Venue: Concorde Room, Council Offices, Farnborough
Contact: Committee Administrator: Chris Todd, Democracy 01252 398825 Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC To consider resolving: That, subject to the public interest test, the public be excluded from this meeting during the discussion of the undermentioned item to avoid the disclosure of exempt information within the paragraphs of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act, 1972 indicated against such item:
Minutes: RESOLVED:
That, taking into
account the public interest test, the public be excluded from the
meeting during the discussion of the under mentioned item to avoid the
disclosure of exempt information within the paragraphs of Schedule 12A to the
Local Government Act, 1972 indicated against the item:
DETERMINATION OF MOBILE HOMES FIT AND PROPER PERSON APPLICATION FOR BROOKSIDE PARK, HAWLEY LANE, FARNBOROUGH To consider the Executive head of Operations’ Exempt Report No. OS2501 (copy attached) regarding an application for mobile homes fit and proper person registration in respect of Brookside Park, Hawley Lane, Farnborough. Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered Exempt Report
No. OS2501, which set out details of an application for a Fit and Proper Person
registration for Brookside Park, Hawley Lane, Farnborough, GU14 9AZ. The Sub-Committee made a preliminary
decision on 17th October 2024, at which they had refused to register the
applicant as a Fit and Proper Person. In accordance with the legislation, the
applicant had been given the opportunity to make representations before a final
decision was made and the Sub-Committee noted that representations had been
received. In addition, it was noted that outcomes from a first-tier tribunal
had also been received and both documents were considered by the Sub-Committee.
A video was also shown to the Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee went on to discuss the
merits of the case and took into account all the
information provided in the agenda pack. It was agreed that a final decision notice, in respect of the applicant, would
be prepared and sent to the applicant in accordance with agreed procedure.
These would set out the Sub-Committee’s decisions
and reasons. |