Policy and Project Advisory Board - Thursday, 21st March, 2024 7.00 pm - Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Offices, Farnborough

Contact: Administrator, Adele Taylor  Tel. (01252) 398831, Email.  adele.taylor@rushmoor.gov.uk

No. Item


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 73 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 13th February, 2024 (copy attached).


The minutes of the meeting held on 13th February, 2024 were agreed as a correct record.



Following the resignation of the Vice-Chairman, Cllr Jess Auton, to consider the nomination and appointment of Cllr Michael Hope as Vice-Chairman of the Policy and Project Advisory Board for the remainder of the 2023/24 Municipal Year.


RESOLVED: That, following the resignation of Cllr Jessica Auton, Cllr Michael Hope be appointed as Vice-Chairman for the remainder of the 2023/24 Municipal Year.



To receive a progress update (attached) on the work being carried out, as recommended by the Board at its last meeting, with the aim of finalising matters in late March/early April. 


The Board welcomed Emma Lamb, Community and Partnerships Service Manager, who provided an update on the work that had been undertaken, as recommended by the Board, since the last meeting.


It was advised that a survey had been carried out. The results of the survey had shown an additional seven publicly accessible defibrillators, totalling 37 defibrillators accessible 24/7 across the Borough. As a result of the survey, officers were in discussion with a number of groups who had shown an interest in installing a defibrillator and bleed kit, one of these had been North Camp Matters, who had funding in place to install two defibrillators in the area. The number of bleed kits had been much lower, but five had been identified in Farnborough and two in Aldershot.


A needs assessment was also carried out to identify areas that needed a defibrillator. Using Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA’s), each area had been scored against a set criteria. The outcomes had identified six locations with a gap in provision, these were, Aldershot Town Centre, Farnborough Town Centre, Aldershot Park (south of the ward) Fernhill (north of the ward), Cove and Southwood (St. Christopher’s Estate) and the Prospect Centre, Cherrywood.


The Board were asked to consider the following recommendations, in response to the Notice of Motion submitted on 7th December, 2023:


·         Funding of up to £10,000 to be assigned from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) neighbourhood interventions project fund, to allow for six public access defibrillators to be purchased for the priority locations identified through the survey and needs assessment


·         Existing defibrillators, located inside Council buildings, be relocated to outside walls to make them permanently accessible to the public


·         The Council to work with communities to encourage community owned defibrillators located inside building to be relocated outside to ensure more units were publicly accessible


·         Work with partners to enhance CPR skills by providing defibrillator awareness training sessions and engage with young learners currently involved in The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme to actively involve them in maintenance checks as part of their volunteering element


·         Continued work between the Community Safety Team and the Police and Hampshire and Isle of Wight Licensing Officers Group to identify suitable locations for additional bleed kits.


The Board discussed the report and recommendations and made the following comments:


·         Consideration be given to encouraging organisations providing wider CRP training to work together to ensure sustainability and reduce competition


·         Provision on data of usage for both defibrillators and bleed kits


·         Consideration to be given to how organisations/business are held responsible for community owned defibrillators and bleed kits and whole life costs, e.g. the provision of a contract and assurance process to ensure the Council is not responsible and has no liability


·         Identify, on each unit, a responsible contact


The Board ENDORSED the recommendations, as set out above, on the provision that the comments set out were taken account of.


The Chairman thanked Mrs Lamb for her report.


CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN 2020-2030 pdf icon PDF 754 KB

To consider a refresh of the Claimate Change Action Plan 2020-2023 (copy attached). Community and Partnerships Service Manager – Emma Lamb and Climate Change Officer – Sophie Rogers will be in attendance at the meeting to guide the discussion.


At its meeting on 8th February 2024, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee looked at progress on the Climate Change Action Plan and made some suggestions to be considered as part of the refresh, these will be shared with the Board as part of the presentation (report attached).

Additional documents:


The Board welcomed Sophie Rogers, Climate Change Officer, who was in attendance with Emma Lamb, Community and Partnerships Service Manager, to facilitate a discussion on the refresh of the Climate Change Action Plan 2020-2030.


An overview of the current Climate Change Action Plan was provided and the Board noted that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had considered progress on the current plan at its last meeting and had made a number of suggestions, as set out below, for consideration by the Board as part of the refresh process.


·         Provision of pool cars

·         Provision of pool bikes

·         Single use plastic free Council buildings


With the aim of assisting the discussion, some guiding principles had been identified as follows:


·         The majority of the actions should, when implemented, reduce the Council’s own Carbon Footprint

·         Actions needed to be deliverable within 3 years and cost/resource implications of delivery would need to be clearly identified

·         The Action Plan should consist of a relatively small number of clear focused actions, ideally 15 actions or fewer


Following a discussion a number of comments were made and considered by the Board, as set out below:


·         Consideration should be given to a two pronged Action Plan, one looking inwards at the Council’s own carbon footprint and the other looking outwards in an enabling and facilitating role to encourage residents and businesses to consider their actions in reducing the Borough’s carbon footprint

·         Make better use of communications and engagement to promote climate change actions, through the Communications Team, and other Council services, such as business rates/council tax

·         Action and enforce a single use plastic ban in all Council owned facilities, in particular the Princes Hall

·         Identify the estimated amount of impact each Action should have on the carbon footprint to get a better picture of the outcomes


It was noted that officers would take account of the suggestions made by the Board and consider the implications of a fundamental reshaping of the Action Plan and report back at a future meeting.


The Chairman thanked Ms’ Rogers and Lamb for their report.




WORK PLAN pdf icon PDF 213 KB

To discuss the Policy and Project Advisory Board Work Plan (copy attached).


Feedback on the meeting held on 26th February, 2024, to discuss the response to the Hampshire County Council Future Services Consultation, has been included in the Work Plan.


The Board noted the current Work Plan.


It was noted that the Cabinet had considered the Council’s response to the Hampshire County Council Future Services Consultation and made a number of amendments. The final copy would be shared with Members.


With regard to the Communications Strategy, it was felt important that consideration be given to set guidelines and a structured schedule of work.


The Climate Change Action Plan Refresh would be added to potential items for discussion during 2024/25.