Venue: Concorde Room, Council Offices, Farnborough
Contact: panel Administrator: Lauren Harvey Email: Tel: 01252398827
No. | Item |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 4th June, 2015 (copy attached). Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 4th June, 2015 were approved and signed by the Chairman. |
Council's Website The Panel to receive a presentation from the Council’s Corporate Communications and Website Managers on the Council’s website. There will be a discussion on key performance indicators and future development. Minutes: The Panel had invited the
Corporate Communications Manager, Ms. Gill Chisnall, and the Website Manager,
Mr. Paul Cowell, to the meeting to discuss the progress of the Council’s new
website since it had been launched in 2012. It was explained that while the website had only been live for
three years, work had begun on the development of the improved website in 2010. Prior to the launch of the new
website, customers had found it difficult to understand the old site and often
experienced technical issues. There had been a reduction in the number of pages
and the developed site had also allowed staff to
update their service pages. As well as improving the design and management,
staff had started to ensure that the content of the website was more customer focused. Members heard that regular
improvements had been made and were shown a number of
the developed pages. Customers had been given the
ability to look up more information, including their bin collection dates and
polling stations. The main improvements had included software updates and the
ability to view the website easily on mobile devices. The introduction of
feedback forms had been important in the development process as it enabled
customer views to be collected. The improvements had
resulted in a 50% increase in users. The Panel had
been provided with data that showed how the customers used and accessed
the Council’s website. It was noted that 57% of the website
traffic came out of hours, when the offices were closed. It was also heard that
in 2012, 87% of website visits had been made on a desktop computer, whereas
2015 statistics showed this had reduced to 46%, while the remaining percentage
of visits had been made on tablets or mobile devices. The common popular pages
included rubbish and recycling, council tax, job opportunities and parking, however, there had been seasonal popular pages
where the number of visits had spiked at different times throughout the year,
for example, fireworks, elections and the Lido. It was explained that there had
been a focus on the development of the elections pages during 2015, there had
been a live update feed during the count and there had also
been an increase in the promotion of the elections pages through social media.
Social media had also been used to promote other
Council news and events. A facility had been developed that enabled staff to see what customers did when they visited the website, although, it had also been felt necessary to find out the reason the customers had visited. Feedback had been received from the Society of IT Management (SOCITM), customers, staff and councillors. SOCITM had completed a number of tasks and scenarios during their review and assessed mobile and desktop use. As a result, Rushmoor’s website had been rated three out of four stars. The Council had been offered some suggestions on how the website would be improved, for example, the removal of outdated phrases, ‘do it online’ or ‘report ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Financial Update / Treasury Management The Head of Financial Services will provide the Panel with an update on the Council’s current financial positon and an update on treasury management. Minutes: The Head of Financial Services,
Ms. Amanda Fahey, had been invited to the meeting to
provide the Panel with an update on treasury management. The presentation
outlined the current economic background and the UK’s Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) data. Members were updated on the Council’s current financial position
and were informed of some key financial issues, these
included the Autumn Statement and the predicted financial cuts, the possible
devolution deal and the financial implications of this, the uncertainty around
the new homes bonus and future changes to the business rates scheme. The Panel was
reminded that treasury management was underpinned by the adoption of the
Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy’s code of practice. It was noted that three treasury management updates were
provided to the Licensing and General Purposes Committee each year. Members
heard that while Arlingclose Limited had provided
advice to Rushmoor, all investment decisions had been made
by the Council’s Treasury Team. It was noted that the Team also made the
decisions regarding the Council’s pooled funds that
were managed by external fund managers. The Panel was then briefed on the
current situation of the Council’s pooled funds and provided with a summary of
deposit and investment activity during the six month
period to 30th September, 2015. Members noted the internal
investment credit score, of which the aim had been A- or higher for average
credit rating and an average credit score of 7 or
lower. It was explained that the credit score had been
good and explained that this had been due to solid counterparties. Ms. Fahey concluded that, whilst
2015/16 had been challenging for the Council, the estimated interest receipts
were £849,000 which was an increase on previous
estimates for the year. The Panel was informed that
the Council had started to look ahead and was considering the possibility of
becoming a ‘borrowing’ authority. However, this would be dependent on the level
of investment and the ability to attract external funding. The Panel NOTED the update. |
Performance Reporting PDF 3 MB To receive an introduction to the Council’s approach to performance management reporting. This will include an overview of the corporate planning and performance cycle supported by the Quarter Two Monitoring Report (copy attached). Members to consider whether they wish to undertake follow up scrutiny work in any of these areas. Minutes: The Panel welcomed the Strategy,
Performance and Partnerships Manager, Mr. Jon Rundle, to the meeting who had been asked to provide a presentation on the Council’s
approach to performance reporting. A copy of the Strategic and Performance
Management Updates from the second quarter of 2015/16 had
been distributed prior to the meeting. An overview of the approach
allowed the Panel to assess whether any issues should be scrutinised in more
depth at a future meeting of the Panel. Members were
reminded of the Council’s purpose, ‘working with others to improve the
quality of people’s lives’, and heard how the 8-Point Plan and Organisational
Development Programme was influencing the sustainability of the organisation. The Strategic Planning Process
2015-2018 was explained to the Panel through a
diagram. It was noted that this process was a continuous loop and had begun
with horizon scanning, followed by a number of tasks including budget
projections, finalising business plans, finalising the budget, agreeing the
Corporate Strategy and finishing with performance monitoring and public
feedback. Following discussions with the
Cabinet and other Members, the Panel was advised that
improvements to the corporate planning process had been pursued. For example,
it was suggested that there would be an increase in
the work with Members, a focus on priorities and allocating resources where
they had been needed most and an introduction of more opportunities to feed in
resident and customer consultation. Improvements had also
been made to the monitoring documents, which had started to include an
overview of the budget. The Panel were
informed of the key elements for the Corporate Plan and quarterly
monitoring reports that had been presented to Cabinet during 2015/16. It was explained that broader issues relating to the local
community had continued to be included, such as population, crime, education,
economy and health. The document had started to include more emphasis on the
8-Point Plan and Organisational Development. There was also a focus on key
priorities under the five themes; people and
communities, prosperity, place, leadership, good value services. It was heard
that feedback on the monitoring documents had been positive and Members agreed
that it was a sophisticated report. The Panel NOTED the presentation and ENDORSED the approach to performance monitoring. |
Customer Services Member Review Group PDF 306 KB To note the minutes of the Group’s meeting from 17th June, 2015 (copy attached). Minutes: Members received a copy of the
minutes from the Customer Services Member Review Group meeting that had taken
place on 17th June, 2015. The Panel NOTED the minutes of the meeting. |
To note the Panel’s work programme for the 2015/16 Municipal Year (copy attached). Minutes: The Panel NOTED the current work programme. |