Agenda item

Council Business Plan - Quarter 2 Performance Monitoring

The Assistant Chief Executive will report on the delivery against the Council’s Business Plan 2022-2025 as at the end of Quarter 2. Report number ACE2308 submitted to the Cabinet on 21st November, 2023 can be found here.


The Committee welcomed Rachel Barker, Assistant Chief Executive who was in attendance to report on delivery against the Council’s Business Plan at the end of Quarter 2.


It was noted that the Q2 monitoring was in three parts, as set out below:


·         Quarterly monitoring - 10 key activities and projects which aimed to deliver the Council’s priorities within the themes of People and Place

·         Business Performance - key indicators and service measures used by the Council to monitor how the Council runs

·         Corporate Risk Register - factors identified in the Risk Register that could affect the future delivery of the Council Plan and impact on the Council’s Business Performance


In the Q2 monitoring data, it was noted that 90% of the key activities were highlighted as green - on course, and 10% were highlighted as amber – achievement was in question. It was noted that the activity highlighted as amber was:


·         People 5 - supporting key business sectors and help people to access the opportunities that they offer. Due to the presence of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) at the Farnborough College of Technology, the rooms and facilities at Aerospace Research and Innovation Centre (ARIC) are currently being used as teaching space.


As a result the project had been delayed. No projects were showing as red – unable to achieve, or blue – completed, at this time.


The following areas were noted, within the Business Performance section :


·         A reduction in the number of website sessions in comparison to the same quarter in 2022/23, this was mainly due to less views of the lido page (down by more than 90%). Southwood Country Park and the car boot sales had large increases in page views in comparison to 2022/23’s Q2.


·         Q1 2023/24 recycle rate was 44.1% (the same as Q1 in 2022/23), this information is one quarter behind.


Moving forward into Q3, it was proposed that fly-tipping data would be included in the data. In Q4, parking income data would replace PCN data, and cremations data would be included, due to the considerable service changes being undertaken during 2024.


Under the Corporate Risk Register section, the Committee noted that:


·         The Council’s key strategic and standing corporate risks had remained relatively unchanged.

·         An additional risk of significance had been added to the standing corporate register for the Leisure and Cultural Hub Major Project.

·         The addition of risks relating directly to the UK economy, in particular high interest rates.

·         The risk register now included trend arrows against each risk score to assist in tracking risk changes in the short term.


It was noted that plans were in place to further update/strengthen the Corporate Risk Management Policy later in 2023/24, particularly on the matter of risk appetite. As part of the longer-term updates to the policy and arrangements, consideration was also being given to tracking longer term trends for each risk


In response to a query it was noted that the Corporate Risk Register did not include all risks to the Council and each service had its own individual Risk Register.






Provision of detailed information on how risk is scored to be provided at the next Progress Group

Rachel Barker, Assistant Chief Executive


18 January  2024

Deeper look at how projects are RAG rated at the next Progress Group

Rachel Barker, Assistant Chief Executive


18 January 2024


The Chairman thanked Ms Barker for her report and the actions would be picked up at the Progress Group later in the month.