Agenda item

Cabinet Champions - Role and Priorities 2022/23

At the last meeting the Committee requested that for 2022/23 a report should be provided that the start of the Municipal Year that sets out the priorities for Cabinet Champions for the year. The appointments for 2022/23 are:


·         Armed Forces Champion – Cllr Nem Thapa

·         Climate Change Champion – Cllr Steve Masterson

·         Equalities Champion – Cllr Mara Makunura


The three Cabinet Champions have been invited to the meeting to explain the priorities for the 2022/23 Municipal Year.


The Committee welcomed Cllrs S.J Masterson and Nem Thapa, who had been appointed as Climate Action and Armed Forces Champions for the 2022/23 Municipal Year. Following a request at the last meeting of the Committee, the Champions were in attendance to provide an overview of their priorities for the year.


It was noted that as Cllr Mara Makunura, Cabinet Champion for Equalities was currently on leave the overview for her Champion role would be carried over to the next meeting on 21st July, 2022.


1)    Climate Action Champion


Cllr Masterson advised on the purpose and role of the Climate Action Champion. The Purpose had been to support the Council’s work to drive forward action to meet the aim to ensure the Council was carbon neutral by 2030 and that the Borough was more sustainable.


The role of the Champion would be to:


·         Support development of the Climate Change Action Plan and actively monitor the Council’s Carbon footprint

·         Understand the impacts of and exploit opportunities to tackle climate change

·         Support events aimed at addressing climate change

·         Chair the Climate Change Working Group and report back to the Cabinet on projects/activities


The Priorities areas for 2022/23 included:


·         Support development of EV infrastructure and promote use of electric vehicles

·         Raise awareness to reduce and support the development of a range of targets and performance indicators for the reduction of carbon emissions

·         Reduce car use to promote fuel efficient driving

·         Develop the re-provision of Rushmoor In Bloom to focus on more on planting suitable to a changing climate and gardening for wildlife


Cllr Masterson advises that he had liaised with the Shadow Climate Action Champion, Cllr Jules Crossley and that they had broadly been in agreement on the priorities identified. Cllr Masterson believed the issue to be of great importance and pledged to raise the profile through improved communications and engagement with residents. However, he considered it to be import to be realistic and not over promise and under deliver.


The Committee discussed the priorities and it was noted that the focus of the work carried out would primarily be internal, however, engagement with outside organisations, such as Hampshire County Council (HCC) and their 2050 Project would be important.


In response to a query on measuring the achievements made during the 2022/23 period, it was note that the Champions would attend the April 2023 meeting to report on their year and it was also advised that regular briefing notes could be provided throughout the year on progress.


2)    Armed Forces Champion


Cllr Thapa advised on the purpose and role of the Armed Forces Champion. The purpose had been to promote the objectives of the Armed Forces Covenant on behalf of the Council through local action and by building connections between military and civilian communities.


The role of the Champion would be to:


·         Ensure Council services reflect the principles of the Armed Forces and Military Covenants

·         Be a conduit for the military community seeking assistance from the Council and act as a signpost/interface to other organisations

·         Raise awareness of the role of the Champion and the objectives of the Covenant

·         Establish effective lines of communication between military organisations and the Council

·         Support events held by the military community

·         Report back regularly to the Council/Cabinet on plans, projects and activities


The Priorities areas for 2022/23 included:


·         Work with the Garrison Commander and officers to establish new covenant partnership arrangements

·         Contribute to joint military/civilian events, such as CESSCA Café and the Health Fair, and actively support them to encourage community cohesion/integration

·         Work with veteran hubs to encourage attendance/participation from veterans with a view to supporting other projects such as the Repair Café and Men’s Shed

·         Contribute towards the review of the Future Accommodation Model in Aldershot and ensure arrangements work effectively

·         Work with service families and supporting organisations to encourage engagement with local health and wellbeing services


Cllr Thapa advised on a number of events he had already been involved with, these included the Health Fair, Gurkha Veterans’ Hub, Armed Forces Week and the Falklands 40 flag raising.


The Committee discussed the priorities and noted that engagement with the Shadow Armed Forces Champion, Cllr Nadia Martin had commenced. Cllr Thapa advised that he hoped to connect, through the Garrison Commander, with other veterans and groups to aid integration into the community and would work hard to help signpost those in need.


In response to a query regarding the Gold Employers Recognition Scheme (ERS), it was noted that the Silver ERS had been achieved by the Council, this award encouraged employers to support defence and inspire other organisations to do the same. The scheme encompassed bronze, silver and gold awards for employer organisations that pledged, demonstrated or advocated support to defence and the armed forces community, and aligned their values with the Armed Forces Covenant. It was noted that there was a big difference and a lot of work involved in achieving the Gold ERS, compared to the Silver ERS award and this would need to be considered against the Council’s other priorities.


It was agreed that Cllr Thapa would be invited to the April meeting of the Committee to report on his year.


The Chairman thanked Cllrs Masterson and Thapa for their reports.