Agenda item

Farnborough and Cove War Memorial Hospital Trust

To receive a presentation from Mr. Peter Amies, Head of Community and Environment, on the background and working arrangements of the Farnborough and Cove War Memorial Hospital Trust. Cr. Roland Dibbs, Trustee of the Farnborough and Cove War Memorial Hospital Trust, will also be in attendance at the meeting.



            The Panel welcomed Mr. Peter Amies, Head of Community and Environmental Services, to the meeting, following a tour of the Farnborough and Cove War Memorial Hospital earlier that day. Members had met with day care clients and viewed the facilities and working arrangements.


Mr. Amies gave an overview of the history of the Trust. It was noted that the building was the town’s memorial to the men of Cove, Farnborough and South Hawley who had died during World War 1. The house had been purchased and converted into a hospital and had relied on voluntary support until the NHS took it over in 1948. The hospital closed in 1974, when Frimley Park Hospital opened but, following public pressure to re-open it for community use, the Trust had been formed and the hospital re-opened in 1975. The Council procured the building in 1976 from the Health Authority and made it available to the newly established not for profit Trust as a short stay residential and day care centre. In 1978 funding had been secured to open three of the ground floor rooms for use by day care patients and in 1984 further funding was secured to re-open it as Devereux House. The day care facility ran from the ground floor with the first floor being used for short stay patients and eventually permanent residents.  Farley House, the adjoining old maternity wing, had then been converted into leasehold flats for the elderly. The Council was the current landlord and the five year lease ran up to 1st July, 2017.


At present, the facility had sixteen self-contained rooms, for patients who were reasonably mobile and under the care of their GP. The day care facility consisted of a large room, dining room, quiet room, occupational therapy department and a physiotherapy room. Other services offered were advice on speech therapy, chiropody and bathing by Ambulift; the Trust also had a minibus that had recently been replaced at a cost of £50,000.


            It was advised that the residential element of the facility was self-funding but the day care facility received a grant from the Council to the value of £112,000 and rent relief of £626 per annum. The residential side required 13 patients to break even and the day care could accommodate 22 clients per day; it was advised that there were currently six people on the waiting list. In total, there were 57 clients for the day care facility aged between 57 and 99 years. Attendance was consistent across the five days of opening with most clients attending one day a week with one attending everyday. Clients received snacks, lunch and tea during the operational hours of 10.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m. at a cost of £26 per day plus £5.50 if transport was required; for social care services referrals the cost increased to £30.92. However, there was an element of means testing.


            The facility contributed to the wider community, making use of five full time volunteers and allowing Health and Social Care student and school work experience placements. The League of Friends were involved in fund raising activities and visits were made by a local podiatrist and hairdresser, with clients paying directly for these additional services.  Trips and themed events were also organised for the clients should they wish to participate.


            The Panel reviewed the income and expenditure for the day care facility and noted an average profit of £13,000 per annum for a typical year. It was noted that the largest expenditure was for staff salaries, followed by rent, rates and facilities. The bulk of the income, besides the grant from the Council, came from day bookings (£85,000) and rent from the adjoining building, Bevan Lodge, which was utilised by Bevan Lodge Community Pre-School, the Samaritans and neighbour care (£35,000).


            During discussion, the Panel noted that the facility was unique in the area with no other similar facilities. It was accessible to all and the level of service provided was of a high standard. 


            The Chairman then invited Cr. Roland Dibbs, who was in attendance at the meeting in his role as Trustee of the Farnborough and Cove War Memorial Hospital Trust, to address the meeting. Cr. Dibbs reported that, after discussions with the other Trust members, it had been agreed that the Trust would be willing to take a reduction of £10,000 from the annual grant received from the Council in light of the current austerity measures forced on the Council to make considerable savings in the medium term.  The reduction would mean that the fees would need to be increased going forward to cover costs.


            The Panel discussed the offer and AGREED in principle to the reduction of £10,000 per annum on the proviso that the Trust remained financially stable and could contact the Council without delay if they should experience financial difficulties.  It was also AGREED that the Council would assist in finding a tenant for the first floor of Bevan Lodge, which was currently empty, to increase income for the Trust.


            The Panel noted the presentation and AGREED the following actions:



Action to be taken


By Whom





Consider the arrangements with the Farnborough and Cove War Memorial Hospital Trust to implement the reduction in the Council’s annual grant from £112,000 to £102,000.



Head of Community and Environmental Services.


September, 2016


To liaise with the Farnborough and Cove War Memorial Hospital Trust on seeking a tenant for the first floor of Bevan Lodge.



Head of Community and Environmental Services.


September, 2016


A letter would be sent to the Trust thanking them for their offer to take a reduction in their grant contribution from the Council.



Head of Community and Environmental Services.


July, 2016