In accordance with the provisions set out in the Overview and Scrutiny procedure rules, a request has been received from the following Members to call-in the Cabinet decision as set out in minute No. 32 from the Cabinet meeting on 17th October, 2023:
Cllr Becky Williams
Cllr Gareth Williams
Cllr Halleh Koohestani
Cllr Abe Allen
Cllr Christine Guinness
Attached for information are:
an extract of Minute No. 32 from the Cabinet
meeting on 17th October, 2023;
detailed reasons for the call-in; and,
the Executive Head of Operations Report No. OS2314
that went to Cabinet on 17th October, 2023
The Committee was advised of the submission of a request to
call-in the resolution made by the Cabinet on 17th October, 2023 in relation to
the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) Investment into Public Tennis Courts in
Parks. The request for call-in had been submitted by Cllrs Becky Williams,
Gareth Williams, Halleh Koohestani,
Abe Allen and Christine Guinness.
The Committee was advised that should the call-in request be
rejected the decision made by the Cabinet on 17th October, 2023 would take
effect as of 10th November, 2023. If the call-in request was accepted, a report
would be made to Cabinet at its next meeting on 21st November, 2023.
Cllr Becky Williams attended the meeting to present the
call-in request and the reasons behind it. The Committee noted the reasons,
which included, that:
there had been inadequate evidence that the agreed plan
aligned with priorities set out in the Council Plan relating to improved health
and wellbeing and access to facilities to promote healthy and active
the consultation survey had not targeted particular user
groups or households that the Council wished to encourage participation from;
there was inadequate evidence that the agreed plan was
affordable for residents, in particular those of low income;
by delegating the decision on the charging structure and
operator selection to officers, the impact on participation across all
residents had not clearly been prioritised or targeted;
a clear plan of recommendation for the provider had not been
made, and;
no alternative funding options had been considered for the
refurbishment of the tennis courts.
Cllr Sheehan, Operational Services Portfolio Holder,
addressed the meeting on behalf of the Cabinet. Cllr Sheehan advised that the
Department for Culture Media and Sports had provided the LTA with £22million of
funding, which would be further topped up with LTA funds to provide circa
£33million to invest into the provision of public tennis courts in parks. It
was noted that the LTA would prioritise investment to authorities with an
existing stock of courts, where some/all were in the poorest of condition. Rushmoor’s public tennis courts had been identified as
being within this category.
It was advised that the LTA had undertaken technical
assessments of Rushmoor’s three park tennis sites to
fully understand the cost of the works required to ensure they were all fit for
purpose. It was noted that an offer had been made of £114,043 from the LTA to
fund the improvements. By entering into the agreement with the LTA, the Council
would be agreeing to a “book and play” system with a managed and affordable
charging model, with aspects of free tennis. The overriding purpose of the
proposed charging model had been to create a sinking funding for future
Following a discussion on the issues raised, it was proposed
by Cllr Porter and seconded by Cllr K. Dibble that:
“consideration be given by the Cabinet to give direction to
officers to look at additional funding to provide more free tennis for
residents - in addition to the provisions set out within the LTA agreement”.
The Committee voted FOR: 4; AGAINST: 6 and the proposal was
declared lost.
In summing up, Cllr Becky Williams and Cllr M.L. Sheehan
each responded to the discussion. In response to a query regarding the amount
of free tennis that would be available, Cllr Sheehan advised that until the
procurement process had been carried out and charging levels had been
determined, an answer could not be given, however there was a concrete
assurance that free tennis would be available.
The Chairman then asked the Committee to vote for or against
the decision being referred back to the Cabinet for reconsideration.
There voted FOR: 4; AGAINST: 6 and the call-in request to
refer the decision back to the Cabinet was declared lost. Therefore, it was
advised that the decision made by the Cabinet at its meeting on 17th October,
2023 would become effective from 10th November, 2023.
Supporting documents: