Agenda item



(1)          The Mayor invited Honorary Alderman Mr. Colin Balchin, J.P. to step forward to present to the Council four framed photographs of streets in Aldershot which had been taken over 100 years ago.


(2)          The Mayor advised Members that the first event she had attended as Mayor had been at the invitation of the Buddhist Community Centre UK.  This had been a “Life Long Empowerment: and “Dharma Talk Programme” on 27th May in the presence of His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa Ogyen Tinley Dorje – the spiritual leader of the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.


(3)          On 28th May the Mayor and Mayoress had attended the annual Gurkha Cup football tournament at the sports ground on Queen’s Avenue.  The Mayor advised Members that the Tamu Dhee Association UK had presented her with a cheque for £500 for the Mayor’s charities.


(4)          The Mayor reported that she had attended the annual Farnborough Donkey Derby on 29th May, which had been organised by local Rotarians at King George V playing fields.  The event had been well supported and had raised a considerable amount of money for local charities.


(5)          The Mayor had had the honour of attending a Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace on 1st June and had been accompanied by her sister, Zoona, and the Leader of the Council and his partner, Liz Stovell.


(6)          On 3rd June, the Mayor advised Members that she had attended the Rushmoor ‘Get Involved’ Fair in Union Street, Aldershot.  This was an event which had been supported by 31 voluntary organisations and had been organised to give local people the opportunity to find out what these local charities, community groups and clubs did.  The other purpose of the event was to show people how they could get involved in volunteering and support local organisations who played an important part in the local community.  The event had been a great success.


(7)          The Mayor stated that she had been proud to attend the Victoria Day event in Aldershot town centre on 10th June.  More than 500 people from community groups, schools and businesses had taken part in the grand parade.  The Mayor thanked those at the Council who had organised the event with the help of the Aldershot Community Together group which comprised volunteers and residents who all helped to make the event a very successful one. 


(8)          The Mayor had attended a Kids Out event on 14th June which had been held at the Army Rugby Club in Aldershot.   Rotary volunteers from Rushmoor and surrounding areas had made the day a great success for over 500 local disabled and disadvantaged children.   The Mayor said that it had been a privilege to be at the event and to be able to witness so many caring people bringing fun and happiness into the lives of disabled and disadvantaged children from the area.


(9)          On 18th June, the Mayor had had the honour of attending a memorable drumhead service at the Aldershot Military Cemetery to mark the 35th anniversary of the Falkland Islands conflict.  The service had been attended by hundreds of veterans from Aldershot’s former Parachute Regiments.  Following the service, the commemoration had moved to Aldershot town centre where the Mayor had been proud to be part of the saluting party outside Princes Hall, when serving soldiers representing 16 Air Assault Brigade, plus hundreds of veterans, had taken part in a march through the town centre.


(10)       On 19th June, the Armed Forces Day flag had been raised in Princes Gardens, Aldershot.  The Mayor had been joined by the Deputy Lieutenant of Hampshire, the Mayor’s Chaplain, civic guests, members of the public, representatives of the Royal British Legion, Military and the Fire and Rescue Service.  The Armed Forces Day flag would be flown until the end of Armed Forces Day on 24th June. 


(11)       The Mayor reported that the grand opening of a new restaurant in Farnborough – Sticky Sisters – had taken place on 13th June which had been attended by the Deputy Mayor.   The company had presented the Deputy Mayor with a cheque for £500 for the Mayor’s Charities.


(12)       The Mayor advised Members that a few events were being organised over the coming months in aid of her charities.  On 3rd September a charity cycle ride would be held, organised by Naya Yuva and the Rushmoor Cycle Forum.  On 15th September the Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament would be held.  Details about both events would be sent out shortly.