Council - Thursday, 5th October, 2023 7.20 pm - Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Farnborough

Contact: Corporate Manager - Democracy  Email:

No. Item


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 129 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 6th July, 2023 (copy attached).


It was MOVED by Cllr M.L. Sheehan; SECONDED by Cllr P.G. Taylor and


RESOLVED:  That, subject to an amendment to Minute No. 14, in respect of the numbers of votes cast (amended copy circulated at the meeting), the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 6th July 2023 be taken as read, approved and signed as correct record.





(1)      The Mayor reported that events he had attended since the last meeting of the Council included:


·                Blackwater Valley District Scouts AGM on 20th July

·                Royal Garrison Church of All Saints 160th birthday celebrations on 30th July

·                Bula Festival on 4th August

·                Merchant Navy Day Flag Raising Ceremony at the Council Offices on 3rd September

·                Service of Commemoration of the 83rd anniversary of the Battle of Britain on 17th September

·                Rushmoor Community in Bloom Prize Evening on 18th September

·                Green Flag Raising Ceremony at Wellington Woodland on 27th September; and

·                Opening of Aldershot Enterprise Centre on 29th September.


(2)      The Mayor reported that a Quiz Night had been held in aid of his charities on 29th September and that Ian Harrison, Executive Director, had been the Quizmaster.  The Mayor was pleased to report that £430 had been raised and thanked all who had attended and supported the fundraising event.


(3)      On behalf of the Council, the Mayor congratulated Paul Shackley, Chief Executive, and his partner Jo, who had married on 16th September in the Lake District.




To receive any questions by Members submitted in pursuance of Standing Order 8 (3).


The Mayor reported that no urgent questions had been submitted under Standing Order 8.




To consider the following Notice of Motion, which has been submitted by Cllr A. Adeola pursuant to Standing Order 9 (1):


“The Council is committed to all residents and would like to ensure that the views of our young people are heard. They are often the most underrepresented in terms of the formal consultation processes that we use. Building on the existing Rushmoor Youth Influence, Council is asked to support the development of a wider youth network to facilitate engagement both in terms of day-to-day services that we provide and particularly on the many major projects that are planned in the near future.”  


The Council was asked to consider a Motion which had been submitted by Cllr A. Adeola in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order 9 (1):


“The Council is committed to all residents and would like to ensure that the views of our young people are heard.  They are often the most underrepresented in terms of the formal consultation process that we use.  Building on the existing Rushmoor Youth Influence, the Council is asked to support the development of a wider youth network to facilitate engagement both in terms of day-to-day services that we provide and particularly on the many major projects that are planned in the near future.”


In moving the Motion, Cllr Adeola stated that he was proposing a Youth Network, a partnership with young people to explore their ideas and optimism for the Borough, which would deliver benefits now and in the future.  He urged all Members to support such an intergenerational partnership.  


In seconding the Motion, Cllr J. Belbase paid tribute to the work of Cllr Sue Carter in respect of her youth coaching and the Rushmoor Youth Influence initiative.  Cllr Belbase acknowledged the many ways in which the Borough’s young people were already acting as partners across Rushmoor (eg Army, Air and Sea Cadet groups) and the young people who volunteered and led at various sports, leisure and community groups (eg Naya Yuva – a young people’s organisation in the Nepali community).  He was of the opinion that, with examples like these already involved in the life of the Borough, the proposal to establish a youth network partnership would succeed. 


During discussion, it was MOVED by Cllr Abe Allen and SECONDED by Cllr Sophie Porter – That the Motion be amended by adding the following wording at the end of the Motion:


“There are many models for community engagement, and young people should be empowered to choose the best system for co-production.  This Council agrees that younger people who attend Rushmoor Youth Influence are consulted on the various engagement models and that they agree on the types of schools and youth groups that we engage with as part of this initiative – with a report to Cabinet following their decision.”


Cllr Allen felt that, by adding this wording, the Borough’s young people would be empowered to actively take part in decision making processes, ensuring their perspectives were considered and their voices were not only heard, but also integrated into the Council’s policies and projects.  He was of the opinion that amending the Motion in this way would send a clear message that the Council trusted and valued its young people as stakeholders in the community and thereby strengthening the sense of belonging and civic responsibility among the youth of the Borough.


During discussion on the Amendment, the view was expressed that it was important to recognise that young people engaged in different ways and a partnership network would need to be able to reflect that and also engage the hard to reach groups  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22.



To consider the recommendations of the Cabinet in relation to the following items:

Additional documents:


(1)      Variation to the Capital Programme – Local Authority Housing Fund, Round 2


Cllr M.J. Tennant, Deputy Leader and Major Projects and Property Portfolio Holder, introduced the Report of the Cabinet meeting held on 8th August 2023, which set out proposals for matched funding and governance arrangements in relation to the second round of the Local Authority Housing Fund.


It was MOVED by Cllr M.J. Tennant and SECONDED by Cllr D.E. Clifford – That approval be given to a variation to the Capital Programme to incorporate both Rounds 1 and 2 of the Local Authority Housing Fund in the sum of £2,883,089, with £1,298,374 funded from Local Authority Housing Fund grant and £1,584,715 from a combination matched funding resources, as set out in Paragraph 2.4 of the Report.


There voted FOR: 33: ABSTAINED: 0: AGAINST: 0 and the Recommendations were DECLARED CARRIED.


(2)      Variation to the Capital Programme – Aldershot Crematorium Refurbishment


Cllr M.L. Sheehan, Deputy Leader and Operations Portfolio Holder, introduced the Report of the Cabinet meeting held on 12th September 2023, which set out details of a request to approve capital funding to progress the full refurbishment of the Aldershot Crematorium through to development.


It was MOVED by Cllr M.L. Sheehan and SECONDED by Cllr D.E. Clifford – That approval be given to an additional capital allocation of £1.152 million for the crematorium development project, over and above the £3.574 million already agreed as part of the existing Capital Programme.


There voted FOR: 33: ABSTAINED: 0: AGAINST: 0 and the Recommendations were DECLARED CARRIED.


(3)      Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategy 2023 – 2027


Cllr Gareth Lyon, Planning and Economy Portfolio Holder, introduced the Report of the Cabinet meeting held on 12th September 2023, which set out the Council’s strategic approach to housing and homelessness prevention.


It was MOVED by Cllr G.B. Lyon and SECONDED by Cllr M.L. Sheehan – That approval be given to the Rushmoor Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategy 2023-2027.


There voted FOR: 22: ABSTAINED: 1: AGAINST: 11 and the Recommendations were DECLARED CARRIED.




To receive any questions by Members to Cabinet Members submitted in accordance with the Procedure Note.


(1)      Cllr N. Thapa had submitted a question for response by the Operational Services Portfolio Holder (Cllr M.L. Sheehan) in respect of disregarding certain Army pension payments when calculating Disabled Facilities Grants for veterans.


          In response, Cllr Sheehan stated that a written response would be provided.


(2)      Cllr Jacqui Vosper had submitted a question for response by the Leader of the Council (Cllr D.E. Clifford) in respect of the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ).


          In response, Cllr Clifford stated that Rushmoor would do all it could to make sure that ULEZ was not introduced in the Borough, if Hampshire County Council was ever to consider this issue.


(3)      Cllr Jules Crossley had submitted a question for response by the Major Projects and Property Portfolio Holder (Cllr M.J. Tennant) in respect of Action 1 of the Climate Change Action Plan – to transition electricity across the Council’s sites to 100% renewable tariffs.


          In response, Cllr Tennant stated that the Council was examining all options on value for money renewable energy to reduce the Council’s carbon footprint.  A target date for this had been set as September 2024.


(4)      Cllr Gareth Williams had submitted a question for the Operational Services Portfolio Holder (Cllr M.L. Sheehan) regarding the lack of provision of a public swimming pool in Farnborough.


          In response, Cllr Sheehan stated that leisure facilities would be provided as part of the project to provide a Civic Hub, which was due for completion in 2027. 


(5)      Cllr Gareth Williams had submitted a question for the Operational Services Portfolio Holder (Cllr M.L. Sheehan) regarding the temporary play park in Queen Elizabeth Park.


          In response, Cllr Sheehan stated that works by Esso were still taking place in the Queen Elizabeth Park to re-lay its pipeline and the permanent play area had been cordoned off for safety reasons.  The play equipment in the temporary play area was considered to be of good quality.




To receive and ask questions on the Reports of the following Meetings (copy reports attached):



4th July 2023


8th August 2023


12th September 2023






Development Management

19th July 2023

Corporate Governance, Audit and Standards

26th July 2023

Development Management

16th August 2023

Development Management

13th September 2023




RESOLVED:  That the Reports of the following meetings be received:



4th July 2023


8th August 2023


12th September 2023

Development Management Committee

19th July 2023

Corporate Governance, Audit and Standards Committee

26th July 2023

Development Management Committee

16th August 2023

Development Management Committee

13th September 2023




To note the Reports of the following meetings (copy reports attached):


Policy and Project Advisory Board

27th June 2023

Overview and Scrutiny Committee

20th July 2023

Policy and Project Advisory Board

25th July 2023

Overview and Scrutiny Committee

7th September 2023



RESOLVED:  That the Reports of the meetings of the Policy and Project Advisory Board held on 27th June 2023 and 25th July 2023 and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 20th July 2023 and 7th September 2023 be noted.