Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Farnborough
Contact: Service Manager - Democracy Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
To confirm the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 7th October (copy attached). Minutes: It was MOVED by Cllr K.H. Muschamp; SECONDED by Cllr A.R.
Newell and RESOLVED: That
the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 7th October 2021
(copy having been circulated previously) be taken as read, approved and signed
as a correct record. |
MAYOR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS Minutes: (1) The Mayor reported that, on 9th October 2021, he had attended the opening ceremony of the new temple at the Shiva Cultural and Community Centre in Aldershot, which he felt was an excellent new facility for the whole community. (2) The Mayor thanked his Charity Committee for organising a Charity Quiz Night on 12th November 2021, which had raised £283 for the Mayor’s charities. He also thanked Mr Ian Harrison for being an outstanding quiz master for the event. (3) On 14th November 2021, the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor had attended several wreath laying services and Services of Remembrance around the Borough. The Mayor thanked all Councillors and officers who had attended services. (4) The Mayor reported that he had attended the official opening of the Heritage Trails in Princes Gardens, Aldershot on 20th November 2021 and had presented a special award to Mr Paul Vickers to recognise his dedication to remember the history of the area. (5) The Mayor advised Members that he had attended the St Andrew’s Tide Service at the Garrison Church of St Andrew on 28th November 2021. (6) The Mayor reported that he had attended and Advent Carol Service on the evening of 28th November 2021 at Farnborough Hill School. (7) The Mayor reminded Members that the annual Community Carol Services event – organised jointly by Rushmoor, HQ Aldershot Garrison, Aldershot Town Football Club, KBR Aspire Defence and Grainger – would take place on 8th December 2021 at the Cathedral Church of St Michael and St George and the Garrison Church of St Andrew. (8)
The Mayor reminded Members that the Mayoress’
Afternoon Tea event would take place on 10th December 2021 at 2pm. |
THE RUSHMOOR COMMUNITY AWARD 2021 The Mayor to present the Rushmoor Community Award 2021 to Beryl Yeomans for over 70 years’ service to the community. A posthumous award will also be made to Judi Page for providing mental health support to the community. The presentation of the Award to Judi Page’s family will be made at a separate event in the New Year. Minutes: The Mayor introduced the Rushmoor Community Award for 2021, which was an award that recognised local people who had made a significant contribution to the community over a long period of time. In what had been exceptional circumstances in 2021, the Council had agreed to present the Award to two people – Beryl Yeomans and Judi Page – in recognition of their significant volunteering activities over many years. The Mayor announced that that evening the Community Award would be presented to Beryl Yeomans. The second award was a posthumous award and would be presented to the family of Judi Page at a separate, private event. Judi Page had been nominated to receive the Award as she had spent several years providing mental health support in the area. She had set up the first Wellbeing Centre in Aldershot and had then helped to set up the Safe Haven mental health support centre in Aldershot. Judi had also opened and run The Young Persons Safe Haven and then The Oasis. Her work had been pioneering and Teresa May MP had visited Aldershot to meet with Judi about the projects. The Mayor then said it was his absolute pleasure to address Members on a very special lady – Beryl Yeomans – who had been nominated to receive the Community Award for 2021 in recognition of her voluntary effort and hard work serving the community. Beryl had in some way had a positive impact on most people in the local community over the previous 70 plus years – both directly and indirectly. Beryl had been part of the 1st Cove Scout Group since its conception in 1948. Beryl had worked tirelessly every week delivering a very active programme to young Cubs between the ages of 8 and 10½. The Mayor stated that he understood that Beryl commanded respect from everyone in the Group, both children and adults, upholding the true values and spirit of Scouting. Beryl had the perfect combination of compassion, humour and authority when working with children. The Mayor had been advised that all the children in the Group loved Beryl and hung on to her every word. In addition to Scouting, Beryl had been a swimming teacher at Rushmoor Youth Swimming Club for 47 years, teaching children invaluable and essential swimming skills. Beryl had retired from this role earlier in the year at the tender age of 87. Shaping countless young lives through her selfless service in Scouting and other voluntary work, Beryl had installed lifelong skills in the Borough’s future generations – the skills of values, ethics, loyalty, discipline and self-respect as well as respect for others. The Mayor stated that Beryl had given an incredible amount of time to the community over an outstanding 70 plus years and was a most worthy recipient of the Rushmoor Community Award for 2021. Beryl was invited to step forward to receive the Award and expressed her thanks to the Council for this Award. |
STANDING ORDER 8 - QUESTIONS To receive any questions by Members submitted in pursuance of Standing Order 8 (3). Minutes: The Mayor reported that no questions had been submitted under Standing Order 8. |
RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CABINET PDF 224 KB To consider the recommendations of the Cabinet in relation to the following items: Additional documents:
Minutes: (1) Funding Contribution for Tices Meadow The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services (Cllr P.G. Taylor) introduced the Report of the Cabinet meeting held on 19th October 2021, which sought approval of a contribution of up to £50,000 towards the purchase of Tices Meadow by Surrey County Council, to be funded from anticipated capital receipts. It was MOVED by Cllr P.G. Taylor; SECONDED by Cllr D.E. Clifford – That the Council agree a contribution of up to £50,000 to Surrey County Council for the purchase of Tices Meadow, to be funded from anticipated capital receipts. There voted FOR: 32; AGAINST: 0; ABSTAINED: 0 and the Recommendation was DECLARED CARRIED (2) Southwood Country Park – Business Case for Re-purposing Existing Buildings The Portfolio Holder for Major Projects and Property (Cllr. M.J. Tennant) introduced the Report of the Cabinet meeting held on 16th November 2021, which sought approval for £901,000 to be added to the Capital Programme for the Southwood Country Park Visitor Centre and Café, noting the capital financing implications set out in paragraph 4.14 of the Report. During discussion, it was MOVED by Cllr K. Dibble; SECONDED by Cllr T.D. Bridgeman that the Recommendation should be amended as follows: “That (i) this Council is recommended to approve £461,000 to be added to the Capital Programme for the Southwood Country Park Visitor Centre; and (ii) the Policy and Project Advisory Board undertake a review of the café business case and consider alternative catering options.” Following discussion, the Amendment was put to the Meeting. On a Recorded Vote, there voted FOR: Cllrs Gaynor Austin, T.D. Bridgeman, K. Dibble, A.J. Halstead, Nadia Martin, Sophie Porter, M.J. Roberts and Sarah Spall (8); AGAINST: Cllrs Jessica Auton, Mrs. D.B. Bedford, J. Belbase, J.B. Canty, M.S. Choudhary, Sophia Choudhary, A.K. Chowdhury, D.E. Clifford, R.M Cooper, P.I.C. Crerar, P.J. Cullum, M. Hope, L. Jeffers, Prabesh KC, Mara Makunura, S.J. Masterson, K.H. Muschamp, A.R. Newell, M.L. Sheehan, M.D. Smith, C.J Stewart, P.G. Taylor, M.J. Tennant, N. Thapa, Jacqui Vosper and the Deputy Mayor (Cllr J.H. Marsh) (26); ABSTAINED: The Mayor (Cllr. B.A. Thomas) (1) and the Amendment was DECLARED LOST. Following further discussion on the Substantive Motion, the original Recommendation was put to the Meeting. On a recorded vote, there voted FOR: Cllrs Jessica Auton, Mrs. D.B. Bedford, J. Belbase, J.B. Canty, M.S. Choudhary, Sophia Choudhary, A.K. Chowdhury, D.E. Clifford, R.M Cooper, P.I.C. Crerar, P.J. Cullum, M. Hope, L. Jeffers, Prabesh KC, Mara Makunura, S.J. Masterson, K.H. Muschamp, A.R. Newell, M.L. Sheehan, M.D. Smith, C.J Stewart, P.G. Taylor, M.J. Tennant, N. Thapa, Jacqui Vosper and the Deputy Mayor (Cllr J.H. Marsh) (26); AGAINST: (0); ABSTAINED: Cllrs Gaynor Austin, T.D. Bridgeman, K. Dibble, A.J. Halstead, Nadia Martin, Sophie Porter, M.J. Roberts, Sarah Spall and the Mayor (Cllr B.A. Thomas) (9) and the Recommendation was DECLARED CARRIED. |
QUESTIONS FOR THE CABINET To receive any questions by Members to Cabinet Members submitted in accordance with the Procedure Note. Minutes: The Mayor reported that six questions had been submitted for response by Members of the Cabinet. The first question had been submitted by Cllr K. Dibble for response by the Major Projects and Property Portfolio Holder regarding whether Aldershot Town Football Club owed the Council any money and, if so, how much and was the Club meeting agreed payment dates and value In response, Cllr M.J. Tennant stated that the Club’s outstanding rent had originally been £19,705 but that the current balance was £17,000 following two payments that had been made under the payment plan that had been agreed with the Club. The monthly payments were £1,000 until the debt was cleared. It was felt that this would give the Club time to recover from the impacts of the pandemic. Cllr Tennant confirmed that the Club’s rates payments were up to date. Cllr Tennant stated that the break-even gate attendance for the Club was not directly known by the Council but, in accordance with the requirements of the rent relief decision, officers would be looking at the financial performance of the Club on a quarterly basis. It was further confirmed that this would be reviewed with the Club.
The second question had been submitted by Cllr M.J. Roberts for the Democracy, Strategy and Partnerships Portfolio Holder (Cllr A.R. Newell) regarding poverty in the Borough. In response, Cllr Newell stated that he was not aware that the figures quoted by Cllr Roberts in his question regarding deliveries by the Trussell Trust nationally reflected the situation in Rushmoor. He reported that the Council had been working in partnership with Hampshire County Council and many organisations and individuals in the community and voluntary sectors to provide help to those people who had needed support over the previous 18 months. The Council continued to work in partnership to help those in need and, over the winter period, working with Hampshire County Council, further support was being offered, including free school meals, Citizens Advice referrals and exceptional housing support. Cllr Newell also confirmed that the Community Grub Hub would be opening to the public in the period up to Christmas to provide further support and it was proposed that the Hub’s service would be developed much more in 2022 through its Community Interest Company. Cllr Newell referred to the fact that the Council was continuing to deliver its Supporting Communities Action Plan and was developing this work with partners such as Hampshire County Council, the Clinical Commissioning Group, Rushmoor Voluntary Services and Citizens Advice as the Council sought to respond to, and recover from, the pandemic. The third question had been submitted by Cllr Sophie Porter for response by the Operational Services Portfolio Holder regarding the use of Napier Gardens car park for a Covid Testing Centre and the covid safety implications of those attending the Testing Centre and using ticket machines. In response, Cllr Sheehan referred to the 30p parking charge for the Napier Gardens car park and the value that this represented, especially ... view the full minutes text for item 36. |
REPORTS OF CABINET AND COMMITTEES PDF 554 KB To receive and ask questions on the Reports of the following Meetings (copy reports attached):
Minutes: RESOLVED: That
the Reports of the following meetings be received:
REPORT OF OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE PDF 195 KB To note the Report of the following meeting (copy reports attached):
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 28th October 2021 be noted. |