To receive any questions by Members to Cabinet Members submitted in accordance with the Procedure Note.
The Mayor reported that six questions had been submitted for response by Members of the Cabinet.
The first question had been submitted by Cllr K. Dibble for response by the Major Projects and Property Portfolio Holder regarding whether Aldershot Town Football Club owed the Council any money and, if so, how much and was the Club meeting agreed payment dates and value
In response, Cllr M.J. Tennant stated that the Club’s outstanding rent had originally been £19,705 but that the current balance was £17,000 following two payments that had been made under the payment plan that had been agreed with the Club. The monthly payments were £1,000 until the debt was cleared. It was felt that this would give the Club time to recover from the impacts of the pandemic. Cllr Tennant confirmed that the Club’s rates payments were up to date.
Cllr Tennant stated that the break-even gate attendance for the Club was not directly known by the Council but, in accordance with the requirements of the rent relief decision, officers would be looking at the financial performance of the Club on a quarterly basis. It was further confirmed that this would be reviewed with the Club.
The second question had been submitted by Cllr M.J. Roberts for the Democracy, Strategy and Partnerships Portfolio Holder (Cllr A.R. Newell) regarding poverty in the Borough.
In response, Cllr Newell stated that he was not aware that the figures quoted by Cllr Roberts in his question regarding deliveries by the Trussell Trust nationally reflected the situation in Rushmoor. He reported that the Council had been working in partnership with Hampshire County Council and many organisations and individuals in the community and voluntary sectors to provide help to those people who had needed support over the previous 18 months. The Council continued to work in partnership to help those in need and, over the winter period, working with Hampshire County Council, further support was being offered, including free school meals, Citizens Advice referrals and exceptional housing support.
Cllr Newell also confirmed that the Community Grub Hub would be opening to the public in the period up to Christmas to provide further support and it was proposed that the Hub’s service would be developed much more in 2022 through its Community Interest Company. Cllr Newell referred to the fact that the Council was continuing to deliver its Supporting Communities Action Plan and was developing this work with partners such as Hampshire County Council, the Clinical Commissioning Group, Rushmoor Voluntary Services and Citizens Advice as the Council sought to respond to, and recover from, the pandemic.
The third question had been submitted by Cllr Sophie Porter for response by the Operational Services Portfolio Holder regarding the use of Napier Gardens car park for a Covid Testing Centre and the covid safety implications of those attending the Testing Centre and using ticket machines.
In response, Cllr Sheehan referred to the 30p parking charge for the Napier Gardens car park and the value that this represented, especially when compared to parking charges at local hospitals. He also referred to the covid safety measures in place at the car park to keep users of the testing centre as safe as was possible.
The fourth question had been submitted by Cllr Gaynor Austin for response by the Major Projects and Property Portfolio Holder (Cllr M.J.Tennant) on the redevelopment of Aldershot Town Centre and what consideration had been given to ensuring that infrastructures and services were more environmentally accessible, user friendly and inclusive of all people’s needs, including those with disabilities.
In response, Cllr Tennant stated that, in order to address changes in level/topography across the whole site, the Union Yard Scheme would provide a platform lift from the High Street up to the Makers Yard as well as offering at grade, level thresholds from Short Street/Lower Nelson Street and Union Street to optimise access for all users. Internal layouts of the commercial units would factor in accessibility (in terms of door thresholds, widths and internal circulation). Within the residential development of the scheme, a number of the units had been designed to be fully adaptable to accommodate the needs of the occupier. The student accommodation would provide eight fully accessible units which had been designed to meet the needs of the occupier (e.g. providing appropriate circulation space internally for wheelchair users).
The fifth question had been submitted by Cllr M.J. Roberts for response by the Democracy, Community and Partnerships Portfolio Holder (Cllr A.R. Newell) regarding what representations the Council was making to Hampshire County Council regarding its response to the Health and Social Care Bill.
In response, Cllr Newell stated that the question did not fall within the Council’s executive arrangements, which was a requirement of a Cabinet question. However, Cllr Newell acknowledged that there were currently issues in adult social care and that there had been an impact in North East Hampshire. He confirmed that Hampshire County Council was very aware of this and were taking action to improve the services in Rushmoor with support from the Council, local Primary Care Networks and the voluntary sector and gave an example of such work.
Cllr Gaynor Austin asked the sixth question of the Deputy Leader of the Council and Customer Experience and Improvement Portfolio Holder (Cllr K.H. Muschamp) regarding who represented the Council on the Farnborough Aerodrome Consultative Committee and when did the representatives feed back to the Council.
In response, Cllr Muschamp stated that the Council’s representatives were Cllr Paul Taylor and Cllr Maurice Sheehan and that they regularly attended the meetings of the Consultative Committee. Cllr Muschamp also confirmed that they gave feedback to Members of the Cabinet and officers after the meetings, as they felt appropriate. Their feedback complemented the liaison the Council regularly had with the Airport operator.