Agenda item


To receive a presentation on the Interim Management Plan for the Southwood Country Park from Anna Lucas, Senior Planning Officer (copy attached).


The Board welcomed Anna Lucas, Principal Planning Officer who was in attendance to present on the Southwood Country Park Interim Management Plan.


It was advised that the site was designated a Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG), the purpose of which was to divert people away from visiting Special Protection Areas (SPA). The site should consist of a number of criteria which could include, open areas and areas of dense scattered trees and shrubs, open water, circular walks, signposting and site information.


It was noted that the site had been developed from its original use as a golf course during phase 1 and temporary management of the site had been undertaken by the Blackwater Valley Countryside Partnership (BVCP). Phase 2 proposed to secure the full potential of the site, which could be achieved through a soft marketing testing exercise and arrangements put in place for the longer-term management of the site. Once this was in place a ten year plan would be prepared.


The Interim Management Plan 2021-23 covered phase 2 of the work, management of the habitat complex and enhancements to attract different wildlife not already located on the site, maintenance and monitoring and a schedule of work. Progress on phase 2 was noted, this included work on the Southwood and Cove Brook Floodplain Improvement Project, options and designs for the proposed visitor centre and café and a pedestrian crossing which was currently subject to some technical work and confirmation from HCC regarding requirements.


The Board was apprised of the details of the habitat management plan. This included mowing regimes, creation of a wetland habitat, thinning of the canopy over the waterways, planting of copses and re-establishing historic hedgerows, health and safety work on trees and extensive restoration works on the river, stream and ditch network.


The native species found on the site were outlined, including bats, badgers, reptiles, 36 species of bird, amphibians and invertebrates. A number of invasive non-indigenous species were also present on the site and these would be dealt with appropriately.


Access and Infrastructure to the site was a key part of the Plan. Provision included parking facilities, clear signage, all weather paths, fencing and gates, picnic benches and seating, installation of a trim trail/nature trail and deconstruction of the golf course infrastructure.


The Board was advised of the timeline for the Management Plan. It was proposed that consultation on the Interim Plan would be undertaken in September, 2021, with a view to appoint a permanent SANG operator in April 2022.  The ten year plan would then be developed in conjunction with the successful party.


The Board discussed the Interim Plan and raised a number of points, including:


·         The Café/Visitors Centre – It was advised that this would not be included in the Plan but would be developed in parallel to it. The café would be operated on a lease basis and consideration would be given to similar offers in the local area to ensure best practice. It was felt important to make the most from the facility and offer multiple uses and ensure best value for money. Access for volunteers would also need to be considered.


·         Funding – it was noted that developers’ contributions would make up some of the funding to run the site but other funding would be sought and the Environment Agency had provided £45,000 towards some of the proposed developments.


·         Pedestrian Crossing – it was noted that the crossing would be signal operated.


·         Wheelchair access – the need to ensure access for all would be reflected in the Plan.


·         Connectivity – It was noted that work was underway to connect the Southwood Country Park and Southwood Woodland. However, connectivity with sites further afield would be dealt with through the forthcoming Cycling and Walking Implementation Plan and the Green Infrastructure Strategy which were in their development stages.


The Board ENDORSED the Southwood Country Park Interim Management Plan and thanked Ms Lucas for her presentation. It was also noted that, should Members have any further comments or questions relating to the Plan, these should be referred to Ms Lucas or Mr. Mills.

Supporting documents: