Venue: Council Offices, Farnborough
Contact: Administrator, Chris Todd Tel. (01252) 398825, Email.
Link: Click here to view a recording of the livestream of the meeting
No. | Item |
To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 23rd July, 2024 (copy attached). Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 23rd July, 2024 were agreed as a correct record. |
APPOINTMENTS Minutes: The Committee NOTED the appointment of Cllr S.J. Masterson as a member of the Board in place of Cllr Peace Essien Igodifo for the remainder of the 2024/25 Municipal Year. |
YOUNG PEOPLES' PLAN At the last meeting of the Board, it was agreed that a draft
Young Peoples’ Plan would be prepared and presented for discussion at the next
meeting. Attached is Report No. ACE2410 and the draft Plan. The Young Peoples’ Plan outlines a proposed
approach for the Council to co-ordinate and improve opportunities for children
and young people and support them to live a happy and rewarding life. Minutes: The Chairman welcomed Ms Emma Lamb and Ms Lynette Lawson-Tyers from the Council’s Community and Partnerships team, who introduced the Council’s Young People’s Plan. Also present was Cllr Sophie Porter, Community & Residents Portfolio Holder, who had been invited to attend for this item. The Board was advised that the Young People’s Plan outlined a proposed approach for the Council to coordinate and improve opportunities for children and young people and support them to live a happy and rewarding life. Report No. ACE2410 had been attached to the agenda and this set out the process by which the Young People’s Plan had been prepared. The draft Young People’s Plan was attached to the Report as an appendix. It was explained that the Plan was based on three objectives: · Realising aspirations through opportunities and education · Supporting young people by creating safe environments · Fostering meaningful communication and engagement The Plan identified a range of projects and activities, some of which were specifically targeted at disadvantaged young people or those from deprived areas. It had been developed following the Board’s meeting on 23rd July, 2024, when Members took part in a workshop to discuss and inform the future Plan. Ms Lamb explained that the Plan was considered to be ambitious but realistic and mindful of the resources available. It was felt that the Plan demonstrated that there was already a lot going on within the Borough. In considering the Report and draft Young People’s Plan, Members made the following comments and observations: · Important that we map current provision / providers to ensure that any gaps are filled · Essential that we engage when the schools are closed as this gives a better outlook of real position at these times · Plan should make reference to healthy lifestyles / choices · More detail needed on the ‘how’ aspect of the objectives – currently at strategic level · Confirmed definition of young person – up to age 25 · Important to look at age ranges when identifying current provision – might show gaps at certain age groups · Must ensure that ‘struggling’ schools included · How to engage with asylum seekers? Should be included in scope of Plan · Would be interesting to understand partners’ future plans so that Council might support and not duplicate · It was discussed whether Council could set up a grants scheme – agreed that funds not available to provide grants directly but Council would be keen to support in other ways. There were many funding opportunities available from other bodies and Step-by Step was a good example of an organisation accessing such funds · Some Members keen to assist with mock interviews with young people – also suggested that external companies might assist with this · Rushmoor Youth Influence – good example of direct intervention by Council and credit to Cllr Sue Carter who had founded this body · Confirmed that scope of school collaboration would include all schools, including Rowhill School in Aldershot · Confirmed that apprenticeships very much part of the approach and that the Council had offered apprenticeships to ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |
To discuss the Policy and Project Advisory Board Work Plan (copy attached). Minutes: The Board noted the current Work Plan. It was agreed that the agenda for the November Board meeting would be discussed at the next Progress Group meeting on 22nd October, 2024. |