Agenda item


To receive a presentation from Zoe Paine, Strategy and Enabling Officer, on the Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategy 2022/27. The Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing will also be present at the meeting (copy attached).


The Board welcomed Strategy and Enabling Officer, Zoe Paine who was in attendance to give a presentation on the Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategy 2022-2027. Tim Mills, Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing was also in attendance.


Ms Paine, gave an overview of considerations during the process for compiling the new strategy through a collaborative approach, these included detailing what needed to be included and a summary of themes. The purpose would be to take an objective approach and to scope/reflect on what was right for the Council – would it support the Council’s corporate vision and objectives?


A summary was given on the current strategy, which had been set out in four themes and ran until the end of 2022. It was noted that the Council’s corporate context had changed since the existing strategy had been agreed and the new Vision for Rushmoor would need to be considered whilst scoping the new document. The Vision had identified, housing for every stage of life, as one of its six major ambitions and the Council’s Business Plan had stated that enough homes and types of housing were available in Rushmoor.


It was noted that legislation stated that all housing authorities must update their strategy every five years. As part of the update, a review should be carried out of all forms of homelessness and a plan should be set out on how the Council would secure appropriate accommodation and support for people who may become homeless or were at risk of becoming homeless.


It was proposed that the Council would deliver a well researched document, which provided a clear approach to any housing themes identified as part of the scoping work. Engagement on the strategy would be carried out through work with the Board, consultation with partners and continued review and audit processes. In addition, it was suggested that a supporting delivery plan could help the team monitor implementation and progress of the strategy. Other interfaces and dependencies to consider whilst scoping the strategy were, the Council’s Local Plan and Strategic Economic Framework, national housing and planning policies and funding models, partnership working with housing and service providers and the voluntary sector, and the work of other Local Authorities and Hampshire County Council (HCC).


The Board noted that the strategy would not be responsible for the delivery of some specific housing projects which were managed and resourced as part of the Rushmoor Housing Company or as part of the Property, Major Works and Regeneration Programme. Some constraints also needed to be considered such as, the ability to resource and deliver the project, Members’ desire to maintain housing as a priority and any significant changes to national housing policy during the lifetime of the project.


Ms Paine shared a number of objectives with the Board, and Members were asked to consider the appropriateness of the suggested objectives and feedback with any additional areas that may be included. The proposed objectives were:


·         Set out a clear approach to delivering housing which met a range of housing needs and aspirations in the borough

·         Support the Council in its corporate objectives and to support the delivery of the Climate Change and Supporting Communities strategies

·         Demonstrate transparency in the way in which the Council met its statutory housing duties

·         To ensure that the borough’s most vulnerable residents had access to accommodation and support appropriate to their needs


Ms Paine also shared a proposed approach to the process, this included a review of the current strategy, an update on housing needs and market data, an audit of the existing housing service provision, consultation/engagement with partners/stakeholders and drafting, approval, publication and implementation of the new strategy. Suggested scoping considerations were also shared, these included:


·         Understanding needs and aspirations

·         Adoption of an approach to maximise energy efficient, open market and affordable housing delivery with developers/stakeholders/Rushmoor Homes Limited, in line with Government policy and the Local Plan

·         Best use of existing housing stock/empty homes

·         Rough Sleeping and Temporary Accommodation Strategies

·         Approach to homelessness prevention, advice and housing allocation


The proposed timescale was noted and it was felt that feedback on progress could be made to the Board in Spring 2022. The draft document would then, hopefully, be shared with the Cabinet in October 2022 and presented to Full Council in December for adoption.


The Board discussed the suggested objectives as set out and a number of common themes were identified, these included:


·         Commitments to residents rather than objectives

·         Affordability across different segments of the population, best use of stock -some residents not in properties that worked for their needs - consideration on how to get the right people, in the right home, at the right time of life

·         Improved quality of all housing stock 

·         Climate change/sustainability priorities

·         Identification of future need

·         Wellbeing/vulnerability needs

·         Constraints on available space to build on – how to maximise


The Board continued their discussions on the suggested approach, the following were highlighted:


·         An allocation scheme – it was noted that Members could choose groups to be included in an allocation scheme, and currently military personnel were a priority within the system, however, the scheme was based on fairness for all residents

·         Increase building opportunities on brown field sites – the Board were advised of forthcoming government proposals to accelerate the use of brown field sites in the future for development

·         Consideration be given to how private sector housing management companies operate




By Whom

By When

To bring data collated to inform the strategy to the Board for consideration.

Tim Mills - Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing

Zoe Paine - Strategy and Enabling Officer

March 2022


The Chairman thanked Ms Paine and Mr Mills for their presentation and contribution to the meeting.

Supporting documents: