To consider the recommendations of the Cabinet in relation to the following item:
2024-25 to 2027-28 Medium Term Financial
Strategy Update and 2023-24 Budget Outturn
Cllr Gareth Williams, Leader of the Council, introduced the
Report of the Cabinet Meeting on 23rd July 2024, which set out the 2024-25 to
2027-28 Medium Term Financial Strategy Update and 2023-24 Budget Outturn.
It was MOVED by Cllr Gareth Williams and SECONDED by Cllr
Abe Allen – that:
approval be given to the approach and timetable
to identify the required revenue savings as set out in paragraph 4.1 to 4.4 of
the Report;
approval be given for the use of the capital
receipts strategy as set out in paragraph 3.50 of the Report; and
approval be given to the proposed reprofiling of
the capital receipts income target, as set out in paragraph 3.45 of the Report,
and resulting addition of £1.6m drawdown of reserves
During the debate, an amendment
was MOVED by Cllr S. Trussler and SECONDED by Cllr P.G. Taylor in respect of
recommendation (i) as set out below:
“(i) approval be given to the approach and
timetable to identify the required revenue savings as set out in Paragraphs 4.1
to 4.4 noting the preference to continue the current programme of
efficiency savings, rebudgeting and to protect front line services and to agree
that future savings would come from salary and establishment costs and not
front-line services.”
The proposed amendment was put to
the meeting. In a recorded vote there voted FOR: Cllrs A. Adeola, Sue Carter,
P.J. Cullum, Akmal Gani, Steve Harden, Peace Essien-Igodifo, G.B. Lyon, S.J.
Masterson, M.D. Smith, P.G. Taylor, M.J. Tennant, S. Trussler and Jacqui Vosper
(13) AGAINST: Cllrs Abe Allen, Gaynor Austin, A.H. Crawford, Jules Crossley,
Thomas Day, Keith Dibble, C.P. Grattan, Lisa Greenway, Christine Guinness,
Julie Hall, Halleh Koohestani, Nadia Martin, Bill O’Donovan, Sophie Porter,
M.J. Roberts, Dhan Sarki, Sarah Spall, Ivan Whitmee, Becky Williams and Gareth
Williams (20) ABSTAIN: Cllr Leola Card, The Deputy Mayor (Cllr Calum Stewart)
and The Mayor (Cllr Mara Makunura) (3) and the amendment was DECLARED LOST.
Following further discussion, the
original recommendation was put to the meeting. There voted FOR: 33; AGAINST:
0; ABSTAINED: 3 and the Recommendations were DECLARED CARRIED.
Variation to Capital Programme
Gareth Williams, Leader of the Council, introduced an additional item which was
a Report of the Cabinet meeting held on 23rd July 2024, which set out details
of two proposed variations to the Capital Programme relating to:
Council property
and estates work programme resource requirement and future capital commitments;
Swimming pool support fund grant to fund energy improvement works at
Aldershot Pools
It was
MOVED by Cllr Gareth Williams and SECONDED by Cllr Abe Allen – That approval be
given to:
the allocation of
£1.025m of capital receipts to enable the necessary capital contributions/works
to enable letting of commercial units at Union Yard, Meads and across the wider
portfolio subject to the consideration and approval of individual business
cases by the Cabinet; and
the addition of £208,350 into the 2024/25 Capital Programme
funded by Sport England’s Swimming Pool Support Fund (SPSF) grant.
There voted FOR: 32: ABSTAINED: 2: AGAINST: 0 and the Recommendations were DECLARED CARRIED.
Supporting documents: