Corporate Services Policy and Review Panel - Thursday, 29th June, 2017 7.00 pm - Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Offices, Farnborough

Contact: Panel Administrator: Marion Young  Email: Tel: 01252 398827

No. Item


Appointment of Chairman

To appoint a Chairman for the 2017/18 Municipal Year.


RESOLVED: That Cllr Jacqui Vosper be appointed Chairman for the 2017/18 Municipal Year.


Appointment of Vice-Chairman

To appoint a Vice-Chairman for the 2017/18 Municipal Year.


RESOLVED: That Cllr M.S. Choudhary be appointed Vice-Chairman for the 2017/18 Municipal Year.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 97 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 10th November, 2016 (copy attached).


The Minutes of the meeting held on 10th November, 2016 were approved and signed by the Chairman.


Appointments to Groups


(1)          Mid-Cycle Meetings –


To appoint Members to attend Mid-Cycle meetings for the 2017/18 Municipal Year.  The membership for 2016/17 comprised the Chairman and Vice-Chairman and Crs. D.M.T. Bell and B. Jones.


(2)          Customer Services Working Group –


To appoint Members to the Customer Services Working Group for the 2017/18 Municipal Year.  The membership for 2016/17 comprised the Chairman and Crs. D.M.T Bell, A.H. Crawford, R.L.G. Dibbs, D.S. Gladstone, B. Jones and P.F. Rust.  




(i)            Mid-Cycle Meetings –


RESOLVED: That the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Cllrs D.M.T. Bell and B. Jones be appointed to attend Mid-Cycle Meetings for the 2017/18 Municipal Year.


(ii)          Customer Services Working Group –


RESOLVED: That the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Cllrs D.M.T. Bell, R.L.G. Dibbs, B. Jones and P.F. Rust be appointed to the Customer Services Working Group for the 2017/18 Municipal Year.  Cllr P.G. Taylor, Corporate Services Portfolio Holder, would be invited to attend meetings as required by the Group.



Human Resources Report for 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 536 KB

To consider the annual Human Resources Report for 2016/17 (copy attached), to be presented by Rachel Gray, Human Resources Manager.


The Panel welcomed Ms Rachel Gray, Human Resources Manager, and received the Human Resources Report for 2016/17 (No. HR1701), which provided a detailed report on the Rushmoor workforce and related HR and Learning and Development activities.


The Panel noted the key data relating to the workforce profile, including headcount, gender breakdown, part-time workers, age, turnover, training and sickness. 


The Panel considered the information relating to sickness absence and noted that Rushmoor was slightly above average for working days lost due to sickness compared to other district councils in the region, but considerably lower than the national figure.  Anxiety, stress and depression were the main reasons for sickness and this was again similar to other councils.  In terms of information before the Panel, it was suggested that it would be useful to have data on the number of employees to whom the sickness data applied as it was unclear whether the data was distorted by the long-term sickness of few individuals rather than shorter term sickness leave for a number of staff.  Rachel Gray reassured the Panel that triggers were in place to identify staff who had recurring sickness absence.


The Panel identified succession planning as a concern, given the age profile of the current workforce.  The Panel noted that the new Chief Executive was due to introduce a Future Leaders’ programme.


In terms of starters and leavers, the Panel was advised that obtaining data on leavers’ reasons for leaving was to be improved.  The Panel noted that, in certain circumstances, market supplements were paid to recruit new staff in specialist areas, such as IT and building surveying.  In addition, Rushmoor was part of a Hampshire apprenticeship scheme and worked with other councils to manage and promote apprenticeship opportunities in the region.


The Panel noted the ongoing review of HR policies and was advised that no cases of bullying or harassment had been raised in 2016/17. 


The Panel thanked Rachel Gray for her report, which was NOTED.


Procurement Update

To receive a presentation from Katherine Booker, Principal Procurement Officer, which will provide updates on a range of procurement matters.


The Panel welcomed Ms Katherine Booker, Principal Procurement Officer, who gave a presentation on the Better Procurement Project, which had been developed following significant changes to legislation introduced in 2015, as well as an identified need to increase the profile and awareness of procurement amongst spending managers.  The presentation covered five main areas:


·         Staff Training

·         Frameworks

·         Supplier Selection

·         Key Procurement Projects

·         Impacts and Measures of the Procurement Service

The Panel noted that Staff Training had been undertaken in order to increase the profile of procurement, provide an understanding of the new procurement rules, and to ensure good practice was being followed.


Katherine Booker then explained the benefits of the framework process, whereby companies underwent a tender exercise before being accepted onto the various frameworks managed by the Council.  The Panel was advised that the framework process saved time and resource, and also encouraged competition between approved firms.  The Panel noted that the frameworks also operated at a local level where local firms were encouraged and given assistance to apply to be on the framework. 


In terms of the contract value, the Panel was given a handout which explained the various frameworks in place depending on the contract value.  It was noted that any contract over £50,000 must be advertised on the South East Business Portal.


The Panel was informed of the supplier selection process, including the provision of feedback to suppliers on their performance where they had not been selected as the supplier for a specific good or service.  In addition, the Panel was advised of the evaluation process used for assessing and selecting suppliers for specific contracts.


The Panel noted the current and future key procurement projects.


The Panel considered the impact and measures which showed positive outcomes in many areas, including cost savings, risk reduction and business engagement.  It was acknowledged that social value outcomes were yet to be specifically addressed although there had been some increase in apprenticeships and work experience placements generally.


The Panel thanked Katherine Booker for her detailed presentation and NOTED the update.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 167 KB

The Panel to note the current work programme (copy attached) and the arrangements to review this at the forthcoming mid-cycle meeting.  Members are invited to put forward potential items of interest for the future programme of work.


The Panel considered the list of potential items for the work programme for 2017/18.  It was suggested that a review of the Emergency Response Plan would be timely given recent events.  However, it was noted that this issue had already been identified by Cabinet Members as an area to be addressed.  Other issues raised as potential agenda items were building security and asset management.


Members were invited to put forward further potential items of interest for the future programme of work which would be considered at the next mid-cycle meeting due to be arranged for early/mid-August 2017.