Agenda item


To consider the following Notice of Motion, which has been submitted by Cllr Christine Guinness pursuant to Standing Order 9 (1):


“This Council records our gratitude and thanks to the many organisations, community groups and individuals who stepped forward at a time of great uncertainty, during the Covid-19 pandemic, to help the most vulnerable and isolated residents in Rushmoor. They were able to provide an essential point of contact and aid before Government support could be put in place.


The Council commits to the on-going support of voluntary organisations within the Borough, reflecting the invaluable contribution they make to our communities, and insuring their ability to react quickly to future need.”


The Council was asked to consider a Motion which had been submitted by Cllr Christine Guinness in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order 9 (1). 


“This Council records our gratitude and thanks to the many organisations, community groups and individuals who stepped forward at a time of great uncertainty, during the Covid-19 pandemic, to help the most vulnerable and isolated residents in Rushmoor. They were able to provide an essential point of contact and aid before Government support could be put in place.


The Council commits to the on-going support of voluntary organisations within the Borough, reflecting the invaluable contribution they make to our communities, and ensuring their ability to react quickly to future need.”


In moving the Motion, Cllr Guinness made an amendment to the wording to include an additional paragraph at the end of the Motion, as follows:


"Additionally, this Council congratulates all key workers who live or work in Rushmoor – particularly those in education, the NHS and social care – for their service in supporting those directly affected by COVID-19 and maintaining essential public services during the pandemic."  


The amended Motion received the support of the seconder, Cllr Mara Makunura.  The amended Motion therefore became the substantive Motion.


Speaking on her Motion, Cllr Guinness thanked all volunteers who had come forward during this unprecedented time of the coronavirus pandemic and particularly praised the work of the Aldershot and Farnborough Facebook groups that had formed to co-ordinate volunteers to organise neighbourhood activities, including shopping, collecting prescriptions and being on the end of a phone to talk to the lonely and isolated.  Food banks had also become an important part of work being carried out by volunteers as well as people volunteering to sew scrubs and masks for the NHS.   Cllr Guinness stressed the vital importance to continue to support the work of the voluntary services.


During discussion, Members gave their support to the work of voluntary sector groups and volunteers.  The Cabinet Member for Democracy, Strategy and Partnerships (Cllr A.R. Newell) referred to discussions being held with community groups to help keep services going as the Council moved into “recovery phase”.  The Council would be working with other major sector groups, including Hampshire County Council, Rushmoor Voluntary Services and Citizens Advice to work out what was needed to support the community going forward.   In 2019/20, the Council had awarded £105,000 in support of 64 local projects and supporting such projects would continue in 2020/21, however, Cllr Newell stressed the need to ensure that individual organisations were sustainable going forward.


Members also referred to the work of Aldershot Response to Coronavirus  (ARC) and Farnborough Covid-19 and the vital support both groups had provided to the community.  Both groups had now ceased operating as the country had emerged from lockdown and a number of volunteers had had to return to their places of work. There were several volunteers, however, who had indicated their wish to continue being a volunteer.  Reference was also made to the importance of the befriending service provided by volunteers and that this vital work should also continue.  Volunteers had also provided cooked meals, given cookery lessons, created community gardens which had provided fresh fruit and vegetables.  The view was expressed that it was vital that the Council should work with partners to continue to support such work and that the work of volunteers should never be taken for granted – all unpaid with people giving up their own time to support the community. 


All Members paid tribute and gave their thanks to everyone in the community who had extended help in any way they could.  Gratitude was also expressed to those who had put the safety of the community above their own.  Their sacrifice was inspiring and humbling and a legacy that the country’s history would remember forever.  It was felt that the Borough would get through these difficult times and emerge stronger by working together.


In seconding the Motion, Cllr Mara Makunura paid tribute to the work of Rushmoor Voluntary Services, which had shared the Council’s commitment to support the most vulnerable in Rushmoor.   She wanted to place on record the Council’s immense gratitude for the work of all the Borough’s heroic, dedicated and selfless volunteers who had made a major contribution to the quality of life in Rushmoor during the coronavirus pandemic.


The Motion was put to the Meeting.  There voted FOR: 35; AGAINST: 0 and the Motion was DECLARED CARRIED unanimously.