Agenda item


To receive a presentation from David Phillips, Service Manager – Commercial Services on the Council’s future approach to parking. The presentation will cover the following:


·       an outline of the arrangements for the transfer of the work

·       the proposals for Council owned car parks going forward


The Board welcomed Mr David Phillips (Service Manager – Commercial Services), who was in attendance to provide a report on the Council’s future approach to parking.


It was noted that as of 31st March, 2023, Hampshire County Council (HCC) would terminate their agency agreement with the Council to manage on street parking services and traffic management.


Mr Phillips advised on the implications for the Council as a result of the termination, combined with the loss of some Council owned car parks due to the regeneration schemes across the Borough and the impacts of COVID over the past two years. It was noted that there would be impacts in a number of areas, including:


·         Financial

o   loss of all income related to on street parking

o   A 50:50 split of any surplus funds with HCC

o   Loss of expenditure related to on street parking, but requirement to reabsorb any support service costs (circa £200,000 in 2021/22)

·         Contractual

o   Process to cancel/transfer/renegotiate agreements with contractors who supplied services related to cash/card processing and computer systems, amongst others

·         Service

o   Loss of strategic control over location and charges for on street, residential and permit holder parking

o   Loss of control to target Civil Enforcement Officers (CEO’s) in response to customer demand/local need

·         Staffing

o   Reduction in size of the Parking Team - TUPE process in progress to transfer some staff over to HCC

o   Recruitment and retention of CEO’s

o   Uncertainty during transition period


The Board were apprised of some options for the future delivery of off street parking moving forward, these included:


·         Provision of a smaller team potentially working alongside other council functions

·         Delivery of the service primarily through the Customer Services Unit (CSU)

·         Joint delivery with neighbouring authorities

·         Delivery through an external provider

·         Taking on management of some privately owned car parks in the Borough

·         Utilising pay on foot technology


Moving forward, it was advised that communication with HCC would continue to ensure a smooth transition for our residents and users. Regular meetings would also be held with the Service Manager – Customer Services, on moving parking support work to the CSU, and with Hart District Council on the potential for a shared service.


The Board discussed the presentation and raised a number of points, these included:


·         On street parking in specific areas where issues had occurred in the past, in particular Aldershot Park around the Lido site.

·         Loss of local knowledge.

·         Highways issues currently raised primarily with local elected Members and not the County Council – this will become more of an issue for users moving forward. Request for special access route for Members to the HCC Highways Team.

·         Request for more detail from HCC on their strategy regarding on street parking post 31st March 2023.

·         Suggestion to invite the five County Councillors and the Executive Member responsible for highways to a future meeting.

·         A letter be sent to the Executive Member responsible for highways to reflect the feelings of the Board on their decision to take back on street car parking.


The Chairman thanked Mr Phillips for his presentation.