To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 27th September 2021 (copy attached).
Cllr Prabesh KC – Attendance at Meetings of the Committee
The Chairman advised the Committee that Cllr Prabesh KC had been absent from consecutive meetings of the Committee held on 27th May, 27th July and 27th September in 2021. It was noted that the Democracy Team had telephoned Cllr Prabesh KC earlier that day and he had confirmed that he was unable to attend the meeting due to a family emergency abroad in Nepal.
Under the Council’s Standing Orders, Standing Order 4 (5) stated that “if any Member shall be absent from three consecutive meetings of a Committee, he or she shall cease to be a Member thereof, unless he or she shall in the opinion of the Committee show reasonable grounds for their absence”. The Chairman advised that the Democracy Team had contacted Cllr Prabesh KC by email the previous week to raise the matter. However, it was now understood that, as he was abroad, he might have had difficulty accessing his emails and responding on his reasons for absence.
The Committee agreed to postpone a decision on whether there were reasonable grounds for non-attendance until having heard a full representation from Cllr Prabesh KC.
The Chairman requested Members to advise her of any future apologies for absence as well as contacting the Democracy Team.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Before the Committee was asked to confirm the accuracy of the Minutes of the previous meeting held on 27th September 2021, the Executive Director (Mr Ian Harrison) gave an update on Minute Nos. 20 (Annual Governance Statement 2020/21) and 23 (Internal Audit Opinion 2020/21).
(1) Minute No. 20 – Annual Governance Statement 2020/21
At the previous meeting, the Committee had requested an update regarding the temporary delegation arrangements in place due to the Covid-19 pandemic and when these would be removed. The Executive Director advised the Committee that the temporary arrangements were still in place and available to the Council. They had not been rescinded but the Council was currently not calling on them. Advice had been received to keep the arrangements in place until there was confidence that the country was clear of the Covid-19 pandemic and any potential Government imposed restrictions.
(2) Minute No. 23 – Internal Audit Opinion 2020/21
The Executive Director advised the Committee that, in light of the findings within the Audit Manager’s Report No. AUD210O5, the Council had contacted the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) to share information and request an opinion on the strengthening of internal audit arrangements. It was understood that representatives of CIPFA would be attending a meeting at the Council Offices within the following financial quarter to provide advice. The Committee would be updated after that meeting.
The Committee
(i) NOTED the updates to the Minutes; and
(ii) RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 27th September 2021 be signed as a correct record of the proceedings.
NOTE: Cllr Christine Guinness requested that it be noted that she abstained from the vote on this item.
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