To consider Report No. OS2101 (copy attached), which sets out options for the future provision of leisure services across the Borough, following the expiry of the current contract with Places for People Leisure on 31st March, 2021.
Presented By:Cllr Maurice Sheehan, Operational Services Portfolio Holder
The Cabinet considered Report No. OS2101, which set out a range
of options for the Council’s Farnborough Leisure Centre and Aldershot Indoor
Pools Complex, following the expiry of the contract with Places for People
Leisure on 31st March, 2021. The
Chairman welcomed Mrs Katherine Everard, Committee Member of Rushmoor Indoor
Bowling Club and Cllr C.P. Grattan, on behalf of the Council’s Labour Group, both
of whom had requested to address the Cabinet on this issue.
The Cabinet heard from Mrs Everard, who was
speaking on behalf of the Rushmoor Indoor Bowling Club. Mrs Everard brought the
Cabinet’s attention to the written representations that had been submitted. Mrs
Everard raised further points including:
that the absence of a leisure centre in Farnborough town
centre would adversely affect footfall in the town centre generally;
that the indoor bowling facility and leisure centre
contributed positively towards the Council’s priorities relating to health and
that the Club considered there was a lack of evidence in
relation to the case for the leisure centre not reopening; and
that the Club felt that little progress had been made
towards the identification of an alternative site for an indoor bowling
facility, following the closure of the existing facility.
The Cabinet then heard from Cllr Grattan, who was
speaking on behalf of the Council’s Labour Group. Cllr Grattan requested that,
should the decision be made not to reopen the leisure centre, that all clubs
currently connected to the leisure centre would be given every practical
assistance to find alternative facilities. The Group also considered that, in
that circumstance, any staff employed by the Farnborough Leisure Centre would
be treated sensitively and the redeployment would be considered wherever
The Report was presented by Cllr M.L. Sheehan,
Operational Services Portfolio Holder. Members were informed that the leisure
sector had been severely affected by Coronavirus restrictions and that
Government guidance in relation to transition from lockdown indicted that
leisure centres would not be allowed to reopen for a further six to nine
months. Negotiations had taken place with People for Places Leisure in relation
to a further extension to the contract to open and operate the Farnborough
Leisure Centre once this was allowed but it was considered that this option
carried unacceptable financial risks to the Council. Negotiations had also
taken place with Places for People Leisure over the reopening and operation of
the Aldershot Indoor Pools Complex, once this was allowed. Details of the
negotiation processes were contained within the Report. Members were reminded
that the Council was in the process of carrying out a feasibility study for a
new combined Leisure Centre and Civic Hub within the Farnborough Civic Quarter
development site. The Portfolio Holder stated that the Council would work
towards the Aldershot Lido opening for the 2021 season, subject to the
Government’s restrictions in place at that time.
The Council’s Chief Executive informed Members that
a petition of 2,741 signatures against the leisure centre not reopening had
been received. Whilst this did not meet the requirements contained within the
Council’s Constitution to be considered under the Petitions Scheme, the Cabinet
would have regard to this and the queries raised by the petitioner would be
answered in full.
Cllr K. Dibble, Leader of the Council’s Labour Group,
was invited to address the meeting and endorsed the comments made previously by
Cllr Grattan in terms of clubs connected to the Farnborough Leisure Centre and
the staff employed there.
The Cabinet then considered the matters in the
Exempt Appendices A and B of the Report. During this discussion, the public
were excluded from the meeting to avoid the disclosure of exempt information
within Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act, 1972
(information relating to financial or business affairs).
In discussing the options, Members raised queries
in many areas, including the management costs of running the facilities, the
financial implications of bringing
forward the demolition and reprovision of the Farnborough Leisure Centre
and the income sharing arrangements with Places for People Leisure for the
Aldershot Indoor Pools Complex. In deciding to not reopen the Farnborough
Leisure Centre and to award a three-year contract to Places for People Leisure
to run the Aldershot Indoor Pools complex, Members expressed regret at the
temporary loss of this important facility in Farnborough. It was felt, however,
that these decisions were in the best interests of Rushmoor’s Council Taxpayers.
The Cabinet RESOLVED that
light of the current position with the leisure market and the increased costs
and other risks associated with the operation of the Farnborough Leisure
Centre, the ongoing closure of the facility at the end of the existing
contract, as set out in Report No, OS2101, be approved, with Council taking
action to bring forward the demolition and reprovision of a new leisure
facility on the Farnborough Civic Quarter site;
the allocation of
£100,000 from the Service Expenditure (Contingency) provision and inclusion as
an additional item in the 2021/22 revenue budget, subject to approval of the
Council’s budget at the Council meeting on 25th February, 2021, be approved, to
meet the costs associated with the end of the contract, including
decommissioning, security and preparation for demolition; and
(iii) the option to enter into a contract with Places for People Leisure to operate the Aldershot Indoor Pools Complex, on the terms set out in the Restricted Minute appended, be approved.
Supporting documents: