Policy and Project Advisory Board - Wednesday, 12th June, 2024 7.00 pm - Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Offices, Farnborough

Contact: Administrator, Chris Todd  Tel. (01252) 398825, Email.  chris.todd@rushmoor.gov.uk

No. Item



To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Board for the 2024/25 Municipal Year.


RESOLVED: That Cllr Julie Hall be appointed as Vice-Chairman for the 2024/25 Municipal Year.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 21st March, 2024 (copy attached).


The minutes of the meeting held on 21st March 2024 were agreed as a correct record.



Following the Council’s successful expression of interest for an Arts Council National Lottery Project Grant to improve cultural engagement in Farnborough, the Board is being asked to provide feedback to inform the full application due to be submitted later in the summer.


The bid is linked to the development of the Leisure and Cultural Hub and a briefing paper is attached for information. The bid aims to improve cultural engagement over the next three years, with more events, activities, and engagement with our diverse communities. The background, context and outline of the bid will be presented at the meeting.


The Board welcomed Mr Lee McQuade, Economy and Growth Service Manager, who provided an update on recent work that had been undertaken. Also present was Cllr Keith Dibble, Development & Economic Growth Portfolio Holder, who had been invited to attend for this item.


The Board was advised that the Arts Council England had classified 54 areas across the country as ‘Priority Places’, with eleven named in the South West region, including Rushmoor. These were defined as areas with ‘high need and opportunity’ in relation to the arts. The challenges in addressing this were outlined to Members and these included current low levels of engagement with arts and culture and the presence of areas of deprivation and health inequalities, especially when compared to surrounding areas. Regeneration projects in both town centres had presented the Council with a unique opportunity to reshape arts provision in each town.


Mr McQuade went on to define a Place Partnership Project. In summary:


·                    Value of over £100,000


·                    Strategic place-based intervention intended to make a long-term difference to the cultural and/or creative life of the community


·                    Making clear step change in provision in that place


·                    Informed by robust needs analysis and responsive to relevant local strategies


·                    Led by a consortium of partners relevant to delivering the project.


Members were informed that the Rushmoor bid had been provisionally titled ‘Inspiring Farnborough’ and had two strands, Creative Communities and Creative People. The Expression of Interest had been approved and the Council had been invited to submit a full application. The bid would contain a number of core elements, including:


·                    procuring ‘inspiring artistic leadership’ to help inform the development of the bid itself and to develop a three-year cultural placemaking programme for Farnborough


·                    offering opportunities for residents to engage in high quality culture, innovative experiences and ambitious art installations


·                    testing ideas, including immersive and digital art, which would, in turn, inform the uses of the Hub and wider spaces in the town


·                    commissioning experienced national/international community co-production artists and groups to work with all the communities in Rushmoor


·                    engaging the Borough’s most deprived and culturally disengaged communities, including students/young people, military families and other stakeholders


·                    supporting new and expanding on existing events and activities led by and involving the community


·                    building the capacity, skills and reputation of the not-for-profit organisations working in the Borough alongside local freelance creatives and artists, event organisers and performers to lead cultural development


·                    aligning with corporate priorities, including vibrant and distinctive town centres and strong communities


·                    aligning with UKSPF priorities and agreed projects.


It was explained that the full application was due by 7th August and that a decision would be received in October, 2024.


The Board discussed the report and made the following comments:


·                    Important to consider the deprived areas outside of the town centre


·                    Could consider a ‘cultural bus’ to visit the Borough’s outlying deprived areas


·                    Need to consider how to include those with special needs and disabilities


·                    Important to direct the limited funding to a few priorities that can be delivered


·                    Should engage  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.



(1)      Progress Group


To appoint the Membership of the Progress Group.  The appointments are to be made on the basis of six cross party Members including the Chair and Vice-Chairman of the Policy and Project Advisory Board, two further Labour Group Members and two representatives of other Groups.


(2)      Elections Group


To appoint the Membership of the Elections Group for 2024/25. The appointments are to be made on the basis of seven cross party Members including the Cabinet Member with responsibility for electoral issues, the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Corporate Governance, Audit and Standards Committee, the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Policy and Project Advisory Board, one further Labour Group Member, and three representatives of other Groups (2 Conservative : 1Liberal Democrat).


All groups will be politically balanced and a report on nominations from the political groups will be made at the meeting.


(1)      Progress Group


RESOLVED: That the following members be appointed to serve on the Policy and Project Advisory Board Progress Group for the 2024/25 Municipal Year:


PPAB Chairman

Cllr M.J. Roberts

PPAB Vice-Chairman

Cllr Julie Hall

Labour Group (2)

Cllrs Lisa Greenway and Ivan Whitmee

Other Groups (3)

Cllrs Sue Carter, Peace Essien Igodifo and T.W. Mitchell


(2)      Elections Group


RESOLVED: That the following members be appointed to serve on the Elections Group for the 2024/25 Municipal Year:


PPAB Vice-Chairman

Cllr Julie Hall

Cabinet Member with responsibility for Electoral Issues

Cllr Sophie Porter

Vice-Chairman of Corporate Governance, Audit and Standards Committee

Cllr Bill O’Donovan

Labour Group (1)

Cllr Gaynor Austin

Conservative Group (2)

Cllrs Steve Harden and Calum Stewart

Liberal Democrat Group (1)

Cllr C.W. Card



WORK PLAN pdf icon PDF 160 KB

To discuss the Policy and Project Advisory Board Work Plan (copy attached).


The Board noted the current Work Plan.


It was agreed that the Climate Change Action Plan  would be discussed at the next Progress Group meeting.