Agenda item

Phase 9, Queensgate, Farnborough

To receive the Head of Planning’s Report No. PLN1715 (copy attached).


The Committee considered the Head of Planning’s Report No. PLN1715, which sought authority to vary the terms of the legal agreement relating to affordable housing at Phase 9, Queensgate, Farnborough.  Members were reminded that, in March 2007, planning permission 16/00961/FULPP had been granted for the erection of 80 dwellings (27 one-bedroom, 52 two-bedroom and one three-bedroom apartments) with associated car parking, bin and cycle storage, landscaping and footpath improvements.  This permission had been subject to a legal agreement which secured:


·         35% affordable housing provision within the site in accordance with the agreed plan and phasing schedule


·         financial contributions towards open space and SPA mitigation


·         fitting out and maintenance in perpetuity of the communal spaces/play area shown on the submitted plans prior to the occupation of any residential unit


·         allocation and linkage by freehold ownership in perpetuity of parking spaces to individual dwellings in accordance with an agreed schedule


The planning permission had secured the provision of 28 affordable housing units.  Members were advised that the developer had exchanged contracts with Thames Valley Housing to be the Registered Affordable Housing Provider on this site.  Thames Valley Housing had reviewed the completed Section 106 Agreement and had advised that some of the provisions made therein did not satisfy its lender’s requirements for securitisation purposes.  The main amendments related to the Mortgagee in Possession clause and any subsequent references to the Mortgagee.


There was also a request to vary the agreement to delete clause 4.5 on the grounds of duplication of clause 4.2.  In addition, it was proposed to include a clause that stated that the 2012 agreement for the wider Queensgate site would not apply to Phase 9.  The justification from Thames Valley Housing for this was “The proposed clause 25 is required as it is our understanding that the S106 agreement dated 27 July 2012 is still subsisting and binding on the site (and is noted on your client’s current title as C24).  The S106 Agreement already contains affordable housing provisions and financial contribution requirements – therefore this carve out is required.”


Members were advised that the Head of Environmental Health and Housing had been consulted on the proposed changes in relation to the Mortgagee in Possession clauses and the deletion of clause 4.5.   She had advised that the Mortgagee in Possession clauses would not affect the delivery of affordable housing on this site.  Clause 4.5 was a duplication of clause 4.2 and as such no objection was raised to this amendment.


The 2012 Section 106 Agreement had not included the application site, notwithstanding it related to a different form and use of development which would require a separate reserved matters submission if the development approved under the 2012 permission was to be implemented.  In the interests of clarity, there was no objection to the proposed clause as requested.


RESERVED: That the request to vary the existing Section 106 Agreement with a deed of variation, as set out in the Head of Planning’s Report No. PLN1715, be agreed subject to the Council’s costs being  paid by the applicant.