Agenda item

Cabinet Champions

To receive reports from the three Cabinet Champions on their work during the 2022/23 Municipal Year (copy attached). The Champions are as follows:


·         Climate Change  – Cllr Steve Masterson

·         Armed Forces – Cllr Nem Thapa

·         Equality and Diversity - Cllr Mara Makunura


Cllr Sue Carter, (Democracy, Strategy and Partnerships Portfolio Holder), Rachel Barker, (Assistant Chief Executive) and Jill Shuttleworth (Corporate Manager – Democracy) will join the meeting either online or in person.


The Committee welcomed the three Cabinet Champions, Cllr Steve Masterson (Climate Change), Cllr Nem Thapa (Armed Forces) and Cllr Mara Makunura (Equality and Diversity) who were in attendance to provide a review of the work undertaken during the 2022/23 Municipal Year. Rachel Barker, Assistant Chief Executive was also in attendance with Cllr Sue Carter, Democracy, Strategy and Partnerships Portfolio Holder and Jill Shuttleworth, Corporate Manager – Democracy joining the meeting remotely.


(1)  Climate Change


The Committee noted the report from the Climate Change Cabinet Champion and in particular the work undertaken by the Climate Change Working Group (CCWG). The Group had heard from a number of external speakers, this had allowed the Council to align its plans with those of key stakeholders who also had a significant role to play in reducing emissions across Rushmoor. Progress monitoring on the Council’s Carbon Footprint had also been a key piece of work for the Champion and it was noted that this was due to conclude shortly with a report being made to the CCWG at its next meeting.


It was noted that during the year, the Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan had undergone a review process against the agreed actions. Strong progress had been made against a number of actions, including the rollout of food waste collections, the launch of the Repair Café and work with local schools to raise awareness. The Strategy and Action Plan was currently undergoing a refresh, taking into account the new carbon footprint data. It was felt that the Strategy and Action Plan should be more focussed with a smaller number of key projects to be delivered.


Communication and engagement had also been a key area during the year, activities included an article in Arena, increased frequency of updates to Members via the Chief Executive’s bulletin and continued engagement with key stakeholders. A number of events were also being planned for later in the year, these included Big Green Week and an Eco Fair.


The Committee discussed the Report and made a number of comments, in particular, taking account of the proposed reduction in the number of Cabinet Champions from three to two. Following the Outcomes Based Budgeting processed, it was proposed that the Climate Change Champion be retained. It was also felt important that the Cabinet Champions reported into the Cabinet on a regular basis throughout the Municipal Year.


Concern was raised over the slow progress of the response to the Climate Change emergency and some Members expressed the view that more progress would be made going forward.


The Chairman thanked Cllr Masterson for his presentation.


(2)  Armed Forces


The Committee noted the Report from the Armed Forces Cabinet Champion and the work undertaken during the year. It was noted that the Champion had participated in the Covenant Partnership Conference in November 2022, which had brought together a range of military and civilian partners working together for the effective delivery of the provisions of the Armed Forces Covenant and Armed Forces Act 2021. Cllr Thapa and Shadow Champion Cllr Nadia Martin, had also regularly attended the Aldershot Garrison Community Hub “Meet and Greet” network meetings which brought together a range of welfare and advice organisations to support military and non-military families. It was noted that veterans had also been a priority for the Champion during his year - work had included understanding the current provision to developing connections though a monthly surgery at the Prospect Community Centre.


It was also noted that the Champion had attended a number of events throughout the year which were aimed at both the military and civilian communities.


Cllr Thapa made a number of recommendations and proposals for next steps for the 2023/24 Municipal Year, that could be incorporated into the priorities going forward. These included:


·         An Armed Forces Champion webpage on the Rushmoor site to help sign post and provide relevant information

·         Increase the visibility of the veteran community to help improve links with support services

·         Continue to develop the covenant partnership

·         Re-examine the criteria and possibility for the Council to work towards the Gold Award standard in the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme


The Committee discussed the report and ENDORSED the work of the Armed Forces Champion. It was felt important that the criteria for the Gold Award was understood and taken forward if possible.


The Chairman thanked Cllr Thapa for his report.


(3)  Equality and Diversity


The Committee noted the Report from the Equality and Diversity Cabinet Champion. Cllr Makunura provided an overview of the achievements and activities throughout the 2022/23 Municipal Year. These included:


·         The establishment of the Rushmoor Accessibility Action Group (RAAG) which aimed to develop awareness around accessibility and safety for residents and visitors and to highlight inclusivity.


·         The establishment of the Rushmoor Cohesive Communities Group (RCCG) which contributed to the actions in the Council’s Equality and Diversity Action Plan. It was noted that around fifteen different nationalities were represented in the Group which had met twice so far. The Group were looking at opportunities to hold a Rushmoor Cultural Day and to work closer with the Rushmoor International Association.


·         The Champion had been involved in a number of events throughout the year, these included Black History Month, International Women’s Day and supporting Homes for Ukraine


It was noted that the focus during the year had been to establish a structure to support the Council’s Equality and Diversity Action Plan. It was suggested that the Action Plan could be considered for a review and refresh to ensure it remained relevant and up to date.


The Committee discussed the report and made a number of comments, these included:


·         Ensuring events, such as the Black History Month exhibition were more accessible to the public

·         Ensure that the LGBTQ+ activities/events (Pride) were incorporated into the Equality and Diversity Action Plan going forward


The Chairman thanked Cllr Makunura for her report.

Supporting documents: