Venue: Council Offices, Farnborough
Contact: Administrator, Adele Taylor Tel. (01252) 398831, Email.
Link: Click here for Livestream
No. | Item |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 2nd January 2024 (copy attached). Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on 2nd January, 2024 were agreed as a correct record. |
Climate Change Strategy To receive an update from Rachel Barker, Assistant Chief Executive and Sophie Rogers, Climate Change Officer, on the Climate Change Action Plan (see attached), including a report on the latest carbon footprint data. Cllr Martin Tennant, Major Projects and Property Portfolio Holder, responsible for Climate Change will also be in attendance at the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee welcomed Rachel Barker, Assistant Chief
Executive and Sophie Rogers, Climate Change Officer, who were in attendance to
provide an update on the Climate Change Action Plan and to report on the latest
carbon footprint data. Cllr Martin Tennant, Major Projects and Property
Portfolio Holder responsible for Climate Change, was also in attendance. The Committee reviewed the progress made on the twelve
actions within the Action Plan. The Actions were as follows: ·
Action 1 – Transition electricity across the
Council’s sites to 100% renewable tariffs – It was noted that the contracts
needed to be reprocured by October 2024, and work to identify options for the
Council had commenced in January 2024. ·
Action 2 – Switch the Council’s car fleet to
electric vehicle alternatives and investigate options for other Council
vehicles – It was noted that the Place Protection Officer (PPO) vehicles,
of which there were two, were both hybrid, however the Committee were advised
that the majority of the patrols were now carried out on foot. Further work was
required on scoping the best alternatives for the larger Council vehicles used
by the Maintenance Team ·
Action 3 – Achieve 5% annual reduction in
overall travel from employee-owned vehicles for business purposes and refresh
the Council’s Workplace Travel Plan – It was noted that work was underway
to refresh the Workplace Travel Plan in 2024, the Plan would include
signposting to relevant resources. It was advised that the reduction did not
include the commuting of staff from home to the workplace but the staff travel
plan would include a reference to staff commuting. ·
Action 4 – Consider opportunities arising
from a relocation of the Council’s offices to reduce gas consumption and/or
increase renewable energy generation onsite – It was advised that the
proposed new council offices within the Leisure and Cultural Hub, would be the
first Net Zero Carbon building in the Borough and was being designed to achieve
PassivHaus certification, which would significantly reduce operational carbon
by at least 70%. ·
Action 5 – To continue to engage young people
on climate change through the schools’ programme – It was noted that the
Winchester Science Museums’ Wonderseekers outreach programme was now running in
four local schools, for years 4 and 5 children. The Climate Trackers scheme was
aimed at raising climate awareness, whilst developing an interest in Science,
Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). For 2024 the scheme would continue to
be funded through the climate change allocation fund with the aim of seeking
other funding sources going forward to ensure sustainability and possible
expansion. It was suggested that the programme could be extended to all levels
of school aged young people and funding could be sought from businesses with a
STEM link. ·
Action 6 – To use the Council’s
communications channels to promote opportunities for residents and local
businesses to reduce their own carbon footprint and improve energy efficiency
– It was noted that a number of schemes for both residents and businesses had
been shared during 2023/24. · Action ... view the full minutes text for item 27. |
Asset Management To receive a presentation from Tim Mills, Executive Head of Property and Growth, on Asset Management. The presentation will cover progress on the Asset Management Strategy and future delivery, including a review of the portfolio and principles of disposal in light of the budget. Cllr Martin Tennant, Major Projects and Property Portfolio Holder, will be in attendance at the meeting. Minutes: The Committee welcomed Tim Mills, Executive Head of Property and Growth who was in attendance to give a presentation on the Asset Management Strategy future delivery and a review of the portfolio and principles for disposal in light of the current budget position. Cllr Martin Tennant, Major Projects and Property Portfolio Holder was also in attendance. The Committee were apprised of the reasons for asset management planning and the purpose of the meeting, which had been to: · update on progress since September 2022, when the Committee had last considered Asset Management, · to consider the next steps in implementing the Asset Management Plan and portfolio review, and, · to outline the proposed approach to the review. Since September 2022, it was advised that a number of activities had taken place, these included: · An audit on Asset Management and Health and Safety of Council Properties – both achieving “Substantial Assurance”. · The purchase of The Meads, Farnborough, in June 2023 and procurement and mobilisation of new managing and letting agents for the site and the Union Yard, Aldershot, site. · Forfeiting of the lease at No. 168 High Street, Guildford, and the agreement of a short term let whilst longer term interest was secured. · Energy Performance Certification (EPC) Plus on a number of Council properties to inform investment going forward. · Improvements at Princes Hall, Aldershot and the Aldershot Indoor Pools (part funding through a grant) based on a five year time horizon for savings. Lighting at Princes Hall would also be considered going forward. · Ongoing discussions on rent and rent relief levels with community groups. It was advised that an increase in levels would be implemented. · Planning submitted for the development of Frimley Business Park, Units 4.3 and 4.4. The next steps were to: · Deliver the letting of Union Yard over the next 12-18 months. · Continue to seek letting opportunities for vacant properties, in particular the Wilko unit in The Meads, Farnborough and No. 168 High Street and Ashbourne House, Guildford. · Review service charge costs at The Meads to increase sustainability and to maximise ancillary income. · Plan repair and maintenance projects at sites such as The Meads and Aldershot Indoor Pools. · Plan energy efficiency investment. · Continue the rent and rent relief review in line with the Asset Management process and principles. ·
Continue the review of the property portfolio to
achieve £40 million from the disposal of land and property whilst maintaining a
property income stream. The Committee were
advised of the principles for the review of the property portfolio, these
included: ·
that the retained portfolio provided an income return that enabled the Council
to afford the related borrowing and wider financial requirements and provide an
improved rate of return ·
of the impact on the Council’s balances/reserves and need for provisions ·
the retained portfolio (post disposal) continued to allow the Council to meet
its strategic objectives ·
Council retaining assets that could release value or allow for capital to be
raised through long leasehold agreements · the portfolio continuing to offer diversification to manage ... view the full minutes text for item 28. |
To consider the Work Plan for the 2023/24 Municipal Year (copy attached). Minutes: The Committee noted the current work plan. The Chairman reported that he had recently been in attendance at a meeting with County Councillor Rob Humby, Leader of Hampshire County Council and Cllr Gareth Lyon, Leader of Rushmoor Borough Council, at which the matter of the local County Councillors attending a future meeting of the Committee was addressed. It was noted that Cllr Humby would reconsider the response in his last letter. An update would be sought regarding the schedule for the next meeting of the Farnborough Airport Task and Finish Group and reported to Members of the Group. |