Committee or panel details

Corporate Governance, Audit and Standards Committee

Purpose of committee

When carrying out Corporate Governance and Audit functions, the purpose of the Committee is to provide independent assurance of the adequacy of the risk management framework and the associated control environment, independent scrutiny of the Council’s financial and non-financial performance to the extent that it affects the Council’s exposure to risk and weakens the control environment, and to oversee the financial reporting process.


Responsibilities related to Governance Risk and Control:


·         To review and give approval to the Annual Governance Statement and whether it properly reflects the risk environment and supporting assurances

·         To approve the Council’s arrangements to secure value for money and review assurances and assessments on the effectiveness of these arrangements

·         To monitor risk management in the Council and progress in addressing risk-related issues reported to the Committee

·         To review the assessment of fraud risks and potential harm to the Council from fraud and corruption

·         To review the governance and assurance arrangements for significant partnerships or collaborations


Responsibilities related to Internal and External Audit:


·         To review, and approve significant changes to, the internal Audit Plan including resource requirements

·         To consider internal audit update reports during the year, and annual internal audit reports including the opinion on the overall adequacy and effectiveness of the Council’s framework of governance, risk management and control

·         To consider the external auditor’s Annual Audit Letter and other relevant reports

·         To ensure external audit work provides value for money


Financial Reporting Responsibilities:


To approve the annual Statement of Accounts, following the provision of an Independent external Audit Opinion.

Responsibilities for Licensing and General Powers:


·         Responsibility for the licensing functions of the Council (most decisions are dealt with under delegation arrangements. Licensing hearings are held as needed)

·         Appointments to Outside Bodies

·         Recommendations to the Council on changes to Standing Orders, honorary titles, the community award and electoral matters


Responsibilities for Standards and Members Conduct:


·         To monitor the operation of the Councillors Code of Conduct

·         To advise the Council on the adoption or revision of the Councillors Code of Conduct

·         Matters related to arrangements for dealing with complaints about Members, and to recommend the appointment of an ‘Independent Person’ to the Council

·         To grant dispensations to councillors from requirements relating to interests as set out in the Code of Conduct.


Contact information

Support officer: Committee Administrator, Adele Taylor. Tel. (01252 398831) or email