Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Farnborough
Contact: Corporate Manager - Democracy Email:
No. | Item | ||||||
following Notice of Motion, which has been submitted by Cllr Gareth Lyon
pursuant to Standing Order 9 (1): “The Government is proposing the most extensive
change to local government structures for over 50 years. This is being done with minimal public
engagement, debate or opportunity for local residents
to have their say and on a rushed timescale. The abolition of Borough Councils like Rushmoor
will significantly impact how public services are delivered across Aldershot
and Farnborough and how they are democratically held to account by residents
and elected members. We believe that the people must be consulted on
such changes and call on the Council to: ·
set out its current position on the proposals in the English Devolution White
Paper including its understanding of the likely impact on residents. ·
any past or planned discussions with neighbouring Districts and Hampshire
County Council on future governance arrangements. ·
community engagement to inform residents about the proposals and hear their
views. ·
to the Government calling for an extension to allow for more democratic
engagement including a local referendum on the proposals.” Minutes: The Council were asked to consider a Notice of Motion submitted
by Cllr G.B. Lyon under Standing Order 9 (1) on Devolution and Local Government
Reorganisation, as set out below: “The Government is proposing the most extensive change to
local government structures for over 50 years. This is being done with minimal public engagement, debate or
opportunity for local residents to have their say and
on a rushed timescale. The abolition of Borough Councils like Rushmoor will
significantly impact how public services are delivered across Aldershot and
Farnborough and how they are democratically held to account by residents and
elected members. We believe that the people must be consulted on such changes
and call on the Council to:
In PROPOSING the Motion, Cllr Lyon expressed the view that
residents should be listened to and be allowed to have their say due to the
size and scale of the changed being proposed. In SECONDING the Motion, Cllr
Trussler felt that the White Paper had been rushed through without allowing
sufficient time for open debate with the public. It was MOVED by Cllr C.W. Card and SECONDED by Cllr T.W.
Mitchell – That the Motion be amended to add an additional bullet point, as set
out below:
In discussing the amendment, it was noted that some Members
felt that postponing the election should not be allowed and whilst there was
still a Rushmoor Borough Council, elections should go ahead as planned. In
response it was advised that the arrangements to postpone the County Council
Elections in May 2025 were typical under the circumstances and similar action
had been taken when other local authority reorganisation had taken place. The Amended Motion was put to the meeting. In a recorded vote, there voted FOR: Cllrs
C.W. Card, Leola Card, Sue Carter, P.J. Cullum, A.H. Gani, Steve Harden, Peace
Essien-Igodifo, G.B. Lyon, T.W. Mitchell, Bill O’Donovan, P.G. Taylor, M.J.
Tennant and S. Trussler (13) AGAINST: Cllrs A.H. Crawford, Thomas Day, Keith
Dibble, C.P. Grattan, Lisa Greenway, Christine Guinness, Julie Hall, Rhian
Jones, Halleh Koohestani, Nadia Martin, M.J. Roberts, Dhan Sarki, Sarah Spall,
Ivan Whitmee, Becky Williams and Gareth Williams (16) ABSTAIN: Cllrs Abe Allen,
Gaynor Austin, The Deputy Mayor (Cllr Calum Stewart), The Mayor (Cllr Mara
Makunura) (4) and the Amended Motion was DECLARED LOST. In discussing the original Motion, it was advised that a detailed business case was yet to be drawn up with the plans for Local Government Reorganisation (LGR), but the Leader had been and would continue to ... view the full minutes text for item 36. |
APPOINTMENTS 2024/25 In accordance with
arrangements to secure political balance, the Council is asked to confirm: (i)
appointment to a vacancy on the Development Management Committee, in place of
Cllr Julie Hall, for the remainder of the 2024/25 Municipal Year. (ii)
appointment to a vacancy as Standing Deputy for the Labour Group on the
Corporate Governance, Audit and Standards Committee for the remainder of the
2024/25 Municipal Year. Minutes: In accordance with arrangements to secure political balance, the Council confirmed the following appointments to recent vacancies on committees for the remainder of the 2024/25 Municipal Year. RESOLVED that: i) Cllr Paul Taylor be appointed to the Development Management Committee, ii) Cllr Gareth Lyon be appointed as Standing Deputy for the Conservative Group to the Development Management Committee, and iii) Cllr Abe Allen be appointed as Standing Deputy for the Labour Group to the Corporate Governance, Audit and Standards Committee. |
EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC To consider resolving: That, subject to the public interest test, the public be excluded from this meeting during the discussion of the undermentioned item to avoid the disclosure of exempt information within the paragraph of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act, 1972 indicated against such item: Item Schedule Category No. 12A Para. No. 4 1 Information relating to an individual Minutes: RESOLVED: That, taking into account the public interest test, the public be
excluded from the meeting during the discussion of the under mentioned item to
avoid the disclosure of exempt information within the paragraph of Schedule 12A
to the Local Government Act, 1972 indicated against the items:
LEADER'S REPORT ON FUTURE DIRECTION To consider the Leader of the Council’s Exempt Report (Annex 1), which
sets out proposals for the future direction of the Council to secure financial
sustainability. NOTE: Further to the Council’s approval of the recommendations, the Report was made public and published on this page on 11th February 2025 (copy attached). Minutes: The Leader of the Council, Cllr Gareth Williams, proposed and introduced the Exempt Report, which had been circulated under separate cover to Elected Members, and which set out proposals for the future direction of the Council to secure financial sustainability. The Report was seconded by Cllr Keith Dibble. The Council was advised that following several independent governance and financial reviews in 2024, the requirement to reduce costs had been highlighted as an immediate pressure. One of the actions agreed by Members was for the Chief Executive to undertake a review of the management structure. An initial option to achieve savings had not been acceptable to Members and a second option was now proposed, as set out in the Exempt Report. At the beginning of the debate, the Council agreed that Standing Order 13 (5) be suspended to allow for speaking more than once, to enable supplementary questions to be asked on the report - providing Members clarity, full understanding and assurance on the proposals. During discussion, Members sought clarification on the costs of redundancy and alternative options that had been considered. It was noted that the arrangements reflected the statutory position, and that councils were required to have three statutory roles within their organisation: a Head of Paid Service, a Section 151 Officer and a Monitoring Officer. The use of capital receipts for efficiency or savings had been previously agreed by Council in the Budget Report in February 2024. It was also noted that the recommendations, as set out, were the first steps to a broader restructuring and wider savings programme to secure financial sustainability for the Council. The Report recommendations, as set out below, were put to the meeting. There voted FOR: 22 AGAINST: 0 ABSTAIN 11 and the Motion was DECLARED CARRIED. RESOLVED that: i) the redundancy of the Chief Executive based on the financial costs set out, to be funded from capital receipts, be APPROVED; and ii) the process to appoint an interim Head of Paid Service and the requirement for this individual to bring forward further options for restructuring, budget savings and plans to deliver the Council’s priorities be NOTED. |