Agenda item

Aldershot Indoor Pools and Lido - Update

            The Head of Community and Environmental Services, Mr. Peter Amies to provide an update on the Aldershot Indoor Pools and Lido complex.


            An update was provided by Mr. Peter Amies, Head of Community and Environmental Services, on the Aldershot Indoor Pool and Lido complex.


            The Panel compared the visions of the Working Group and the Friends of Aldershot Lido (FOAL) Group against the feedback from the soft market testing exercise. The visions compared well with the feedback to create a year round attraction, including a heated pool area with a splash pad facility, improved catering, changing and reception facilities and to provide an adventure golf area. The soft market testing had also highlighted scope for increasing the cost in line with feedback from previous public consultation.


            The Panel was advised that outcomes from the soft market testing had highlighted two main options for the Aldershot Indoor Pools:


·                     Option 1 – Retain the building with self-funded improvements. The advantage to this would be a potential saving of £180k per annum. The disadvantages would be the lifecycle costs of the building, increased competition from new facilities in the surrounding area, increased operating costs and the difficulty of achieving the vision of  integration with the Lido.


·                     Option 2 – A new build could result in reduced operating costs and increased income that would enable an £8 million investment at no additional cost to the Council. The advantages were a guaranteed 50/60 years life, a landmark building with increased participation, income and lower running costs. This would also allow full integration with the Lido. The disadvantages would be a significant reduction in cost savings.


            The Panel then noted the main options, from the outcomes of the soft market testing, for the Aldershot Lido:


·                     Option 1 – retain the existing unheated body of water and improve the reception, changing and café at a capital cost of around £200k. Both the lido season and usage (25,000 per annum) would remain the same.

·                     Option 2 – replace the unheated pool with a 50 metres heated pool and Splashpad. The capital cost would be around £3 million. The season would increase from 76 days to 183 days and attendance figures would average at 55,000 per year.


            The Panel was advised that both options would include a year round adventure golf facility which would attract around 70,000 visits and, with an increase of £1 on the admission charge, provide savings to the Council of up to £90,000 per annum.


            The Panel noted the advantages of a new build and the procurement process, in particular that a new build would provide a facility that offered improved integration with the Lido and increased levels of participation. The lido season would be extended and with both increased use and reduced costs would make it much more sustainable. The 50 metres pool would allow for both fun water time and more formal lane swimming particularly by clubs. The splash pad area would appeal to the younger children and the Adventure Golf to all ages. The preferred procurement option would be on a Design, Build, Operate and Maintain basis, which would put the onus on the operator to provide a more financially sustainable facility.


            The Panel discussed the presentation and highlighted the need to assess traffic management options in the area. It was noted that additional parking through decking could be provided on the site.


            The Chairman thanked Mr. Amies for his presentation.  The Panel ENDORSED the proposals for submission to the Cabinet for consideration.