Agenda item


To receive any questions by Members to Cabinet Members submitted in accordance with the Procedure Note.


(1)          Cllr Steve Harden had submitted a question for response by the Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services (Cllr Becky Williams) on the acquisition of a speed indicator device and speed gun.


In response, Cllr Williams advised that following guidance and speed watch training from the Police, Cllr Harden would have sole responsibility for the device and could expect to hear from officers the following week with further information.


(2)          Cllr P.G. Taylor had submitted a question for response by the Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services (Cllr Becky Williams) on the review and monitoring process undertaken for the maintenance of verges and green areas.


In response, Cllr Williams advised that a number of complaints had been received regarding the condition of the verges and green spaces, this had been attributed to wet weather conditions and staff illness. It was advised that all areas had been maintained by early July and complaints had reduced as a result. In addition, it was noted that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee would be meeting with SERCO to discuss key performance indicators at its meeting in August.


(3)          Cllr Akmal Gani had submitted a question for response from the Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services (Cllr Becky Williams) on the review of “No Mow” areas.


In response, Cllr Williams advised that a review would be undertaken before May 2025 and any issues should be raised with officers.


In response, Cllr Gani requested that play spaces were not included in the “no mow” areas.


Cllr Williams suggested that a meeting be set to discuss this matter in further detail.


(4)          Cllr S.J. Masterson had submitted a question for response by the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Property (Cllr Christine Guinness) on the Farnborough Leisure Centre pre-planning consultation.


In response, Cllr Guinness advised that costs and plans for the development were currently being reviewed, and taking account of the current financial situation, it was likely that the plans would need to be reviewed. Cllr Guinness emphasised the Council’s full commitment to providing a swimming pool and leisure facility in Farnborough.


In response, Cllr Masterson asked if there would be a dramatic scaling down of the proposed facilities.


Cllr Guinness advised that the facility would be what was considered affordable.


(5)          Cllr Leola Card had submitted a question for response from the Portfolio Holder for Development and Economic Growth (Cllr Keith Dibble) on the impacts of the Lynchford Road roadworks and the extension of the free parking in Napier Gardens and Peabody Road to the end of 2024.


In response, Cllr Dibble acknowledged the impacts of the roadworks and had arranged to meet with the Leader of Hampshire County Council to discuss the issues, including extending the free parking offer. Members of St Mark’s ward would be invited to the meeting. 


(6)          Cllr Thomas Day had submitted a question for response from the Leader of the Council (Cllr Gareth Williams) on governance arrangements following the recent Peer Review.


In response, Cllr Williams advised that work was currently underway to review both the Peer Review outcomes and the recent CIPFA report and recognised that both governance and scrutiny needed to be improved. A detailed action plan to address these issues would be in place by the Autumn.