Agenda item


To receive a report on the current work and development of the Council’s Business Plan 2022/23, from Assistant Chief Executive, Rachel Barker (copy attached).


The Board welcomed John McNab, Policy and Performance Manager and Rachel Barker, Assistant Chief Executive who were in attendance at the meeting to provide a presentation on the development and progress of the Council’s Business Plan 2022-25 and the details of the findings from a series of workshops held with Heads of Services throughout October and November, 2021. The Board were being asked to consider the workshop findings and provide comment on what might be taken forward for consideration and inclusion in the next stages of the process.


Mr McNab, reported on the workshops that had been undertaken with Heads of Service and the Executive Leadership Team. Consideration had been given to significant cross-cutting issues which could impact the Council, existing plans and strategies and any proposed changes within individual services. The structure, content, priorities and activities of the existing business plan and the 2021 Residents’ Survey feedback and PESTLE horizon scanning opportunities were also considered.


It was noted that feedback from the workshops had highlighted the following as potential areas for development:


·         Community Engagement – suggestions included the use of a residents’ panel, specific resident surveys and/or public consultation, however it was proposed that a Community Communications and Engagement Plan be developed and linked with the Business Plan in 2022.


·         Business Plan Structure – suggestions included a reduction of levels (i.e. themes, priorities and key activities) making it a clearer, relatable and cohesive document that did more to articulate the outcomes the Council were aiming to achieve. The modernisation and transformation programme and equality and diversity work were also suggested as areas to include within the Plan.


·         The way we work – it was suggested that a stronger narrative could be used for:


o   Organisational values – to include the Council’s new organisational values

o   Information governance and security – data protection, data security and/or information governance should feature as a common principle in the way Council services are delivered

o   Financial stability – affordability and flexibility should be reflected in the delivery of activities within the Plan

o   Performance arrangements and measures – to include principles on how the priorities are delivered in a measured way to ensure tangible outcomes


·         Key Priorities and Activities – a number of activities had been identified from the existing Business Plan that could be considered for retention and/or inclusion in the revised Plan (Appendix A). A list had also been consolidated of suggested new activities to be considered (Appendix B). The Board reviewed the lists.


·         Guiding Principles – given the feedback and comments made on the structure and content of the Business Plan the following themes had been identified as guiding principles for the future refresh of the Plan:


o   Focus on a smaller number of priorities and activities

o   A simpler and more succinct document

o   Balance in terms of affordability and capacity

o   Focus of key outcomes and deliverables


The Board noted the next steps, which would be to present the principles and key activities identified as part of the evidence gathering phase to Informal Cabinet on 16th December, 2021 and subject to further refinements, a draft document could be presented to the Board at its meeting in January, 2022.


The Board discussed the findings from the workshops and made a number of comments. In summary, it was felt important to produce a clear, simple, succinct document that was easily understood by residents. It should have clear and achievable outcomes/commitments, underpinned by strong evidence and should take into account affordability and capacity. In response to a query, it was noted that it was yet unknown which of the items in Appendix B would be affordable and consideration of this would be made in the next phase of the refresh. A costing exercise should also be considered for each activity to assess its affordability.


Public engagement with hard to reach groups was also discussed, in particular with young people, where it was felt there had been a gap. This would be considered further as part of the next phase and as part of the potential for a Community and Communications Engagement Strategy.




By Whom

By When

To consider the best way to share the evidence from the officer workshops with Members

Rachel Barker – Assistant Chief Executive

John McNab – Policy and Performance Manger

January, 2022


The Chairman thanked Ms Barker and Mr McNab for their presentation.

Supporting documents: