Agenda item

Flooding - Role of the Council

To receive a presentation from the Pollution and Environmental Control Environmental Health Manager regarding the Council’s role, and that of other bodies, on flooding in the Borough, as outlined by the Flood and Water Management Act 2010.


The Panel received a presentation from the Pollution and Environmental Control Environmental Health Manager on the Council’s role, and that of other bodies, on flooding in the Borough.  Provisions were contained in the Flood and Water Management (FWM) Act 2010, which was introduced following major flooding across the country in 2006/07.  The 2006/07 floods had a major impact on Ash Road and the surrounding area and areas around Cove Brook; work had subsequently been undertaken to address the flooding issues in these areas.


As a result of the new FWM Act, roles had been assigned to respond to flooding.  Hampshire County Council was the Lead Local Flood Authority and was required to develop a Multi-Agency Flood Plan and act as the co-ordinating body for the Risk Management Authorities.  The Risk Management Authorities included: Rushmoor Borough Council (to prevent flooding and respond during an event and recovery); Thames Water Utilities (responsible for surface water and foul sewers); and, the Environment Agency (responsible for main river consents).


The Council had a number of roles under the FWM Act to:

·                Respond to requests for help by providing sand bags to properties at risk of internal flooding.  The Council now had a stock of 2,000 sand bags ready to distribute and residents were also encouraged to purchase their own sand bags.


·                Act as a broker on behalf of residents by liaising with Hampshire County Council, Environment Agency, Thames Water Utilities and private landowners where necessary.


·                Carry out work where the Council was the riparian owner.


·                Advise other riparian owners of their responsibility to maintain and repair banks.


·                Protect Council owned property from flooding.


Measures had been introduced to protect the Borough from flooding in the future.  All new developments were required to ensure that any surface water run-off was no worse than the existing site.  The Surface Water Management Plan had identified eleven hot-spots which would be included in the Rushmoor Local Plan.  The approach adopted in the Local Plan should reduce the likelihood of a flash flooding event in the Borough.  The Environment Agency issued flood warnings and provided advice to public and partners – residents were able to register with the Environment Agency to receive warnings.


The Flood Defence Grant-in-Aid scheme provided funding for investigation works and an application had been submitted in the second tranche for funding for the area around Cove Brook.  Thames Water Utilities was also planning to undertake an Aldershot catchment study looking at improving drainage arrangements and Members would be updated on the study later in the year.


The Panel NOTED the presentation and acknowledged the work that had been carried out by the Council to prevent flooding and responding to flash flooding that had occurred.  There was a view that residents were unaware of a number of issues relating to riparian ownership and who they should contact in the event of flooding.  It was suggested that an education and communication programme was required to provide residents with the information.  It was also proposed that a representative from Hampshire County Council, as the Lead Local Flood Authority, should be invited to a future meeting of the Panel to advise of the work the County Council had carried out and future plans.


Action to be taken

By whom


Consideration be given at the mid-cycle meeting to invite a representative from Hampshire County Council as the Lead Local Flood Authority to a Panel meeting.

Panel Administrator

5th October 2016

Slides to be circulated to the Panel

Panel Administrator

10th September 2016