Agenda item


To consider the following Notice of Motion, which has been submitted by Cllr Gareth Lyon pursuant to Standing Order 9 (1):


“The Government is proposing the most extensive change to local government structures for over 50 years.


This is being done with minimal public engagement, debate or opportunity for local residents to have their say and on a rushed timescale.


The abolition of Borough Councils like Rushmoor will significantly impact how public services are delivered across Aldershot and Farnborough and how they are democratically held to account by residents and elected members.


We believe that the people must be consulted on such changes and call on the Council to:


·         Publicly set out its current position on the proposals in the English Devolution White Paper including its understanding of the likely impact on residents.


·         Detail any past or planned discussions with neighbouring Districts and Hampshire County Council on future governance arrangements.


·         Facilitate community engagement to inform residents about the proposals and hear their views.


·         Write to the Government calling for an extension to allow for more democratic engagement including a local referendum on the proposals.”


The Council were asked to consider a Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr G.B. Lyon under Standing Order 9 (1) on Devolution and Local Government Reorganisation, as set out below:


“The Government is proposing the most extensive change to local government structures for over 50 years.


This is being done with minimal public engagement, debate or opportunity for local residents to have their say and on a rushed timescale.


The abolition of Borough Councils like Rushmoor will significantly impact how public services are delivered across Aldershot and Farnborough and how they are democratically held to account by residents and elected members.


We believe that the people must be consulted on such changes and call on the Council to:


  • Publicly set out its current position on the proposals in the English Devolution White Paper including its understanding of the likely impact on residents.


  • Detail any past or planned discussions with neighbouring Districts and Hampshire County Council on future governance arrangements.


  • Facilitate community engagement to inform residents about the proposals and hear their views.


  • Write to the Government calling for an extension to allow for more democratic engagement including a local referendum on the proposals.”


In PROPOSING the Motion, Cllr Lyon expressed the view that residents should be listened to and be allowed to have their say due to the size and scale of the changed being proposed. In SECONDING the Motion, Cllr Trussler felt that the White Paper had been rushed through without allowing sufficient time for open debate with the public.


It was MOVED by Cllr C.W. Card and SECONDED by Cllr T.W. Mitchell – That the Motion be amended to add an additional bullet point, as set out below:


  • Elections should only be postponed in exceptional circumstances.


In discussing the amendment, it was noted that some Members felt that postponing the election should not be allowed and whilst there was still a Rushmoor Borough Council, elections should go ahead as planned. In response it was advised that the arrangements to postpone the County Council Elections in May 2025 were typical under the circumstances and similar action had been taken when other local authority reorganisation had taken place.


The Amended Motion was put to the meeting.  In a recorded vote, there voted FOR: Cllrs C.W. Card, Leola Card, Sue Carter, P.J. Cullum, A.H. Gani, Steve Harden, Peace Essien-Igodifo, G.B. Lyon, T.W. Mitchell, Bill O’Donovan, P.G. Taylor, M.J. Tennant and S. Trussler (13) AGAINST: Cllrs A.H. Crawford, Thomas Day, Keith Dibble, C.P. Grattan, Lisa Greenway, Christine Guinness, Julie Hall, Rhian Jones, Halleh Koohestani, Nadia Martin, M.J. Roberts, Dhan Sarki, Sarah Spall, Ivan Whitmee, Becky Williams and Gareth Williams (16) ABSTAIN: Cllrs Abe Allen, Gaynor Austin, The Deputy Mayor (Cllr Calum Stewart), The Mayor (Cllr Mara Makunura) (4) and the Amended Motion was DECLARED LOST.


In discussing the original Motion, it was advised that a detailed business case was yet to be drawn up with the plans for Local Government Reorganisation (LGR), but the Leader had been and would continue to attend meetings with other district leaders. Consultation with the public had been identified as an action that needed to be undertaken in a timely manner and the Council were committed to ensure that this happened. It was acknowledged that Devolution and LGR brought change and a level of uncertainty, but the benefits it would bring through direct power and funding, would enhance services provided to local residents.


In summary, Cllr Lyon stressed the point of ensuring that the people were heard and allowed to have their say through a referendum and proper engagement.


The Motion was put to the meeting.  In a recorded vote, there voted FOR: Cllrs C.W. Card, Leola Card, Sue Carter, P.J. Cullum, A.H. Gani, Steve Harden, Peace Essien-Igodifo, G.B. Lyon, T.W. Mitchell, P.G. Taylor, M.J. Tennant and S. Trussler (12) AGAINST: Cllrs Abe Allen, Gaynor Austin, A.H. Crawford, Thomas Day, Keith Dibble, C.P. Grattan, Lisa Greenway, Christine Guinness, Julie Hall, Rhian Jones, Halleh Koohestani, Nadia Martin, Bill O’Donovan, M.J. Roberts, Dhan Sarki, Sarah Spall, Ivan Whitmee, Becky Williams and Gareth Williams (19) ABSTAIN: The Deputy Mayor (Cllr Calum Stewart), The Mayor (Cllr Mara Makunura) (2) and the Motion was DECLARED LOST.