Agenda item


To receive any questions by Members to Cabinet Members submitted in accordance with the Procedure Note.


(1)            Cllr Steve Harden had submitted a question for response by the Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services (Cllr Becky Williams) requesting clarity, as a ward councillor, on the process for supporting residents at risk of homelessness.


In response, Cllr Williams advised that data was collected in accordance with requirements and not all personal data may be held on all residents seeking support. Cllr Williams offered to follow up with Cllr Harden following the meeting.


(2)            Cllr Martin Tennant had submitted a question for response by the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Property (Cllr Christine Guinness) requesting an update on when the Council would be submitting a planning application for a leisure centre in Farnborough.


In response, Cllr Guinness advised that due to the current financial position, any facility that was provided needed to be affordable - and a scheme was currently being considered. Timescales would be shared with all Members when appropriate, but it was thought that detailed plans would be available within 10 months.


(3)            Cllr Stuart Trussler had submitted a question for response by the Leader of the Council (Cllr Gareth Williams) regarding the impact of the increases to National Insurance Contributions on the Council’s payroll when the new regime came into force from April 2025.


In response, Cllr Williams confirmed that no impact would be made on the Council’s payroll as local authorities would be compensated. However, there was currently no method to assess any impacts from contracts.


(4)            Cllr Gareth Lyon had submitted a question for response by the Portfolio Holder for Development and Economic Growth (Cllr Keith Dibble) on how the Council were using the £50,000 from the Esso Pipeline project and the £70,000 from the Environment agency associated with Cove Brook.


In response, Cllr Dibble advised that there were three separate funding streams relating to the Cove Brook, Esso Environmental Investment Programme (£23,000), Environmental Agency Water Framework Directive (£90,000 (match funded)) and Environment Agency Collaborative Agreement funding (£70,000).


The funding would be used to improve wildflower corridors, in-stream habitat, and provide technical support for watercourse activities. Restore the ecological function of Cove Brook to achieve Good Ecological Status through the removal of artificial bed/banks, bankside vegetation management, and flow management in Southwood Country Park.


Each funding stream would target specific ecological enhancements, with ongoing coordination and flexibility in project design.


(5)            Cllr Paul Taylor had submitted a question for response by the Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services (Cllr Becky Williams) regarding any conversations that had taken place with the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) relating to progress for a Police Community Base in Farnborough Town Centre.


In response, Cllr Williams advised that a date was being sought for a meeting with the PCC to discuss this matter. It was important to understand how the facility would operate and the Leader would be included in any discussions.


Further questions for the Cabinet had been submitted prior to the meeting. However, as the 15-minute threshold for questions had been reached, these would be answered outside the meeting and responses shared with Members.