Agenda item


To consider the recommendations of the Cabinet and Committees in relation to the following items:


(1)          Changes to the Budget – Capital Investment


The Leader of the Council (Cllr D.E. Clifford) introduced the Report of the Cabinet which recommended the approval of a variation of £10 million to the 2018/19 Capital Programme and an increase in the operational boundary and the authorised limit for external debt accordingly.  It was MOVED by Cllr D.E. Clifford; SECONDED by Cllr P.G. Taylor – That approval be given to a variation of £10 million to the 2018/19 Capital Programme and an increase in the limits for external debt accordingly, as set out in the Report.


There voted FOR: 31; AGAINST: 0 and the Recommendations were DECLARED CARRIED.


(2)          Review of the Governance Structure


The Chairman of the Licensing and General Purposes Committee (Cllr A. Jackman) reported that the Committee had considered various changes to the decision making structure, the main one being the replacement of the existing policy and review panels by one Overview and Scrutiny Committee and a Policy and Project Advisory Board.  The Report also set out a number of consequential changes to documents within the Constitution. 


It was MOVED by Cllr A. Jackman; SECONDED by Cllr. M.D. Smith – That


(i)           the proposed changes to the decision making structure set out in the Report be endorsed;


(ii)          the changes to the Constitution set out in Appendix 2 (incorporating Annexes 1-6) be approved; and


(iii)         the Chief Executive and the Head of Democratic and Customer Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and the Chairman of the Committee, be authorised to make any further consequential changes to the Constitution resulting from these proposals, the Leader’s decision on portfolio responsibilities and the outcome of the internal review of the structure of the organisation.


During discussion, Cllr Jennifer Evans spoke of her reservations regarding the democratic accountability of the proposals.  It was MOVED by Cllr Jennifer Evans; SECONDED by Cllr A.H. Crawford - That the proposals should be referred back to the Licensing and General Purposes Committee for further discussion.  


Following debate, the Motion was put to the Meeting.  There voted FOR: 11; AGAINST: 21 and the Motion to refer back to the Licensing and General Purposes Committee was DECLARED LOST.


Following further debate, it was MOVED by Cllr Keith Dibble and SECONDED by Cllr J.J. Preece that - Recommendation 8.1 (iii) be amended to include the Opposition Group Leader in the list of people to be consulted in making any further consequential changes to the Constitution arising from the proposals,   the Leader’s decision on portfolio responsibilities and the outcome of the internal review of the structure of the organisation. 


Following debate on the proposed Amendment, there voted FOR: 11; AGAINST: 23 and the Amendment was DECLARED LOST.


The Council then voted on the original Recommendations.   There voted FOR: 23; AGAINST: 11 and the Recommendations were DECLARED CARRIED.


NOTE:  In accordance with Standing Order 29, the proposed amendments to the ‘Standing Orders for the Regulation of Business’ (Annex 4, Appendix 2) will stand adjourned without discussion to the Annual Council Meeting.  The Council will also be asked at the Annual Council meeting to waive the Council Procedure Rules in order for the changes to take immediate effect.

Supporting documents: