaders in the 2nd Aldershot Scout Group and across the District worked as a team to give children an opportunity to experience adventurous activities as well as helping to make them good citizens for the future. 


Within the Royal Naval Association and the Royal British Legion, the committees worked tirelessly to ensure members and their friends were able to meet up for trips, coffee mornings or nights out.  They were also there for their welfare and to help them where necessary.  By far the biggest team was the Poppy Appeal collectors in Aldershot.  Mr. Mills paid tribute to their dedication and service.   Increasing the total amount raised each year from £17,000 to £45,000 in five years and winning a County  Poppy Award on the way was a great achievement by the team. 


Mr. Mills thanked the Council for its support of the Royal British Legion, Royal Naval Association and 2nd Aldershot Scout Group.   He felt that volunteering was very rewarding.  Although it was hard work, time consuming and often stressful, he felt that there were many memorable and fun-filled moments along the way. He thanked their family for their continuing support of their voluntary work.   Mr. and Mrs. Mills thanked the Council for the Awards and accepted the Awards on behalf of the community teams that they represented.