Agenda item


To consider Report No. OS1915 (copy attached), which sets out the preferred approach for the procurement of a new leisure operating services contract covering the Farnborough Leisure Centre and the Aldershot Indoor Pools and Lido complex.

Presented By:Cllr Maurice Sheehan, Operational Services Portfolio Holder


The Cabinet considered Report No. OS1915, which set out the proposed approach for the procurement of a new leisure operating services contract covering the Farnborough Leisure Centre and Aldershot Indoor Pools and Lido complex. The Chairman welcomed Mrs Katherine Everard, Committee Member of Rushmoor Indoor Bowling Club, who had requested to address the Cabinet on this issue.


Members were informed that, in February, 2019, GT3 Architects, along with Strategic Leisure Limited, had been appointed to assist Council officers in looking at options for the future provision of leisure facilities across the Borough, including the Farnborough Leisure Centre. Members’ attention was brought to paragraph 4.9 of the Report which set out a recommended facilities mix for a new leisure facility. This recommended that the facilities mix did not include the reprovision of an indoor bowls rink. A Headline Needs Analysis had been prepared and had identified that indoor bowls could be provided as a stand-alone facility. The build cost of a new facility, or the re-purposing of an existing building or facility, would have a lower cost than the estimated £2.7 million cost of incorporating indoor bowls in a new leisure centre, based on 1000 square metres of space at a build cost of £2,700 per square metre.


Given the impact of this on the Rushmoor Indoor Bowling Club, who were the primary users of the current facility, the Council had contacted the Club advising them of the recommendations and had invited the Club to work with officers to consider alternative options. A budget of £10,000 was to be set aside to support this work.


The Cabinet heard from Mrs Everard, who was speaking on behalf of the Rushmoor Indoor Bowls Club. Mrs Everard brought the Cabinet’s attention to the written representations that had been submitted. Mrs Everard raised further points including:


-           that the increase in population from extensive developments in the area would have the potential to increase demand for indoor bowls facilities


-           could S106 developers’ contributions be used to fund the provision of indoor bowls in the mix for a new leisure facility?


-           that the current location was ideal in terms of access for the Club’s members, especially in terms of public transport links.


The Cabinet considered the representations made.


The Cabinet RESOLVED that


(i)           the Head of Operational Services, in consultation with the Operational Services Portfolio Holder, be authorised to carry out the procurement of a new contract, as set out in Report No. OS1915, using a process of competitive dialogue, including making amendments to and finalising the documentation for use throughout the procurement process;


(ii)          the procurement documentation and conditions of contract, as set out in Appendices 3 – 6 to the Report, be approved as the basis for the procurement;


(iii)         a total procurement project budget of £50,000, to be included in the revised revenue estimates for 2019/20, be approved, with flexibility to carry forward any unspent balance into 2020/21;


(iv)         in order to bring forward the next stage of a new leisure centre in Farnborough as agreed in the Corporate Plan, the facility mix, as set out in Paragraph 4.9 of the Report and the setting aside of £100,000 of the Civic Quarter Farnborough Development Capital Budget for the feasibility and design work for the leisure centre, be approved; and


(v)          Rushmoor officers be authorised to work with the Rushmoor Indoor Bowling Club to look at alternative options for indoor bowls and that a budget of £10,000 be approved to support initial feasibility work.

Supporting documents: