Council meetings

Information about Council

The Council is the ultimate decision-making body and involves all 39 elected councillors. It agrees most of our larger policies such as council tax setting and the annual budget.


Main responsibilities


-       Electing the Mayor and Deputy Mayor at the Annual Meeting

-       Acting as the overall sovereign body for major policy and strategic issues of the council and the local community

-       Approving the Council’s budget and policy framework, and individual policies and strategic plans including:

·         The Corporate Performance Plan

·         The Community Strategy

·         The Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy

·         Local Development Plan Documents

·         Licensing policies

·         Financial plans and strategies

·         Food safety & health and safety service plans

·         Corporate Enforcement Policy

·         Housing strategies and investment programme

·         Cultural Strategy and leisure plans

·         Corporate communications and consultation strategies

·         Car parking standards and strategies

·         Lifelong learning strategies and plans

·         Human resource strategies

·         Equality and Diversity Strategy and Action Plan

·         Information and communications technology (ICT) strategies

·         Economic development strategies

·         Asset Management Plan

-     To adopt the council's constitution and to approve related matters including:

·         Proposed amendments to the constitution, standing orders,  the Scheme of Delegation and financial regulations

·         Procedural issues in relation to the decision making structure, codes of conduct and protocols to guide standards and ethics for councillors and officers

-     Appointment of the Leader of the Council

-     To decide on issues referred to the Council in line with the procedures for policy and review panels to call in decisions made by the Cabinet

-     To consider and decide on recommendations submitted through the committees including:

·      Proposals about the Members' Allowances Scheme

·      Proposals to change the name and status of the authority

·      Proposals about changes in electoral arrangements

·      The promotion or opposition of local or personal bills

·      Making, amending, revoking or re-enacting byelaws

·      The appointment of honorary aldermen or honorary freemen

·      Appointment of the Chief Executive

-     To consider and decide on matters referred by the Cabinet, which are contrary to, or not in accordance with, the council's strategic plans or policy framework

-     To receive and discuss recommendations and ask questions on reports of the Cabinet, Committees and Policy and Review Panels

-     To deal with issues identified in Standing Orders to be dealt with by the full Council not specifically mentioned above