Agenda item


(1)      To note the appointments of the Deputy Leader and the following councillors as Cabinet Portfolio Holders for the Municipal Year 2024/25, which are proposed to be made by the nominated Leader of the Council:


Cllr Sophie Porter

Deputy Leader and Community & Residents

Cllr Keith Dibble

Development & Economic Growth

Cllr Abe Allen

Enabling Services

Cllr Jules Crossley

Policy, Climate & Sustainability

Cllr Becky Williams

Neighbourhood Services

Cllr Christine Guinness

Regeneration & Property


(2)          To consider and approve the Appointments to Committees for the Municipal Year 2024/25 as follows in accordance with the allocations to achieve political balance indicated:




Voting Members


Labour: 6

Conservative: 4

Independent: 1




Cllr Gaynor Austin

Cllr Peace Essien Igodifo

Cllr Dhan Sarki

Cllr Thomas Day

Cllr A.H. Gani


Cllr C.P. Grattan

Cllr S.J. Masterson


Cllr Lisa Greenway

Cllr Calum Stewart


Cllr Julie Hall


Cllr Ivan Whitmee





Standing Deputies:












Cllr Rhian Jones

Cllr Mara Makunura



Cllr Nadia Martin

Cllr P.G. Taylor








NOTE: The Cabinet Member with responsibility for planning matters is to be an ex officio non-voting member of the Development Management Committee.




Voting Members


Labour: 6

Conservative: 4

Liberal Democrat: 1




Cllr Gaynor Austin

Cllr A. Adeola

Cllr C.W. Card

Cllr A.H. Crawford

Cllr M.D. Smith


Cllr Bill O’Donovan

Cllr P.G. Taylor


Cllr Rhian Jones

Cllr Jacqui Vosper


Cllr Sarah Spall



Cllr M.J. Roberts




Standing Deputies:








Liberal Democrat:

Cllr Lisa Greenway

Cllr Julie Hall

Cllr S.J. Masterson

Cllr M.J. Tennant

Cllr T.W. Mitchell

Cllr Leola Card





            Voting Members


Labour: 6

Conservative: 4

Liberal Democrat: 1




Cllr A.H. Crawford

Cllr P.J. Cullum

Cllr Leola Card

Cllr Thomas Day

Cllr G.B. Lyon


Cllr Bill O’Donovan

Cllr M.J. Tennant


Cllr C.P. Grattan

Cllr S. Trussler


Cllr Halleh Koohestani



Cllr Nadia Martin








Standing Deputies:








Liberal Democrat

Cllr Sarah Spall

Cllr M.D. Smith

Cllr C.W. Card

Cllr Ivan Whitmee

Cllr Jacqui Vosper

Cllr T.W. Mitchell





            Voting Members


Labour: 6

Conservative: 4

Liberal Democrat: 1




Cllr Lisa Greenway

Cllr Sue Carter

Cllr T.W. Mitchell

Cllr Julie Hall

Cllr Peace Essien Igodifo


Cllr Rhian Jones

Cllr A.H. Gani


Cllr Halleh Koohestani

Cllr Steve Harden


Cllr M.J. Roberts



Cllr Ivan Whitmee





Standing Deputies:








Liberal Democrat:

Cllr Thomas Day

Cllr A. Adeola

Cllr C.W. Card

Cllr C.P. Grattan

Cllr G.B. Lyon

Cllr Leola Card



(3)          To consider the nominations and appoint the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Committees (the Labour Group nominations are set out below):


Development Management

Nominated Chairman                      -           Cllr Gaynor Austin

Nominated Vice-Chairman            -           Cllr C.P. Grattan



Corporate Governance, Audit and Standards

Nominated Chairman                      -           Cllr A.H. Crawford

Nominated Vice-Chairman            -           Cllr Bill O’Donovan



(4)          To consider the nominations and appoint the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Policy and Project Advisory Board (the Labour Group nominations are set out below):


Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Nominated Chairman                      -           Cllr Halleh Koohestani


Policy and Project Advisory Board     

Nominated Chairman                      -           Cllr M.J. Roberts



(5)          To consider and approve the appointments to the Management Boards for the Municipal Year 2024/25:


The Aldershot Recreation Ground Trust


Cllr Lisa Greenway

Cllr Keith Dibble

Cllr S. Trussler





Standing Deputies:

Cllr Nadia Martin

Cllr Peace Essien Igodifo



King George’s Field, Farnborough Trust


Cllr Rhian Jones

Cllr Gareth Williams

Cllr P.J. Taylor



Standing Deputies:

Cllr Calum Stewart

Cllr Mara Makunura



            The Alfred Henry Goode Will Trust


Cllr G.B. Lyon

Cllr Keith Dibble

Cllr Sophie Porter




Standing Deputies:

Cllr P.J. Cullum

Cllr A. Adeola