Agenda item


To consider the recommendations of the Cabinet and Committees in relation to the following items:


(1)         Revenue Budget, Capital Programme, Council Tax Level and Council Tax Support Scheme 2018/19


The Leader of the Council (Cr. D. E. Clifford) introduced the Report of the Cabinet meeting held on 6th February, 2018, which recommended the approval of the Revenue Budget, Capital Programme and Council Tax Level 2018/19.  It was MOVED by Cllr D.E. Clifford; SECONDED by Cllr P.G. Taylor – That approval be given to the recommendations set out in the Revenue Budget and Capital Programme budget booklet 2018/19 in respect of the following:


(i)        the General Fund Revenue Budget Summary;


(ii)       the detailed General Fund Revenue Budget;


(iii)      the additional items for inclusion in the budget;


(iv)      the Council Tax Requirement of £6,147,509 for this Council;


(v)       the Council Tax level for Rushmoor Borough Council’s purposes of £198.49 for a Band D property in 2018/19;


(vi)      the Capital Programme;


(vii)    the Strategy for the Flexible Use of Capital Receipts;


(viii)   the Head of Financial Services’ report under Section 25 of the Local Government Act, 2003; and


(ix)      the holding of reserves and use of the Service Improvement Fund, as previously detailed in Report No. FIN1808.


Following debate, the Motion was put to the meeting.  On a Recorded Vote, there voted FOR: Cllrs Mrs. D.B. Bedford, D.M.T. Bell, J.B. Canty, Sue Carter, M.S. Choudhary, D.E. Clifford, R.M. Cooper, Liz Corps, P.I.C. Crerar, R.L.G. Dibbs, D.S. Gladstone, Barbara Hurst, A. Jackman, G.B. Lyon, J.H. Marsh, Marina Munro, K.H. Muschamp, A.R. Newell, M.L. Sheehan, M.D. Smith, P.G. Taylor, M.J. Tennant, B.A. Thomas, Jacqui Vosper and J.E. Woolley (25); AGAINST: Cllrs A.H. Crawford,  Keith Dibble, Sue Dibble, Jennifer Evans, C.P. Grattan, B. Jones, J.J. Preece, M.J. Roberts, P.F. Rust  and L.A. Taylor (10); and ABSTAINED: The Deputy Mayor (Cllr S.J. Masterson) and the Mayor (Cllr Sophia Choudhary) (2) and the Recommendations were DECLARED CARRIED.


(2)         Annual Treasury Management Strategy 2018/19 and Prudential Indicators for Capital Finance


The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services (Cllr P.G. Taylor) introduced the Report of the Cabinet Meeting held on 6th February, 2018, which recommended the approval of the Annual Treasury Management Strategy, Annual Borrowing Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy, Prudential Indicators and the Minimum Revenue Provision Statement.


It was MOVED by Cllr P.G. Taylor; SECONDED by Cllr D.E. Clifford – That approval be given to the Annual Treasury Management Strategy, Annual Borrowing Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy and Prudential Indicators for 2018/19 and the Minimum Revenue Provision Statement.


There voted FOR: 33; AGAINST: 0 and the Recommendations were DECLARED CARRIED. 


(3)         Rushmoor Borough Council Plan 2018/19


The Leader of the Council (Cllr D.E. Clifford) introduced the Report of the Cabinet Meeting held on 6th February, 2018, which recommended the approval of the Council Plan 2018/19, which built on the four Council priorities and the key actions which had been identified by the Cabinet.


It was MOVED by Cllr D.E. Clifford; SECONDED by Cllr K.H. Muschamp – That approval be given to the adoption of the Council Plan 2018/19.


There voted FOR: 23; AGAINST: 10 and the Recommendation was DECLARED CARRIED.


(4)          Amendment to the Standing Orders for the Regulation of Business – Notices of Motion


The Chairman of the Licensing and General Purposes Committee (Cllr A. Jackman) introduced the Report of the Committee meeting held on 29th January, 2018 which recommended the approval of a proposed change to the Council Procedure Rules (Standing Orders) relating to Notices of Motion.   The Committee recommended that the following change be made to encourage a focus on local issues on which the Council might be able to take action and thereby use the Council’s meeting time more effectively:


“Every motion shall be relevant to some matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties or which affects the Borough directly. 


It was MOVED by Cllr A. Jackman; SECONDED by Cllr J.E. Woolley – That approval be given to the amendment to Council Procedure Rule (Standing Order) 9 (6), to be read as follows:


“Every motion shall be relevant to some matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties.”


There voted FOR: 21; AGAINST: 10 and the Recommendation was DECLARED CARRIED.


NOTE:  The recommendation to amend Standing Order 9 (6) will stand adjourned without discussion until the Council Meeting on 19th April, 2018.


(5)         Honorary Aldermen


The Chairman of the Licensing and General Purposes Committee (Cllr A. Jackman) introduced the Report of the Committee meeting held on 29th January, 2018 which recommended changes to the appointment and role of Honorary Aldermen.  It was proposed that there should be a reduction in the period of eligible service with the Council and its constituent authorities from 25 to a total of 16 years (i.e. four full terms of office) and the inclusion of a provision that Honorary Aldermen should normally be Borough residents.  In addition, it was proposed that Honorary Aldermen could ask to speak at meetings, subject to agreement by the relevant Council body. This arrangement was the same as that which was currently afforded to elected Members who were not already Members of that body.  At Council Meetings, each Alderman would be able to speak on one agenda item at a meeting, subject to the other rules of debate set out in Standing Orders.   A provision would also be included in the protocol on Honorary Aldermen enabling them to be appointed to represent the Council on outside bodies.


It was MOVED by Cllr A. Jackman; SECONDED by Cllr J.E. Woolley – That approval be given to the changes to the appointment and role of Honorary Aldermen.


There voted FOR: 21; AGAINST: 10 and the Recommendation was DECLARED CARRIED.


(6)          Appointment of Independent Person


The Chairman of the Licensing and General Purposes Committee (Cllr A. Jackman) introduced the report of the Committee meeting held on 29th January, 2018, which recommended an appointment to the role of Designated Independent Person for Rushmoor Borough Council, as part of the regime on Members’ Standards, which had been introduced by the Localism Act, 2011. 


It was MOVED by Cllr A. Jackman; SECONDED by Cllr J.E. Woolley – That approval be given to the appointment of Mrs. Mary Harris as the Council’s Designated Independent Person for a three-year term.


There voted FOR: 23; AGAINST: 0 and the Recommendation was DECLARED CARRIED.

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