To consider the recommendations of the Cabinet in relation to the following items:
(1) Southwood SANG Visitor Centre and Café Design Development
The Portfolio Holder for Major Projects and Property (Cllr.
M.J. Tennant) introduced the Report of the Cabinet meeting held on 28th July
2021, which recommended the approval of £126,000 being allocated from the
Stability and Resilience Reserve to facilitate the design development and
planning application stages for a Southwood SANG Visitor Centre and Café .
It was MOVED by Cllr M.J. Tennant; SECONDED by Cllr M.L. Sheehan – That approval be given to an allocation of £126,000 from the Stability and Resilience Reserve to facilitate the design development and planning application stages for a Southwood SANG visitor centre and café.
There voted FOR: 32; AGAINST: 0 and the Recommendation was DECLARED
(2) Regenerating Rushmoor Programme – Union Yard Regeneration Scheme
The Portfolio Holder for Major Projects and Property (Cllr. M.J. Tennant) introduced the Report of the Cabinet meeting held on 28th July 2021, which recommended the approval of the amendment of the Council’s Capital Programme by £41,672,000 to put in place a project budget, as set out in the revised Exempt Appendix E, to enable the Council to proceed with the Union Yard Scheme. The Report also sought approval to delegate authority to the Executive Head of Finance to amend the Treasury Management Strategy and associated prudential indicators in accordance with the Council’s decision regarding the scheme.
It was MOVED by Cllr M.J. Tennant; SECONDED by Cllr D.E. Clifford – That approval be given to
(i) The amendment of the Council’s Capital Programme by £41,672,000 to put in place a project budget, as set out in the revised Exempt Appendix E (circulated to Members at the meeting), to enable the Council to proceed with the Union Yard Scheme; and
(ii) Authority being delegated to the Executive Head of Finance to amend the Treasury Management Strategy and associated prudential indicators in accordance with the Council’s decision regarding the scheme.
There voted FOR: 34; AGAINST: 0; ABSTAINED: 1 and the RecommendationS were DECLARED CARRIED.
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