Agenda item


To receive a presentation from Tim Mills, Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing on the revised Aldershot transition and recovery plan.


The Board welcomed Tim Mills, Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing, who reported on the Transition and Recovery Plan for Aldershot.


The Board noted that the Council’s approach to Aldershot had been split into two elements:


·         Support for the town to transition during the re-development works (Transition Plan)

·         Longer-term strategy


However, since the Transition Plan had last been presented to the Board, COVID-19 had emerged and the Institute of Place Management, who delivered the High Street Task Force, had developed a Post COVID-19 Framework for Recovery which had four stages; crisis, pre-recovery, recovery and transformation. The Council was currently in the recovery stage.


The framework had four elements; managing social distancing and cleaning, gathering data and managing footfall, telling the story and showing kindness and reacting quickly. The Board noted that under the main framework there had been seven priorities identified by the Council:


1.    Managing safety, distancing and cleaning – measures taken included zoning, signage, marshals, hotspot areas and use of planters to create flexible safe spaces/pop up performance spaces. Issues around anti-social behaviour in Aldershot were reported on an and it was noted that work had been stepped up, in conjunction with the Police, to help tackle the problem.


2.    Gathering data and monitoring footfall – the key aim was to collate good data through tracking businesses and monitoring footfall. A new automatic footfall tracking system was hoped to be in place by March, 2021.


3.    Telling the story and communication – A new communications officer would be in post from November, 2020 to work specifically on the promotion of the town centre. Engagement with key stakeholders/businesses would continue through fortnightly newsletters.


4.    Encouraging town centre use – work had been carried out on the adaptation of events and on information on using public spaces i.e. parks and accessibility.


5.    Supporting businesses – a number of initiatives were in place including support and advice from the environmental health teams, business rate grants until 31st March, 2021, business support provider schemes, in particular a Building Business Resilience package, digital training and advice.


6.    Attracting and monitoring external funding – it was noted that £82,000 had been received from the “Re-opening High Streets Safely Fund” and exploration of further funding options, with the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), Hampshire County Council (HCC) and Department for Transport (DfT) was underway.


7.    Engaging with the High Street Task Force – virtual guidance and webinars had replaced the original process at the peak of the pandemic. However, it was advised that resumption of the original processes was imminent.


In response to a query, it was noted that the Princes Hall was currently being used by local community groups in a socially distanced environment, but all large scale performances had been cancelled. It was noted that an update was expected from the central Government in November, 2020. In respect of digital performances, options were being explored, although as most shows were provided commercially, ultimately the decision would lie with the provider.


In response to a comment on the digital games hub, it was advised that the building would be ready to occupy imminently. However, some legalities had been delayed by COVID-19 and these were currently being finalised to enable the first occupier, Rocket Desk, to move in. The first floor of the building had faced some issues but procurement options were being considered for leasing the space.


Following discussions on the planters creating space for pop up performances, it was advised that the procurement of the planters had considered the risk of antisocial behavior and would not be easily moved by individuals. Consideration would also be given to locating some in the Westgate area to support the existing businesses with the temporary closure of Cineworld.


A request was made for some pre-COVID-19 comparable data on footfall figures and this would be provided to the Board.


The presentation was NOTED.