To consider Report No. REG2402 (copy attached), which sets the next steps in relation to regeneration in Farnborough and the delivery of a Leisure and Cultural Hub.
Presented By:Cllr Martin Tennant, Major Projects and Property Portfolio Holder
The Cabinet considered Report No. REG2402, which set out an update on
regeneration within Farnborough town centre and on the Leisure and Cultural Hub
project in particular.
The Cabinet was reminded that, at its meeting on 17th October, 2023, it
had agreed the final project scope for the Leisure and Cultural Hub , the
schedule of accommodation, the forecasted budget required to complete the
pre-construction phases of the project and to submit the planning application.
Members were informed that this report now provided an update on the project,
the operator procurement and options for the next stages, taking into account
the work undertaken since October, impacts of inflation and implications for
the current funding strategy, given the position relating to the Council’s
future capital programme, as set out in the 2024/25 budget report.
The Cabinet
expressed support for the proposed approach.
increase of £255,000 in the Capital budget for 2023/24, funded by a further
draw down from the Levelling Up grant, be approved; and
inclusion of the £1.725 million One Public Estate Brownfield Land Release Fund
grant in the 2023/24 and 2024/25 capital programmes, as appropriate, be
approved, to enable the demolition of the Pinehurst Car Park and site
preparation and utilities work across plots established by the Civic Quarter
Masterplan; and
revised costs of the current stage of planning and design work (RIBA Stage 3)
of £386,855, as set out in Report No. REG2402, be noted;
initial sum of £50,000 towards potential redesign work be approved;
undertaking of a costing exercise by Willmott Dixon on the RIBA 3 designs, to
provide market tested costs for consideration before the decision to move to
the next stage of design and development (RIBA Stage 4), be approved;
undertaking of a pre-planning consultation exercise in March, on the designs at
the conclusion of the RIBA 3 design process, be approved;
adjustment in the overall project timeline, to take into account the market
costing exercise and provide a period for any necessary design revisions as a
result of the report and the pre-planning public consultation exercise, as set
out in the Report, be noted;
undertaking of work as part of the Council’s Financial Resilience Plan to
address the affordability of the current and future capital programme and the
links to the decision to move fully to the next stage of design and development
(RIBA Stage 4) be noted;
revised funding strategy for the project, given the position set out in the
2024/25 budget report and supporting Financial Resilience Plan, be noted;
approach to the demolition of the Pinehurst Car Park and the temporary
relocation of the Council’s car boot sale to the High Street multi-storey in
Aldershot be noted; and
use of any slippage on the Civic Quarter capital budget in 2023/24 to progress
elements of the Civic Quarter regeneration programme, where this could lead to
improved land values in line with the Financial Resilience Plan, be approved.
Supporting documents: