Venue: Council Offices, Farnborough
Contact: Administrator, Adele Taylor Tel. (01252) 398831, Email.
Link: Click here for livestream
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Appointment of Vice-Chairman To appoint a Vice-Chairman/Chairmen of the Committee for the 2024/25 Municipal Year. Minutes: RESOLVED: That Cllrs. Nadia Martin and S. Trussler be appointed as Vice-Chairmen of the Committee for the 2024/25 Municipal Year. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 27th March 2024 (copy attached). Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 27th March, 2024 were agreed as a correct record. |
Registered Providers Task and Finish Group - Annual Report 2023/24 To receive the Registered Providers Task and Finish Group Annual Report 2023/24. Report No. PG2418 is attached on the work of the Task and Finish Group during the 2023/24 Municipal Year. The Committee is asked to consider the recommendations. Minutes: The Committee welcomed, Tim Mills, Executive Head of Property and Growth, Zoe Paine, Strategy and Enabling Manager, and Sarah Clark, Strategic Housing Officer, who were in attendance to provide the Registered Providers Task and Finish Group 2023/24 Annual Report. Report No. PG2418, set out the purpose of the Group, which allowed Members to monitor the performance of the local Registered Providers and helped build working relationships to resolve residents issues. Outlined in the Report were areas that were working well, where there was cause for concern and any issues that needed to be monitored. During 2023/24 the Group had met with A2 Dominion, VIVID Homes and Riverside Group. It was also noted that the team had extended an invite to Vivo/Pinnacle, who managed army accommodation situated within the Borough, however a response had not been forthcoming and this had been escalated to senior management based at the Aldershot Garrison to assist in setting up a meeting. Following a discussion, the Committee identified a number of points, these included: · Provision on a direct line to all registered housing providers, similar to that set up with VIVID · A list of contacts for each provider, including Area Managers and Chief Executive Officers · Data on retrofitting, including insulation – what had been done and where? · Better understanding of vacancies within the military area · Request to meet with the larger providers more frequently to ensure continuity and ease of holding to account · Data on the number of complaints received by each provider and the nature of the complaints, damp/mould etc. · Provision of a schedule of who has been seen in recent years, to help guide the discussion on who should be seen in 2024/25 (VIVID seen every year) · Use of a questionnaire for smaller providers to help keep a watching brief on the current situation and highlight areas of concern should they arise · Better understanding of service level agreements (SLA) on response times to customer queries/complaints In response to the issues engaging with Vivo/Pinnacle, it was recommended that a letter be written to the Defence Select Committee and future Veterans Minister raising the issue and asking for support. The recommendations set out in the Report were ENDORSED and the Committee felt that developing a more strategic relationship with the Registered Providers would help understand the providers business objectives and how they aligned with the Council’s priorities. |
Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategy The Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategy Report No.
PG2417 will provide an initial update to the Committee following the publication
of the Strategy in October 2023 (copy attached). A steer from the Committee,
has been requested, on the preferred format of future reports. Minutes: The Committee again welcomed, Tim Mills, Executive Head of Property and Growth, Zoe Paine, Strategy and Enabling Manager, and Sarah Clark, Strategic Housing Officer, who were in attendance to report on the Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategy. Report No. PG2417, set out the aims of the strategy which was in place to ensure all residents had access to good quality housing at all stages of life and could access a range of appropriate support and advice to deal with housing related issues, including preventing homelessness and maintaining housing standards. The Strategy had three themes, and the progress against each was set out in the report. It was advised that Service and Technical Managers had included action points within their service plans to enable effective progress tracking and reporting. Cross team collaboration and a project management approach to delivery had ensured that actions were appropriately planned for and resourced. The approach also ensured a greater transparency of monitoring and reporting. The Board discussed the Report and the following comments/queries were made: · With regard to the delivery of housing need, what is the number of stalled developments in the Borough? How many developments are started but not completed? and, how many have not been started to date? · What is the amount of SANG available after 2032? · Data required to help understanding of future reports: o Affordability of housing on a local and national level o Local employment data · Use of social media for engagement with young people – is it the correct platform, what will we learn from it? Use of local charities, such as Step by Step and church organisations, to assist with engaging with young people · Extend engagement to a wider audience, such as the Nepalese community, the elderly, disabled residents, carers, those suffering from mental health issues etc. · Is the Council on track to provide the right number of affordable homes? · How many people are currently homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, in the Borough? · Recommendation to request that the Cabinet review the Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategy It was advised that the additional requests for data would be added to the Committee’s action tracker and shared with officers. The request to review the strategy had been noted and a meeting of the Progress Group would be identified to scope the purpose of the review. The Chairman thanked, Mr Mills and Ms’ Paine and Clark for their Reports. |
Appointments 2024/25 (1) Progress Group To
appoint the Membership of the Overview and Scrutiny Progress Group. The
appointments are to be made on the basis of six/seven
cross party Members including the Chairman (Cllr Halleh Koohestani), the
Vice-Chairman/men, two further Labour Group Members and one each from the Conservative
and Liberal Democrat Group Members. To
appoint the Membership of the Council Tax Support Task and Finish Group for
2024/25. Nominations received are as follows:
This Group requires that the Membership includes either the Chairman or
Vice Chairman of the Committee. (3) Registered Providers To
appoint the Membership of the Registered Providers Task and Finish Group for
2024/25. Nominations received are as follows:
(4) Farnborough Airport To
appoint the Membership of the Farnborough Airport Task and Finish Group for
2024/25. Nominations received are as follows:
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the following Members be appointed to serve on the following Groups for the 2024/25 Municipal Year: Overview and Scrutiny Progress Group
Council Tax Support Task and Finish Group
Farnborough Airport Task and Finish Group
*Cllr Jules Crossley
would be invited to the meeting as and when appropriate Review of Registered
Providers Task and Finish Group
To consider the Work Plan for the 2024/25 Municipal Year (copy attached). Minutes: The Committee noted the current Work Plan and the proposed items for the August and September meetings. In August SERCO would be attending the meeting and in September, the Police and Community Safety Team would be in attendance. Following a discussion, the items below would be considered by the Progress Group at their first meeting: · Financial Position/CIPFA Report · Key Priorities for the New Leadership · Union Yard · Leisure Facilities · Hampshire Highways · Water Quality |