Cabinet - Wednesday, 28th July, 2021 7.00 pm - Agenda and minutes

Venue: Concorde Room/Council Chamber

Contact: Chris Todd, Democracy and Community  on 01252 398825 or e-mail:

No. Item



Under the Council’s Code of Conduct for Councillors, all Members are required to disclose relevant Interests in any matter to be considered at the meeting.  Where the matter directly relates to a Member’s Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Registrable Interest, that Member must not participate in any discussion or vote on the matter and must not remain in the room unless they have been granted a dispensation (see note below). If the matter directly relates to ‘Non-Registrable Interests’, the Member’s participation in the meeting will depend on the nature of the matter and whether it directly relates or affects their financial interest or well-being or that of a relative, friend  or close associate, applying the tests set out in the Code.



On 27th May, 2021, the Council’s Corporate Governance, Audit and Standards Committee granted dispensations to Members appointed by the Council to the Board of the Rushmoor Development Partnership and as Directors of Rushmoor Homes Limited.


Having regard to the Members’ Code of Conduct, no declarations of interest were made.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 201 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 6th July, 2021 (copy attached).


The Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 6th July, 2021 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.



To consider Report No. RP2106 (copy attached), which sets out the next steps in respect of the Union Yard scheme.

Presented By: Cllr Martin Tennant, Major Projects and Property Portfolio Holder

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered Report No. RP2106, which set out the further due diligence and financial modelling in relation to the Union Yard scheme since the report to the Cabinet in April, 2021.


The Report was presented by Cllr M.J. Tennant, Major Projects and Property Portfolio Holder. Members were informed that the Union Yard scheme had taken a number of years and significant work to progress to this stage including complex land assembly issues. He advised that, in line with the decisions taken by Cabinet in April 2021, further due diligence had now been completed and that the purpose of the report now before Cabinet was to enable the construction of the scheme. Section 3 of the Report set out the reasons why it was considered that Hill Partnerships Limited was best placed to deliver this contract. The Report also set out information in relation to construction costs, the future sale or lease arrangements with Rushmoor Homes Limited, the future lease arrangements with registered providers, the options for the management and letting of the student accommodation and the procurement and contract arrangements in respect of the construction and development of the scheme.


The Cabinet then considered the matters in the Exempt Appendices A, B and E of the Report. During this discussion, the public were excluded from the meeting to avoid the disclosure of exempt information within Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act, 1972 (information relating to financial or business affairs). The fixed price construction cost had been received and was reported to the Cabinet. The price was within the budget parameters set out in Exempt Appendix E and the Council would be advised of the required variation to the Capital programme at their meeting on 29th July, 2021.


In discussing the proposals, Members expressed strong support for the suggested approach for the delivery of the regeneration scheme in Aldershot town centre. The Cabinet discussed extensively whether to introduce the further measures to enhance the Council’s performance in relation to energy and sustainability, as set out within Section 4 of the Report, but it was felt that these did not represent good value when measured against the payback period and predicted improvement in environmental performance.


The Cabinet


(i)           RESOLVED


(a)          that the outcomes of the further due diligence, as set out in Report No. RP2106 and in the reports by Grant Thornton UK LLP and Lambert Smith Hampton Investment Management, in respect of development viability and financial modelling, be noted;


(b)          to proceed with the Union Yard scheme, on the basis of a fixed price contract with the project budget, as set out in the Restricted Minute appended;


(c)          to enter into a contract with Hill Partnerships Limited, by means of a Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT) Design and Build contract, for the delivery of the scheme;


(d)          that the additional energy efficiency improvements, as set out in the Report, not be progressed;


(e)          that a Union Yard Project Board ne established for the next stage of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 19.