Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 12th December, 2024 7.00 pm - Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Offices, Farnborough

Contact: Administrator, Adele Taylor  Tel. (01252) 398831, Email.  adele.taylor@rushmoor.gov.uk

Link: Click here for a recording of the meeting

No. Item


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 225 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 28th November, 2024 (copy attached).


The minutes of the meetings held on 28th November, 2024 were agreed as a correct record, subject to two minor amendments on page 3.


Citizens Advice Rushmoor - Service Level Agreement - Annual Report pdf icon PDF 6 MB

To receive the 2023/24 Rushmoor Borough Council Service Level Agreement (SLA) Annual Report (copy attached) from Citizens Advice Rushmoor (CAR) Chief Executive Officer, Calum Stewart. Also in attendance will be the Head of Service and Quality, Sue Dowell and Board of Trustees Chair, Andrew Levey.


Also attached for reference are the SLA for 2024/25 and a hard copy of the Citizens Advice Rushmoor Annual Review 2023/24.


Emma Lamb, Community and Partnerships Service Manager at the Council, will be in attendance.


The Committee welcomed Calum Stewart, Chief Executive Officer, Sue Dowell, Head of Service and Quality and Andrew Levey, Board of Trustees Chair, at Citizens Advice Rushmoor (CAR), who were in attendance to report on their 2023/24 Annual Report, in line with the Service Level Agreement with the Council. In addition, Emma Lamb, Community and Partnership Service Manager was also in attendance to support the item on behalf of the Council.


It was advised that Citizens Advice Rushmoor (CAR) were a local charity who had been providing free, confidential, and impartial advice, in the Borough, since 1940. Part of the Citizens Advice network, CAR were one of over 200 independent charities operating across the country. The volunteer-led charity, with a Board of Trustees and over 50 volunteers, helped deliver services to Rushmoor’s residents, ensuring clients were at the heart of what their work.


Mr Stewart, provided an overview of a case which had presented to the team. The case involved a vulnerable adult with learning difficulties who struggled to live independently. The client had received a letter threatening action from bailiffs, if an energy bill wasn’t settled. The CAR adviser contacted the energy company and was able to ensure the debt was written off. During the period of contact with the client, the adviser established that the individual was eligible for benefits, which resulted in them being £1,000 better off per month. This was an example of work carried out by CAR, and showed how one issue could result in additional work being undertaken to enhance clients lives and wellbeing. It was noted that 8 out of 10 issues presented, were solved through the advice and intervention provided by CAR advisers. In 2023/24, 5,000 individuals had been supported on over 16,000 issues.


CAR aimed to provide the advice clients needed for the problems they faced, and worked to improve the policies and practices that affected people’s lives. Advisers helped clients with a range of problems, through face to face contact, telephone, email and webchat or through outreach activities in the local community. Problems/issues dealt with, included, benefits, debt and money matters, housing, consumer issues, work, family and immigration.


It was noted that, more people were contacting CAR with multiple or complex issues. Most concerns could be dealt with by the team, but sometimes signposting to other services was required. The support provided ranged from brief one off intervention, to in-depth casework, with services tailored to meet individual needs. The high quality, complex and detailed service provided by CAR allowed for a unique insight into the challenges people face in today’s society. CAR provided a service that made a difference to people’s lives and in addition, generated savings for the government to a value of at least £1.67 for every £1 invested in CAR, alongside, economic and social benefits (£24.22 for every £1 invested in CAR), and value to clients (£7.10 for every £1 invested in CAR). Through partnership working with the Council on the Council Tax Support Scheme it was estimated  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24.


Work Plan pdf icon PDF 210 KB

To consider the Work Plan for the 2024/25 Municipal Year (copy attached).


The Committee noted the current Work Plan and the items for the meeting on 30th January, 2025 which included, updates on the Financial Recovery Plan progress and Cultural Compacts. Also, on 8th January a remote meeting would be held to discuss the issues that would be raised in a letter to Hampshire County Council.