Agenda item


To consider Report No. REG2307 (copy attached), which sets out the latest position in relation to the delivery of a Leisure and Cultural Hub in Farnborough.

Presented By:Cllr Martin Tennant, Major Projects and Property Portfolio Holder


The Cabinet considered Report No. REG2307, which set out an update on the current position in relation to the Leisure and Cultural Hub project and the next steps required to progress its delivery.


The Cabinet was informed that, in order to move forward the delivery of the new Leisure and Cultural Hub and meet the timescales associated with the Levelling Up funding awarded to the Council, it was now necessary to determine the final project scope and the schedule of accommodation to be included in the design. The Report also set out arrangements for the submission of planning applications, the commencement of negotiations regarding the sale of Council-owned land and the termination of associated leases to enable the construction of a mobility hub. Members also heard regarding the approach and timing for the Leisure Operator procurement and the budget required to complete the pre-construction phases of the project, along with the associated funding strategy and risks.


Members were informed that there were proposed amendments to the Report in respect of the wording of Recommendations 1, 2 and 3. In particular, the approach to finalise the sustainability and design, based on return-on-investment modelling, would now be considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on 17th October and would not be delegated, as had originally been proposed.


The Cabinet expressed strong support for the suggested approach for the progression of the project and considered that this would provide residents with excellent, modern facilities on the site.


The Cabinet RESOLVED that


(i)           the scope of the Leisure and Cultural Hub project, as set out in Report No. REG2307, as amended at the meeting, be approved as follows;


(a)          Leisure and Cultural Hub to include:

-              Leisure Centre with the revised facilities mix, as set out in paragraph 3.12 of the Report

-              Shared café/bar with space for performance

-              Library and associated community space

-              Cultural space including art gallery, digital lab, collaboration space and studios

-              Customer access to Council and voluntary sector services

-              Council Offices

-              Meeting rooms


(b)          Mobility Hub (circa 350 spaces)


(c)          Skate park


(d)          Play area;


(ii)          the progression of design development to RIBA Stage 3, planning submission and associated costs of up to £1,050 million, as set out in the Report, as amended at the meeting, be approved;


(iii)         the decision on the approach to sustainability for the building would be based on return-on-investment modelling and would be considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on 17th October, 2023;


(iv)         the project timetable, decision getaways and dependencies, as set out in the Report, be noted;


(v)          the intended land assembly process, as set out in the Confidential Appendix 1 of the Report, be approved;


(vi)         the estimated project budget and current funding strategy, as set out in the Report, be noted;


(vii)       the overall operator procurement and appointment approach, as set out in the Report, be approved;


(viii)      the immediate commencement of the operator procurement process, in accordance with the draft contract specification and conditions outlined in Appendices 2 and 3 of the Report, be approved;


(ix)         the Executive Head of Operations, in consultation with the Operational Services Portfolio Holder, be authorised to amend the procurement documentation, as required, throughout the process; and


(x)          the extending of the existing contract with Places Leisure to operate the Aldershot Pools and Lido, as set out in the Report, be approved, for a period of up to twelve months whilst the leisure operator procurement process is undertaken.

Supporting documents: