Venue: Council Offices, Farnborough
Contact: Committee Administrator, Kathy Flatt Tel. (01252 398829) or email
No. | Item |
To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 28th January 2018 (copy attached). Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 28th January, 2019 were approved and signed by the Chairman. |
Pay Policy Statement PDF 89 KB To consider the Executive Director (Customers, Digital and Rushmoor 2020) Report No. ED1904 (copy attached), which seeks approval for a Pay Policy Statement for 2019/20 for recommendation to full Council. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the Executive Director (Customers, Digital and Rushmoor 2020) Report No. ED1904, which sought approval for a Pay Policy Statement for 2019/20. The Pay Policy Statement set out the framework within which pay was determined within the Council and provided an analysis comparing the remuneration of the Chief Executive with other employees of the authority. The Committee noted that the comparisons looked at the ratio between the Chief Executive and the full-time equivalent salary for a permanent member of staff employed in the lowest grade within the structure. The ratio for 2019/20 was 6.7:1, which was a small change on 2018/19’s ratio of 7:1. The second ratio included within the analysis looked at the relationship between the median remuneration of all staff compared to the Chief Executive. It was noted that there had been no change to this ratio since the previous statement and remained at 3.8:1. The Committee RECOMMENDED TO THE COUNCIL that approval be given to the Pay Policy Statement 2019/20, as set out in the Executive Director (Customers, Digital and Rushmoor 2020) Report No. ED1904. |
Internal Audit - Update Report PDF 519 KB To consider the Internal Audit Manager’s Report No. AUD1903 (copy attached), which provides an overview of the work completed by Internal Audit to date for Quarter 4 2018/19 and a schedule of work expected to be delivered in Quarter 4 2018/19 and Quarter 1 2019/20. Minutes: The Committee considered the Audit Manager’s Report No. AUD1902, which set out work carried out by Internal Audit for Quarter 4 and an overview of work expected to be completed in Quarter 4 2018/19 and Quarter 1 2019/20. It was noted that audit work carried out within Quarter 4 included: IT access controls; weekly refuse and recycling contract; Benefits; Sales Ledger; Recovery; card payments follow-up; and, parking machine income follow-up. Full details were set out in Appendix A to the Report. The Committee was advised that a significant element of the 2018/19 Audit Plan had been due to be delivered in Quarter 4. Whilst there had been progress against the Plan since the previous update, there were a number of audits that might not be completed in the 2018/19 financial year. However, the work was expected to be delivered in April/May 2019. The Report set out the outstanding audits and these included: · Finance – contract management · Corporate Leadership Team – corporate governance · Legal – purchase of property follow-up · Finance – contract letting and tendering follow-up · IT – portable equipment follow-up · Planning – planning applications · Housing – Disabled Facilities Grants · Finance – Capital Programme Management · Corporate Leadership Team – risk management During discussion, questions were raised regarding the different categories of assurance given and the cause of the slippage of work and these were answered by the Audit Manager and the Executive Head of Finance. RESOLVED: That the Audit Manager’s Report No. AUD1902 be noted. |
Government Consultation on Guidance to Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Authorities PDF 3 MB To consider the Head of Operational Services Report No. OS1905 (copy attached), which sets out a Department for Transport consultation on proposed statutory guidance to licensing authorities responsible for the taxi and private hire licensing regimes. The consultation document is open for comments until 22nd April 2019 and the Committee is asked to consider its contents and/or implications and any representations to be made by the Committee. Minutes: The Committee considered the Head of Operational Services’ Report No. OS1905, which gave details of a Department for Transport consultation on proposed statutory guidance to licensing authorities responsible for the taxi and private hire licensing regimes; functions which were currently provided by the Licensing Team in Operational Services. It was noted that, following a number of high profile failures resulting in child sexual abuse and exploitation, the Department for Transport had prepared new guidance to licensing authorities that sought to enhance the regulation of the industry and better safeguard its users. In particular, the proposed guidance sought to bolster the regulation of the taxi and private hire sector by introducing new guidelines concerning driver safeguarding awareness and training, language proficiency, in-cab CCTV, enhanced background checks and multi-agency working and information sharing. The proposed guidance was open to public consultation until 22nd April, 2019. During discussion, comments were made regarding the cost of processing applications, the enhanced DBS check, increased workloads for the Licensing Team, in-cab CCTV and telematics and the cost to owners/drivers. It was agreed that a submission would be made on behalf of the Committee, to be drafted by Mr J. McNab (Environmental Health Manager) in consultation with the Chairman incorporating the points raised at the meeting. RESOLVED: That (i) the Head of Operational Services’ Report No. OS1905 be noted; and (ii) Mr J. McNab (Environmental Health Manager) be authorised to draft a response on behalf of the Committee in consultation with the Chairman. NOTE: Cllr M.S. Choudhary declared a personal interest in this item in respect of his profession and remained in the meeting during the discussion and voting thereon. |
Exclusion of the Public To consider
resolving: That, taking into
account the public interest test, the public be excluded from the meeting
during the discussion of the undermentioned item to avoid the disclosure of
exempt information within the paragraph of Schedule 12A to the Local Government
Act, 1972 indicated against the item: Agenda Schedule Category Item No. 12A Para. No. 6 1 Information relating to an
individual EXEMPT ITEM FOR DECISION Minutes: RESOLVED: That, taking into account the public interest test, the public be excluded from the meeting during the discussion of the undermentioned item to avoid the disclosure of exempt information within the paragraph of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act, 1972, indicated against such item: Minute No. Schedule 12A Category Para.
No. 40 1 Information relating to an individual THE
Rushmoor Community Award 2019 To consider the Head of
Democracy, Strategy and Partnerships Exempt Report No. DSP1904 (copy attached) on the nominations
received for the Community Award 2019. Minutes: The Committee considered the Head of Democracy, Strategy and Partnerships’ Exempt Report No. DSP1904, which provided details of nominations received for Rushmoor’s Community Award 2019. The Report gave details of how the scheme had been publicised and gave details of the criteria against which nominations would be assessed and compared. The Report explained that the purpose of the scheme was to recognise outstanding achievements in the Borough by local people and particularly to mark long-term commitment. Members discussed the merits of the nominations which had been set out in an appendix to the Report, taking account of the advice from the Head of Democracy, Strategy and Partnerships. After careful consideration of the nominations received, the Committee agreed that Ms. Stella Olivier and Ms. Sue Skippage should each be selected for the Award. In the case of Ms. Olivier, this would be in recognition of her contribution to the community through her role at Farnborough Community Centre for over 20 years. In the case of Ms. Skippage, this would be in recognition of her contribution to the community through her involvement in the Source Young People’s Charity, Mustard Seed Autism Trust, Fit Lives, the lunch club for older people at St. Peter’s Church, Farnborough and many other activities through the Church. This service had been for a period of 20 years. RESOLVED: That Ms. Stella Olivier and Ms. Sue Skippage be each selected to receive Rushmoor’s Community Award 2019. |