Agenda item


To consider the following Notice of Motion, which has been submitted by Cllr A. Adeola pursuant to Standing Order 9 (1):


“The Council is committed to all residents and would like to ensure that the views of our young people are heard. They are often the most underrepresented in terms of the formal consultation processes that we use. Building on the existing Rushmoor Youth Influence, Council is asked to support the development of a wider youth network to facilitate engagement both in terms of day-to-day services that we provide and particularly on the many major projects that are planned in the near future.”  


The Council was asked to consider a Motion which had been submitted by Cllr A. Adeola in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order 9 (1):


“The Council is committed to all residents and would like to ensure that the views of our young people are heard.  They are often the most underrepresented in terms of the formal consultation process that we use.  Building on the existing Rushmoor Youth Influence, the Council is asked to support the development of a wider youth network to facilitate engagement both in terms of day-to-day services that we provide and particularly on the many major projects that are planned in the near future.”


In moving the Motion, Cllr Adeola stated that he was proposing a Youth Network, a partnership with young people to explore their ideas and optimism for the Borough, which would deliver benefits now and in the future.  He urged all Members to support such an intergenerational partnership.  


In seconding the Motion, Cllr J. Belbase paid tribute to the work of Cllr Sue Carter in respect of her youth coaching and the Rushmoor Youth Influence initiative.  Cllr Belbase acknowledged the many ways in which the Borough’s young people were already acting as partners across Rushmoor (eg Army, Air and Sea Cadet groups) and the young people who volunteered and led at various sports, leisure and community groups (eg Naya Yuva – a young people’s organisation in the Nepali community).  He was of the opinion that, with examples like these already involved in the life of the Borough, the proposal to establish a youth network partnership would succeed. 


During discussion, it was MOVED by Cllr Abe Allen and SECONDED by Cllr Sophie Porter – That the Motion be amended by adding the following wording at the end of the Motion:


“There are many models for community engagement, and young people should be empowered to choose the best system for co-production.  This Council agrees that younger people who attend Rushmoor Youth Influence are consulted on the various engagement models and that they agree on the types of schools and youth groups that we engage with as part of this initiative – with a report to Cabinet following their decision.”


Cllr Allen felt that, by adding this wording, the Borough’s young people would be empowered to actively take part in decision making processes, ensuring their perspectives were considered and their voices were not only heard, but also integrated into the Council’s policies and projects.  He was of the opinion that amending the Motion in this way would send a clear message that the Council trusted and valued its young people as stakeholders in the community and thereby strengthening the sense of belonging and civic responsibility among the youth of the Borough.


During discussion on the Amendment, the view was expressed that it was important to recognise that young people engaged in different ways and a partnership network would need to be able to reflect that and also engage the hard to reach groups of young people.   It was also stated that work should start as soon as possible to get young people involved in building a Borough that was inclusive to all.


Following further debate, the Amendment was put to the meeting. There voted FOR: 8; AGAINST: 21; ABSTAINED: 0 and the Amendment was DECLARED LOST.


During discussion on the original Motion, views were expressed on the urgent need to garner input and engagement from young people building on the work of Rushmoor Youth Influence.   Following further discussion, the Motion was put to the meeting.   There voted FOR: 29; AGAINST: 0; ABSTAINED:0 and the Motion was DECLARED CARRIED nem con.