(1) Fuel Poverty -
To consider the following Notice of Motion, which has been submitted by Cllr Nadia Martin pursuant to Standing Order 9 (1):
“The Resolution Foundation think-tank’s
research shows that over 3,000 Rushmoor households are in fuel poverty, which
has been exacerbated since the price cap increase on the 1st April. The
cost-of-living crisis is spiralling out of control for many in our Borough and
hardworking families are now requiring intervention and support.
We call on
Rushmoor Borough Council to support these families struggling by setting up a
cross party Emergency Task & Finish Group to identify ways in which
residents can be supported, including: review of available budget, amalgamating
all charitable support, increasing awareness of all government funding and
encouraging those who do not need their Winter Fuel Allowance to donate to
those who are suffering the most from high fuel prices and offering a
dedicated helpline to those in fuel & food poverty”
(2) Ukraine -
To consider the following Notice of Motion, which has been submitted by Cllr J.B. Canty pursuant to Standing Order 9 (1):
Borough Council is saddened and disturbed by the unprovoked aggression against
Ukraine, which has caused horrific devastation, and created an escalating
humanitarian crisis with millions displaced or affected. In light of this, and
as a way of expressing support for the people of Ukraine and members of our communities
who are from or who have ties with Ukraine, this Council;
a. Condemns the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine and stands in solidarity
with the people of Ukraine and their families and friends, including those
local to Rushmoor.
b. Stands ready to provide support and open our arms to innocent people
displaced and affected by this unprovoked Russian aggression.
c. Will work with and support the efforts of our local communities to provide
help, support and comfort to those in need."
The Council
was asked to consider two Motions which had been submitted in accordance with
the provisions of Standing Order 9 (1).
(1) Fuel Poverty
It was MOVED by Cllr. Nadia Martin; SECONDED by Cllr. Sarah Spall – That
“The Resolution Foundation think-tank’s research shows that over 3,000 Rushmoor households are in fuel poverty, which has been
exacerbated since the price cap increase on 1st April. The cost-of-living crisis is spiralling out of control for many in our Borough and
hardworking families are now requiring intervention and support.
We call on Rushmoor Borough Council to support
these families struggling by setting up a cross party Emergency Task and Finish
Group to identify ways in which residents can be supported, including: review
of available budget, amalgamating all charitable support, increasing awareness
of all government funding and encouraging those who do not need their Winter Fuel
Allowance to donate to those who are suffering the most from high fuel prices
and offering a dedicated helpline to those in fuel and food poverty.”
During debate, it was MOVED by Cllr A.R. Newell; SECONDED by Cllr P.G.
Taylor that the Motion be amended as follows:
“That the Motion be referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for
consideration at its next meeting, but that the Committee be requested to
review the Terms of Reference of the Council Tax Support Group, rather than set
up a new group, to enable it to carry out a detailed examination of the issues
in the Motion so that it can advise the Cabinet accordingly.”
In seconding the Amendment, Cllr. P.G. Taylor stated that the issue of
fuel poverty had exercised all Ward Councillors, with
residents going to find things difficult in the weeks and months ahead. He urged Members to support the Amendment.
During debate, Members spoke of the need for urgent action to help the
Borough’s residents who were in fuel poverty and reference was also made to the
help already being provided to support residents most in need.
The Amendment was put to the meeting.
On a Recorded Vote, there voted FOR:
Cllrs. Jessica Auton, Mrs. D.B. Bedford, J. Belbase, J.B. Canty, Sue Carter, M.S. Choudhary, A.K. Chowdhury,
D.E. Clifford, R.M. Cooper, P.I.C. Crerar, P.J.
Cullum, M.Hope, L. Jeffers, Prabesh
KC, Mara Makunura, S.J. Masterson, Marina Munro, K.H.
Muschamp, A.R. Newell, M.L. Sheehan, M.D. Smith, C.J. Stewart, P.G. Taylor,
M.J. Tennant, N. Thapa, Jacqui Vosper and the Deputy Mayor (Cllr. J.H. Marsh)
(27); AGAINST: 0; ABSTAINED: Cllrs. Gaynor Auston, T.D. Bridgeman, K. Dibble,
Christine Guinness, A.J. Halstead, Nadia Martin, T.W. Mitchell, Sophie Porter,
M.J. Roberts, Sarah Spall and the Mayor (Cllr. B.A. Thomas) (11) and the
Following further debate, the Substantive Motion was put to the
meeting. On a Recorded Vote there voted
FOR: Cllrs. Gaynor Austin, Jessica Auton, Mrs. D.B. Bedford, J. Belbase,
T.D. Bridgeman, J.B. Canty, Sue Carter, M.S. Choudhary, A.K. Chowdhury, D.E.
Clifford, R.M. Cooper, P.I.C. Crerar, P.J. Cullum, K.
Dibble, Christine Guinness, A.J. Halstead, M.Hope, L.
Jeffers, Prabesh KC, Mara Makunura,
Nadia Martin, S.J. Masterson, T.W. Mitchell,
Marina Munro, K.H. Muschamp, A.R. Newell, Sophie Porter, M.J. Roberts,
M.L. Sheehan, M.D. Smith, Sarah Spall, C.J. Stewart, P.G. Taylor, M.J. Tennant,
N. Thapa, Jacqui Vosper and the Deputy Mayor (Cllr. J.H. Marsh) (37); AGAINST:
0; ABSTAINED: The Mayor (Cllr. B.A. Thomas) (1) and the Motion was DECLARED CARRIED.
(2) Ukraine
It was MOVED by Cllr J.B. Canty and SECONDED by Cllr P.J. Cullum - That
“Rushmoor Borough Council is saddened and
disturbed by the unprovoked aggression against Ukraine, which has caused
horrific devastation, and created an escalating humanitarian crisis with
millions displaced or affected. In light
of this, and as a way of expressing support for the people of Ukraine and
members of our communities who are from or who ties with Ukraine, this Council:
(a) Condemns the unprovoked Russian
invasion of Ukraine and stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and
their families and friends, including those local to Rushmoor.
(b) Stands ready to provide support and
open our arms to innocent people displaced and affected by this unprovoked
Russian aggression.
(c) Will work with and support the
efforts of our local communities to provide help, support and comfort to those
in need.”
In introducing his Motion, Cllr. Canty referred to the atrocities being
carried out in Ukraine and to the plight of Ukrainian refugees who were fleeing
to neighbouring countries, including Poland where Rushmoor had the partner towns of Sulechow
and Rzeszow. Cllr. Canty paid tribute to the incredible charitable support
being extended to the people of Ukraine.
During debate, Members spoke of the United Kingdom’s long history of
helping refugees and the need for the Borough to welcome refugees from Ukraine
and to make sure they were resettled until such time as they could return to
their homeland. Members referred to the
atrocities being carried out in Ukraine by the Russian army. The Democracy, Strategy and Partnerships
Portfolio Holder (Cllr. A.R. Newell) referred to the work of Hampshire County
Council in matching refugees to local families who had volunteered to open
their homes to refugees. He also
referred to the work of Rushmoor Voluntary Services
and Citizens Advice and what support could be given by way of local networks
and partners, including counselling for those suffering with trauma. The
Council was also liaising with Rushmoor International
Association over contact with the Borough’s partner towns in Poland over the
situation there and also working closely with a Ukrainian charity in the
Following further debate, the Motion was put to the meeting. On a Recorded Vote there voted FOR: Cllrs.
Cllrs. Gaynor Austin, Jessica Auton, Mrs. D.B.
Bedford, J. Belbase, T.D. Bridgeman, J.B. Canty, Sue
Carter, M.S. Choudhary, A.K. Chowdhury, D.E. Clifford, R.M. Cooper, P.I.C. Crerar, P.J. Cullum, K. Dibble, Christine Guinness, A.J.
Halstead, M.Hope, L. Jeffers, Prabesh
KC, Mara Makunura, S.J. Masterson, T.W.
Mitchell, Marina Munro, K.H. Muschamp,
A.R. Newell, Sophie Porter, M.J. Roberts, M.L. Sheehan, M.D. Smith, Sarah
Spall, C.J. Stewart, P.G. Taylor, M.J. Tennant, N. Thapa, Jacqui Vosper, the
Deputy Mayor (Cllr. J.H. Marsh) and the Mayor (Cllr. B.A. Thomas) (37); AGAINST: 0; ABSTAINED: 0 was DECLARED
CARRIED unanimously.