Agenda item

Customer Services Contact Indicators - Update

To receive an update on the current customer contact data in relation to calls to customer services, walk in arrangements and demands through other access channels. Following a meeting in July, 2022, at which, a number of changes had been noted by the Committee, an update would also be provided on the impact of these changes.


The Committee welcomed Marybeth Quaintmere, Service Manager – Customer Services and Mary Timmins, Customer Service Team Leader, who were in attendance to provide an update on contact indicators within the Customer Services Unit (CSU) since the meeting in July 2022, following a number of changes within the service and the implications thereof.


Cllr Jonathan Canty, Customer Experience, Transformation and Corporate Portfolio Holder was also in attendance to support the item.


The Committee reviewed the presentation and noted a number of key points:


·         Call volumes had remains in line with the same period (January – May) in the previous year


·         The rate of abandoned calls had increased to 11% in 2023, the same period last year had recorded a 4% abandoned call rate. Interactions had taken longer due to the changes within the service, these included, amongst others, the new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, extra workload (parking/annual billing) and a 1.5 reduction in staffing as a result of the Outcomes Based Budgeting (OBB).


·         New CRM (8x8) – the Committee were advised of some of the capabilities of the new system, which had gone live in January 2023. It was noted that the system allowed for the creation of customer databases, to keep track of previous contact. It also provided work queues for email and webform contact and provided real time information to enable decisions to be made around work patterns within the team.


·         Customer feedback – it was noted that customers were given the opportunity to provide feedback after their phone call. The rating system was one to five (one the lowest – five the highest) and comments could be left if customers had scored one to four. It was noted that 188 out of 20,701 customer had chosen to leave feedback and consideration would be given to improving this number.


·         Reception – Since 1st April, 2023, it was noted that the reception area had reduced its opening hours to between 09:00 and 14:00. The Committee were advised that the Council was still open to customers, by appointment, between 08:30 – 17:00 (Mon-Thurs) and 08:30 – 16:30 (Fri). In addition, a Nepali speaking telephone line had been opened for residents. Customer demand times had followed the same patterns as when open from 08:30 to 17:00 pre April 2023, with the peak remaining at about 10:00. Overall demand had not seen any significant change following the new opening hours with casual callers presenting in the highest numbers both before and after the change. It was advised that a doorbell was currently used for out of hours callers, should the bell ring a CSU Officer would go and speak with the customer and deal with their concerns. An intercom system would be fitted shortly to replace the doorbell.


·         Dedicated Nepali speaking phone -  It was noted that there were three Nepali speakers within the CSU team. Demand was gradually increasing and a wider range of enquiries had been received. The team were currently considering how best to promote the new service.


The Committee discussed the presentation, in particular, call waiting times. It was noted that the transition period with the new CRM, changes to the service provision and reductions in staff had meant that calls were taking longer. However, through time, staff had become more familiar with the changes to the ways in which they were working, staff were no longer just taking payments, but discussing challenges with customers, which took more time.


It was noted that a meeting had been arranged with the telephony consultant to look at improving the messages customers heard whilst waiting to remove repetition and direct them to online services.


It was also noted that when the reception area closed, the staff members were re-deployed to undertake back office work, such as post room duties and answering email queries and webforms.


A request had been made for a further update in the Autumn.




By Whom


Data on call waiting times and email interactions to be share

Mary Timmins, Customer Service Team leader


July , 2023

Attend Progress Group in Late Autumn to provide an update

Marybeth Quaintmere, Service Manager - Customer Services


October/November 2023


The Chairman thanked Ms’ Quaintmere and Timmins for their presentation.